v2.14.0 - 2023-03-25
- Updated project skeleton EPMDEDP-11166
- Updated EDP components EPMDEDP-11206
- Provide opportunity to use defaul cluster storageClassName EPMDEDP-11230
- Add the ability to add additional certs to Sonar EPMDEDP-11529
- Add the ability to use additional volumes in helm chart EPMDEDP-11529
- Update current development version EPMDEDP-10610
- Bump sonar findbugs version EPMDEDP-11381
- Update git-chglog for sonar-operator EPMDEDP-11518
- Change the value of the parameter that contains the name of the secret EPMDEDP-11529
- Upgrade alpine image version to 3.16.4 EPMDEDP-11764
- Update chart and application version in Readme file EPMDEDP-11221