Latest Changes
[1.4.0] - 2024-10-19
Tooltip: added an optional warband reputation icon for Dragonflight + War Within reputation.
Tooltip: added optional line highlight for factions with pending paragon reputation reward.
Tooltip: added optional line highlight for the currently watched faction (reputation bar).
War Within: added Theater Troupe
details to tooltip and Addon Compartment.
War Within: added optional bonus faction reputation details for the three Severed Threads members
and the Delve companion Brann Bronzebeard
Dragonflight: added optional bonus faction reputation details, eg. for the Azerothian Archives
or Soridormi
Shadowlands: added optional bonus faction reputation details related to the covenants Night Fae
, Necrolord
and Venthyr
Battle for Azeroth: added optional bonus faction reputation details for Nazjatar friends
Legion: added optional bonus faction reputation details, eg. for Chromie
and the Kirin Tor
(from Wrath of the Lich King ).
Warlords of Draenor: added as optional bonus Barracks Bodyguards
faction reputation details.
Data + Tooltip: added optional faction reputation
details for:
Battle for Azeroth
Warlords of Draenor
Updated TOC file version to WoW 11.0.5
L10n: updated locale files.
Chat: updated notification message to show the Covenant name when renown level changes.
Shadowlands: the Covenant renown level details can now be optionally displayed in the separate reputation tooltip.
Settings: adjusted font size for Chinese (zhCN
+ zhTW
) in "about" section; some lines where longer than the frame due to the wide-space characters.
Previous Changes
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