The DJI Mobile SDK enables you to automate your DJI Product. You can control flight, and many subsystems of the product including the camera and gimbal. Using the Mobile SDK, create a customized mobile app to unlock the full potential of your DJI aerial platform.
Declare dependency via Maven:
or Gradle:
compile 'com.dji:dji-sdk:4.4.1'
provided 'com.dji:dji-sdk-provided:4.4.1'
For further detail on how to integrate the DJI Android SDK into your Android Studio project, please check the Integrate SDK into Application tutorial.
Developers can run the sample application to immediately run code and see how the DJI Mobile SDK can be used.
One of DJI's aircraft or handheld cameras will be required to run the sample application.
From registering as a developer, to deploying an application, the following will take you through the full Mobile SDK Application development process:
- Prerequisites
- Register as DJI Developer & Download SDK
- Integrate SDK into Application
- Run Application
- Testing, Profiling & Debugging
- Deploy
Several Android tutorials are provided as examples on how to use different features of the Mobile SDK and debug tools includes:
- Application Activation and Aircraft Binding
- Getting Started with UI Library
- Camera Application
- MapView and Waypoint Application (GaodeMap)
- MapView and Waypoint Application (GoogleMap)
- TapFly and ActiveTrack Application
- Simulator Application
- GEO System Application
Please visit DJI Mobile SDK Documentation for more details.
DJI Mobile UILibrary is a suite of product agnostic UI objects that fast tracks the development of iOS applications using the DJI Mobile SDK. For more details, please check here.
If you're planning on optimizing your app with ProGuard, you can add the following rules to your app's proguard.cfg
- For AAR file, please use the following rule:
"-libraryjars ./PATH_TO_THIS_FILE/dji_android_sdk.aar"
- For API Library folder, please use the rules in proguard-project.txt file.
Note: There are two types of DJI Android SDK: AAR and API Library folder, you can download them from DJI Developer Website:
SDK Keys can be used as an alternative interface to access the product.
A detailed introduction for SDK Keys is here.
Missions are an important part of the SDK as they allow developers to automate DJI's products using a simple, high level interface. In 4.0, missions are being refactored to be more robust and easier to manage.
A detailed introduction for missions is here.
Please check this link to download the apk of the Android Bridge App apk file.
The DJI Android SDK is dynamically linked with unmodified libraries of FFmpeg licensed under the LGPLv2.1. The source code of these FFmpeg libraries, the compilation instructions, and the LGPL v2.1 license are provided in Github.
You can get support from DJI with the following methods:
- DJI Forum
- Post questions in Stackoverflow using dji-sdk tag
DJI is looking for all kinds of Software Engineers to continue building the Future of Possible. Available positions in Shenzhen, China and around the world. If you are interested, please send your resume to For more details, and list of all our global offices, please check
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