An application that provides an API (HTTP/JSON) around SVU (Syrian Virtual University) website, by scraping their HTML. Read more on Web scraping
- express is used as our framework
- body-parser is used to parse incoming json bodies (an express middleware)
- We use request to execute requests against SVU servers, on behalf of the user:
- On login request, we get username/password and send them to get a session token from the university website
- We use the session token on subsequent request to other pages
- When we get the response (html page from SVU servers), we convert the page to utf-8 with the help of encoding, and then select valuable html bits using cheerio
- We use mongoose models to read/write from MongoDB
- We also use [async], [lodash], and [debug].
The app is hosted at, current API version (0.1) prefix is /v0p1
Here is an example request (GET), using the /hello