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Merge pull request #33 from ethanuppal/regalloc
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Register Allocation
  • Loading branch information
Yey007 authored May 11, 2024
2 parents a162f93 + 14ee5eb commit b1f85eb
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Showing 19 changed files with 413 additions and 5 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions .ocamlinit
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#install_printer Ast.pp_expr
#install_printer Ast.pp_stmt
#install_printer Ast.pp_prog
#install_printer Variable.pp
#install_printer Id.pp

let show_regalloc file =
let source = Util.read_file file in
let prog = Parse_lex.lex_and_parse source in
let cfg = Ir_gen.generate prog |> List.hd in
let liveliness = Liveliness.analysis_of cfg in
let ordering = InstrOrdering.make cfg in
print_endline (Cfg.to_string cfg);
Regalloc.allocate_for cfg liveliness ordering |> Regalloc.VarTbl.to_seq |> List.of_seq
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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![CI Status](

> "x86 is simple trust me bro"
> Last updated: 2024-05-09 01:08:34.998129
> Last updated: 2024-05-10 22:08:20.895180
$ ./main -h
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lib/backend/
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Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ module Register = struct
| R13 -> "r13"
| R14 -> "r14"
| R15 -> "r15"

let compare =

module Operand = struct
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion lib/backend/
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Expand Up @@ -136,7 +136,9 @@ let apply_rules liveliness analysis cfg bb ir ir_idx ~is_final =
| Add (var, op1, op2) | Sub (var, op1, op2) | TestEqual (var, op1, op2) ->
write_var var;
read_op op1;
read_op op2);
read_op op2
| Call (var, _) -> write_var var
| Return op -> read_op op);
check_for_changes ()

(** [pass work_list liveliness cfg bb] performs a single pass of liveliness
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26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions lib/backend/regalloc/
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module OrderMap = Hashtbl.Make (Id)

type t = int OrderMap.t
type instr_id = Id.t * int

let make cfg =
(* arbitrary order for now, can be improved later. does not actually matter,
any ordering works. better orderings only improve performance. *)
let map = OrderMap.create 10 in
let n = ref 0 in
(fun bb ->
OrderMap.add map (Basic_block.id_of bb) !n;
n := !n + 1)

let compare (ordering : t) (bb_id_1, instr_idx_1) (bb_id_2, instr_idx_2) =
let bb_order_1 = OrderMap.find ordering bb_id_1 in
let bb_order_2 = OrderMap.find ordering bb_id_2 in
if bb_order_1 > bb_order_2 then 1
else if bb_order_1 = bb_order_2 then
if instr_idx_1 > instr_idx_2 then 1
else if instr_idx_1 = instr_idx_2 then 0
else -1
else -1
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions lib/backend/regalloc/instrOrdering.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
type t
type instr_id = Id.t * int

(** [make cfg] is an ordering of the instructions in [cfg] in chronological
order. *)
val make : Cfg.t -> t

(** [compare ordering id1 id2] is 0 if [id1 = id2], negative if the instruction
with id [id1] comes before the instruction with id [id2], and positive if it
comes after.
Requires that [id1] and [id2] are valid ids for the cfg this ordering was
constructed from. *)
val compare : t -> instr_id -> instr_id -> int
134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions lib/backend/regalloc/
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@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
open Util
module VarTbl = Hashtbl.Make (Variable)

(* TODO: standardize instruction id? *)
type instr_id = Id.t * int

(** [start] is the first instruction (in terms of the arbitrary ordering)
*after* which a variable is live. [stop] is the last instruction *after*
which a variable is live.
See definition on page 898: *)
type interval = {
start : instr_id;
stop : instr_id;

type allocation =
| Register of Asm.Register.t
| Spill

module BBAnalysis = Liveliness.BasicBlockAnalysis

let registers =
let open Asm.Register in
[ RAX; RBX; RCX; RDX; RBP; RSI; RDI; R8; R9; R10; R11; R12; R13; R14; R15 ]

let live_intervals (cfg : Cfg.t) (liveliness : BBAnalysis.t IdMap.t)
(ordering : InstrOrdering.t) =
let tbl = VarTbl.create 16 in

let expand_interval original live_id =
let cmp = ordering in
if cmp live_id original.start < 0 then { original with start = live_id }
else if cmp live_id original.stop > 0 then { original with stop = live_id }
else original

let update_table instr_id used_set =
(fun live ->
let current_opt = VarTbl.find_opt tbl live in
let new_interval =
match current_opt with
| None -> { start = instr_id; stop = instr_id }
| Some current -> expand_interval current instr_id
VarTbl.replace tbl live new_interval)

(fun bb ->
let bb_id = Basic_block.id_of bb in
let analysis = IdMap.find liveliness bb_id in
for instr_idx = 0 to Basic_block.length_of bb - 1 do
let live_set = BBAnalysis.live_after_instr analysis instr_idx in
let kill_var = Basic_block.get_ir bb instr_idx |> Ir.kill_of in
let used_set =
match kill_var with
| Some var -> Liveliness.VariableSet.add var live_set
| None -> live_set
update_table (bb_id, instr_idx) used_set

VarTbl.to_seq tbl |> List.of_seq

(* Algorithm source: *)
let linear_scan (intervals : (Variable.t * interval) list)
(ordering : InstrOrdering.t) =
let compare_instr_id = ordering in
let compare_pair_start (_, i1) (_, i2) = compare_instr_id i1.start i2.start in
let compare_pair_end (_, i1) (_, i2) = compare_instr_id i1.stop i2.stop in
let sorted_intervals = List.sort compare_pair_start intervals in

let assigned_alloc : allocation VarTbl.t = VarTbl.create 4 in

let module RegSet = Set.Make (Asm.Register) in
let free_registers : RegSet.t ref = ref (RegSet.of_list registers) in

