EternalJK engine:
-Added Discord Rich Presence integration to client engine
--Friends can now see what server you are playing/spectating on, as well as
---The game mode, number of players, and maximum players allowed on the server.
---The map the server is currently running (with thumbnails for every vanilla map)
---An icon which represents the gamemode the server is running, OR a status icon indicating whether you are playing, spectating, or idling.
---The number of players on each team (in team based gamemodes)
--Friends who also have EternalJK can either be invited, or request to join you in-game (which is displayed in a printed console message).
--By default, invites and join requests will send the password needed to join a password-protected, this can be avoided with /cl_discordRichPresenceSharePassword
--Feature can be disabled entirely with /cl_discordRichPresence 0
-Implemented eezstreet's Steam API integration, requires a Steam account with JKA purchased on it the steam_api.txt file included with a Steam installation of the game.
--Steam Integration sets Steam profile status as in-game and will enable the Steam overlay, even when the game has been launched outside of Steam.
--Feature can be disabled with /com_steamIntegration 0, then restarting the game.
-Implemented fix for altgr erroneously sending ctrl chars (from NewJK).
-Right shift, ALT, and CTRL keys can be optionally bound as RSHIFT/RALT/RCTRL (will use standard SHIFT/ALT/CTRL bindings unless these have been mapped)
-Fixed incorrect mapping of KP_SLASH/A_DIVIDE and KP_STAR/A_MULTIPLY
-AFK timer resets when sending console commands or chat messages.
-Ctrl+A in console/chat field moves the typed text to clipboard and clears the field.
-Fixed "unpure paks detected" error when using the /map or /devmap commands after playing on a pure server.
-Added /write writeconfig alias.
-Added /clearRemaps command.
-Added /remapSky command.
-Suppressed "deprecated shader comment" message to developer only.
-Fixed camera Z clipping on the sides in widescreen resolutions.
-Added fx_physics cvar, 2 (default) uses FX flags for physics - 0 disables all FX particle physics - 1 disables expensive physics - 3 forces expensive physics on all FX particles.
-Added snd_mute_losefocus.
-Suppressed all "cvar can only be set by server" messages from top left.
jaPRO cgame/UI:
-Implemented FPS independent camera damping, camera damp no longer jerks or warps when moving at high velocity, and is also enabled while spectating (cg_cameraFPS cvar controls overall damping amount)
-Added player breathing visuals (idle breathing motion + breath puff effects on maps with cold weather)
-Added +grapple command (auto-releases grappling hook on JA+)
-Added cg_drawPowerUpIcons - enables/disables the display of currently active powerups in the top right.
-Added cg_chatBoxLines - maximum number of lines that can be displayed in the chatbox at once (24 max)
-cg_drawCrosshairNames controls name fade time (e.g. 0.5 for 500 ms).
-cg_drawCrosshairNames -1 disables name fading (baseJKA behavior).
-Added %T% and %T2% chat tokens to insert local time into chat messages.
-Fixed saber wallmarks disappearing quicker with high framerates.
-Fixed loud gunshot volume at high framerates.
-Fixed E-11 not using the appropriate altfire muzzle flash effect.
-Fixed concussion rifle firing sounds.
-Fixed player firing animations for bryar pistol and concussion rifle.
-Fixed /saber command switching from duals to single.
-Fixed viewangles shown in cg_showPos.
-Fixed disintegration effect on corpses destroyed before they had completely faded with "Fade corpses immediately" option.
-Fixed "bg_fighterAltControl can only be set by server" message.
-Taunt sounds will now fall back to taunt1-3 if anger1-3 doesn't exist.
-Added support for custom skins to use custom roll sound that is different from their jump sound. (Old Tavion now uses a custom roll sound)
-Fixed gender bias in kill messages.
-Fixed look prediction during wallgrab on JA+ with debugmelee 1.
-forceNext/forcePrev are remap to amTele/amTeleMark on jaPRO in racemode.
-"End log" is no longer logged unless a chat message has actually been logged.
-Profile menu will now automatically select the team associated with your skin's team.
jaPRO assets:
-Added RGB support to hoth icons in the player customization menu.
-Added rebel_pilot model with fixed head tags.
-Added Tavion sounds from JK2 for old (apprentice) Tavion skin.