- Added a "Retain Transcripts" preference: "Forever", "Last N transcripts", "For N days". Defaults to "Forever", which was the previous behavior.
- If you open a game and its transcript at the same time, game updates will appear in the transcript window.
- If you open the same game in two windows, they will have separate transcripts. Also, the second one will not try to use the autosave slot. (Two windows fighting over the same autosave is bad.)
- The build process now produces a "Lectrote-X.Y.Z-WinInstall.exe" installer product (using makensis). This installs the win32-x64 version.
- Bumped Electron to 33.4.1.
(From 1.5.0:) Universal transcript mode! A transcript is saved for every game you play. Select the "Browse Transcripts" menu option to see a list. Transcripts are displayed as rich text (the same Glk stylesheet as the original game); the "Save as Text" option allows you to save a plain text version.
If you don't know which version to download, choose "WinInstall.exe" (for Windows) or "macos-universal" (for MacOS).