(* must remain sorted by increasing end point *)
let active : (Variable.t * interval) BatRefList.t = BatRefList.empty () in

let expire_old_intervals (current : interval) =
(* this is also really annoying because BatRefList has no partition *)
(fun (var, interval) ->
let keep = compare_instr_id interval.stop current.start >= 0 in
(if not keep then
let alloc = VarTbl.find assigned_alloc var in
match alloc with
| Register r -> free_registers := RegSet.add r !free_registers
| Spill -> failwith "Interval in active cannot be spilled");

let spill_at_interval ((var, interval) : Variable.t * interval) =
let spill_var, spill_interval = BatRefList.last active in

if compare_instr_id spill_interval.stop interval.stop > 0 then (
(* spill guaranteed to be assigned an actual register *)
let alloc = VarTbl.find assigned_alloc spill_var in
VarTbl.replace assigned_alloc var alloc;
VarTbl.replace assigned_alloc spill_var Spill;

(* this sucks. can we maybe keep active in reverse order? *)
BatRefList.Index.remove_at active (BatRefList.length active - 1);

(* add_sort is buggy... TODO: new impl *)
BatRefList.push active (var, interval);
BatRefList.sort ~cmp:compare_pair_end active)
else VarTbl.replace assigned_alloc var Spill

(fun (var, interval) ->
expire_old_intervals interval;
match RegSet.choose_opt !free_registers with
| Some register ->
free_registers := RegSet.remove register !free_registers;
VarTbl.replace assigned_alloc var (Register register);
BatRefList.push active (var, interval);
BatRefList.sort ~cmp:compare_pair_end active
| None -> spill_at_interval (var, interval))


let allocate_for cfg liveliness ordering =
let vars_with_intervals = live_intervals cfg liveliness ordering in
linear_scan vars_with_intervals ordering
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions lib/backend/regalloc/regalloc.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
open Util
module VarTbl : Hashtbl.S with type key = Variable.t

type allocation =
| Register of Asm.Register.t
| Spill

val registers : Asm.Register.t list

val allocate_for :
Cfg.t ->
Liveliness.BasicBlockAnalysis.t IdMap.t ->
InstrOrdering.t ->
allocation VarTbl.t
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/core/
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Expand Up @@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ module ArrayView : sig
val length : 'a t -> int
val get : 'a t -> int -> 'a
val last : 'a t -> 'a
val iteri : (int -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
end = struct
let from_bat_dyn_arr = id

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/ir/
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ let equal = Int.equal
let hash = Int.hash
let compare =
let int_of id = id
let pp fmt id = Format.fprintf fmt "id[%i]" id

module Gen = struct
type t = {
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lib/ir/id.mli
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Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ val compare : id -> id -> int
(** [hash id] is a hash of [id]. *)
val hash : id -> int

val pp : Format.formatter -> id -> unit

module Gen : sig
(** Values of type [t] are unique-identifier generators. *)
type t
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7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions lib/ir/
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Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ type t =
| Deref of Variable.t * Operand.t
| TestEqual of Variable.t * Operand.t * Operand.t
| DebugPrint of Operand.t
(* | Call of string * Operand.t list *)
| Call of Variable.t * string
| Return of Operand.t

(** [kill_of ir] is [Some var] if [var] is assigned to in [ir] and [None]
otherwise. *)
Expand All @@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ let kill_of = function
| Ref (var, _)
| Deref (var, _)
| TestEqual (var, _, _) -> Some var
| DebugPrint _ -> None
| DebugPrint _ | Call _ | Return _ -> None

let to_string =
let open Printf in
Expand All @@ -41,3 +42,5 @@ let to_string =
sprintf "%s = %s == %s" (Variable.to_string r) (Operand.to_string o1)
(Operand.to_string o2)
| DebugPrint op -> sprintf "debug_print %s" (Operand.to_string op)
| Call (r, name) -> sprintf "%s = %s()" (Variable.to_string r) name
| Return op -> sprintf "return %s" (Operand.to_string op)
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion lib/ir/
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Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,9 @@ let run simulator cfg =
failwith "Ir_sim does not support pointers"
| Ir.DebugPrint oper ->
simulator.output <-
simulator.output ^ Printf.sprintf "%d\n" (eval oper));
simulator.output ^ Printf.sprintf "%d\n" (eval oper)
| Ir.Call _ | Ir.Return _ ->
failwith "Ir_sim does not support function calls yet");
let cond =
match Basic_block.condition_of bb with
| Always -> true
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/ir/
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ let var_gen = Id.Gen.make ()
let make () = var_gen
let id_of var = var
let to_string = Id.int_of >> string_of_int >> ( ^ ) "i"
let pp = pp_of to_string
let compare =
let equal = Id.equal
let hash = Id.hash
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/ir/variable.mli
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Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ val id_of : t -> Id.t
(** [to_string var] is [var] as a string. *)
val to_string : t -> string

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions source/regalloc_spill_test.x86istmb
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
func main() {
let a = 0
let b = 1
let c = 2
let d = 3
let e = 4
let f = 5
let g = 6
let h = 7
let i = 8
let j = 9
let k = 10
let l = 11
let m = 12
let n = 13
let o = 14
let q = 16
let p = 15
print a
print b
print c
print d
print e
print f
print g
print h
print i
print j
print k
print l
print m
print n
print o
print p
print q
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions source/regalloc_test.x86istmb
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
func main() {
let x = 0
let y = 2
let z = x
let w = z + y
z = 10
if (true) {
let x = 8
let y = w
z = 1
let a = x + y
let a = 9
print w
print a

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