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Update test-model-image.yml #30

Update test-model-image.yml

Update test-model-image.yml #30

name: Create model test issue
required: true
type: string
- name: Shuffle assignees

Check failure on line 12 in .github/workflows/create-slack-message.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/create-slack-message.yml

Invalid workflow file

You have an error in your yaml syntax on line 12
id: shuffle
run: |
export assignees=$(echo "${{ vars.assignees }}" | awk 'BEGIN {FS=","}; {srand();split($0,a,FS); print a[int(rand()*NF+1)]}')
echo "$assignees" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
echo "shuffled_assignee=$assignees" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "shuffled_assignee=$assignees" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Check for existing issue
id: check_existing_test_issue
run: |
gh auth login --with-token <<< ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
issue_number=$(gh issue list --limit 100 --search "${{ vars.test_issue_title }}" --json number --jq '.[0].number')
echo "::set-output name=issue_number::$issue_number"
- name: Create a Test issue
uses: actions-ecosystem/action-create-issue@b63bc2bbacb6a838dfe4a9f70da6665ae0962a49
id: create_test_issue
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
title: ${{ vars.TEST_ISSUE_TITLE }}
assignees: |
${{ steps.shuffle.outputs.shuffled_assignee }}
body: |
This model is a new incorporation to the Ersilia Model Hub or it has been modified. If you are assigned to this issue, please try it out and ensure everything works!
To test a model, first clone it in your local system (ideally, from dockerhub) using the CLI commands:
ersilia -v fetch eosxxxx --from_dockerhub
ersilia serve eosxxxx
ersilia test
The test command will automatically check that the model can handle null outputs and whether it produces consistent results. Please copy here the result of the test command. If it passes, simply close the issue as completed. If it fails, please detail at which step and whether you have taken any steps to solve it. Please tag the original model contributor and one of Ersilia's maintainers for support.
labels: |
if: steps.check_existing_test_issue.outputs.issue_number == ''