composer(deps-dev): bump ergebnis/php-cs-fixer-config from 6.43.0 to 6.44.0 #2755
on: pull_request
Matrix: Code Coverage
Matrix: Coding Standards
Matrix: Compile Phar
Matrix: Dependency Analysis
Matrix: Mutation Tests
Matrix: Refactoring
Matrix: Security Analysis
Matrix: Static Code Analysis
Matrix: Tests
32 warnings
Dependency Analysis (7.4, locked)
Your workflow is using a version of actions/cache that is scheduled for deprecation, actions/cache@v4.0.2. Please update your workflow to use either v3 or v4 of actions/cache to avoid interruptions. Learn more:
Coding Standards (7.4, locked)
Your workflow is using a version of actions/cache that is scheduled for deprecation, actions/cache@v4.0.2. Please update your workflow to use either v3 or v4 of actions/cache to avoid interruptions. Learn more:
Static Code Analysis (7.4, locked)
Failed to save: Failed to CreateCacheEntry: Received non-retryable error: Failed request: (409) Conflict: cache entry with the same key, version, and scope already exists
Security Analysis (7.4, locked)
Failed to save: Failed to CreateCacheEntry: Received non-retryable error: Failed request: (409) Conflict: cache entry with the same key, version, and scope already exists
Dependency Analysis (7.4, locked)
Failed to save: Failed to CreateCacheEntry: Received non-retryable error: Failed request: (409) Conflict: cache entry with the same key, version, and scope already exists
Tests (8.4, lowest):
Constant E_STRICT is deprecated
Tests (8.4, lowest):
Symfony\Component\String\UnicodeString::join(): Implicitly marking parameter $lastGlue as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead
Tests (8.4, lowest):
Constant E_STRICT is deprecated
Tests (8.4, lowest):
Symfony\Component\String\UnicodeString::slice(): Implicitly marking parameter $length as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead
Tests (8.4, lowest):
Constant E_STRICT is deprecated
Tests (8.4, lowest):
Symfony\Component\String\UnicodeString::splice(): Implicitly marking parameter $length as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead
Tests (8.4, lowest):
Constant E_STRICT is deprecated
Tests (8.4, lowest):
Symfony\Component\String\UnicodeString::split(): Implicitly marking parameter $limit as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead
Tests (8.4, lowest):
Constant E_STRICT is deprecated
Tests (8.4, lowest):
Symfony\Component\String\UnicodeString::split(): Implicitly marking parameter $flags as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead
Tests (7.4, locked)
Failed to save: Failed to CreateCacheEntry: Received non-retryable error: Failed request: (409) Conflict: cache entry with the same key, version, and scope already exists
Coding Standards (7.4, locked)
Failed to save: Failed to CreateCacheEntry: Received non-retryable error: Failed request: (409) Conflict: cache entry with the same key, version, and scope already exists
Code Coverage (7.4, locked)
Failed to save: Failed to CreateCacheEntry: Received non-retryable error: Failed request: (409) Conflict: cache entry with the same key, version, and scope already exists
Compile Phar (7.4, locked)
Your workflow is using a version of actions/cache that is scheduled for deprecation, actions/cache@v4.0.2. Please update your workflow to use either v3 or v4 of actions/cache to avoid interruptions. Learn more:
Compile Phar (7.4, locked)
Failed to download action '***
Compile Phar (7.4, locked)
Back off 21.092 seconds before retry.
Mutation Tests (7.4, locked):
Escaped Mutant for Mutator "NotIdentical":
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
$io->writeError(\sprintf('<error>%s</error>', $exception->getMessage()));
return 1;
- if (null !== $indentFromExtra) {
+ if (null === $indentFromExtra) {
$indent = $indentFromExtra;
if (null !== $indentFromInput && null !== $indentFromExtra) {
Mutation Tests (7.4, locked):
Escaped Mutant for Mutator "LogicalAnd":
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
if (null !== $indentFromExtra) {
$indent = $indentFromExtra;
- if (null !== $indentFromInput && null !== $indentFromExtra) {
+ if (null !== $indentFromInput || null !== $indentFromExtra) {
$io->write('<warning>Configuration provided via options and composer extra. Using configuration from composer extra.</warning>');
if (false === $input->getOption('dry-run') && !\is_writable($composerFile)) {
Mutation Tests (7.4, locked):
Escaped Mutant for Mutator "FalseValue":
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
if (null !== $indentFromInput && null !== $indentFromExtra) {
$io->write('<warning>Configuration provided via options and composer extra. Using configuration from composer extra.</warning>');
- if (false === $input->getOption('dry-run') && !\is_writable($composerFile)) {
+ if (true === $input->getOption('dry-run') && !\is_writable($composerFile)) {
$io->writeError(\sprintf('<error>%s is not writable.</error>', $composerFile));
return 1;
Mutation Tests (7.4, locked):
Escaped Mutant for Mutator "Identical":
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
if (null !== $indentFromInput && null !== $indentFromExtra) {
$io->write('<warning>Configuration provided via options and composer extra. Using configuration from composer extra.</warning>');
- if (false === $input->getOption('dry-run') && !\is_writable($composerFile)) {
+ if (false !== $input->getOption('dry-run') && !\is_writable($composerFile)) {
$io->writeError(\sprintf('<error>%s is not writable.</error>', $composerFile));
return 1;
Mutation Tests (7.4, locked):
Escaped Mutant for Mutator "ArrayItemRemoval":
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
if (true === $input->getOption('diff') || true === $input->getOption('dry-run')) {
$io->writeError(\sprintf('<error>%s is not normalized.</error>', $composerFile));
$diff = $this->differ->diff($json->encoded(), $normalized->encoded());
- $io->write(['', '<fg=yellow>---------- begin diff ----------</>', self::formatDiff($diff), '<fg=yellow>----------- end diff -----------</>', '']);
+ $io->write(['<fg=yellow>---------- begin diff ----------</>', self::formatDiff($diff), '<fg=yellow>----------- end diff -----------</>', '']);
if (true === $input->getOption('dry-run')) {
return 1;
Mutation Tests (7.4, locked):
Escaped Mutant for Mutator "MethodCallRemoval":
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
if (true === $input->getOption('no-update-lock') || !$locker->isLocked()) {
return 0;
- $io->write('<info>Updating lock file.</info>');
$application = new Application();
return self::updateLockerInWorkingDirectory($application, $input, $output, \dirname($composerFile));
Mutation Tests (7.4, locked):
Escaped Mutant for Mutator "CastInt":
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
if (null === $indentStyle) {
throw new \RuntimeException(\sprintf('When using the indent-size option, an indent style (one of "%s") needs to be specified using the indent-style option.', \implode('", "', \array_keys(Normalizer\Format\Indent::CHARACTERS))));
- if ((string) (int) $indentSize !== $indentSize || 1 > $indentSize) {
+ if ((string) $indentSize !== $indentSize || 1 > $indentSize) {
throw new \RuntimeException(\sprintf('Indent size needs to be an integer greater than 0, but "%s" is not.', $indentSize));
if (!\array_key_exists($indentStyle, Normalizer\Format\Indent::CHARACTERS)) {
Mutation Tests (7.4, locked):
Escaped Mutant for Mutator "GreaterThan":
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
if (!\is_int($indentSize)) {
throw new \RuntimeException(\sprintf('Indent size needs to be an integer, got %s instead.', \gettype($indentSize)));
- if (1 > $indentSize) {
+ if (1 >= $indentSize) {
throw new \RuntimeException(\sprintf('Indent size needs to be an integer greater than 0, but %d is not.', $indentSize));
$indentStyle = $configuration['indent-style'];
Mutation Tests (7.4, locked):
Escaped Mutant for Mutator "UnwrapArrayMap":
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
private static function formatDiff(string $diff) : string
$lines = \explode("\n", $diff);
- $formatted = \array_map(static function (string $line) : string {
- $replaced = \preg_replace(['/^(\\+.*)$/', '/^(-.*)$/'], ['<fg=green>$1</>', '<fg=red>$1</>'], $line);
- if (!\is_string($replaced)) {
- throw Exception\ShouldNotHappen::create();
- }
- return $replaced;
- }, $lines);
+ $formatted = $lines;
return \implode("\n", $formatted);
Mutation Tests (7.4, locked):
Escaped Mutant for Mutator "ArrayItemRemoval":
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
$lines = \explode("\n", $diff);
$formatted = \array_map(static function (string $line) : string {
- $replaced = \preg_replace(['/^(\\+.*)$/', '/^(-.*)$/'], ['<fg=green>$1</>', '<fg=red>$1</>'], $line);
+ $replaced = \preg_replace(['/^(-.*)$/'], ['<fg=green>$1</>', '<fg=red>$1</>'], $line);
if (!\is_string($replaced)) {
throw Exception\ShouldNotHappen::create();
Mutation Tests (7.4, locked)
Failed to save: Failed to CreateCacheEntry: Received non-retryable error: Failed request: (409) Conflict: cache entry with the same key, version, and scope already exists