Welcome to join EOSForce Testnet!
- Telegram: https://t.me/EOSForce
- Anyone can join our EOSForce Testnet as BP.
- 24-hour online.
- Provide a public IP for better p2p connection.
- Apply to us.
- NOTE: your BP producer name must be between a-z lowercase letters, and length must be less than 12.
- Generate your EOS key pair: https://nadejde.github.io/eos-token-sale/
git clone https://github.com/eosforce/EOSForce-Testnet.git
cd EOSForce-Testnet
mkdir -p /data/eosforce
mkdir -p /data/nodeos/eosforce
cp config.ini /data/eosforce
and modify the contents withNOTE:
keyword.cp genesis.json /data/eosforce
and don't need to modify anything.docker run -d --restart=always --name eosforce -v /data/eosforce:/opt/eosio/bin/data-dir -v /data/nodeos/eosforce:/root/.local/share/eosio/nodeos -p 8888:8888 -p 9876:9876 eosforce/eos:20180430 nodeosd.sh
docker exec -it eosforce bash
cleos wallet create
cleos wallet import <your-private-key>
- Send us a GitHub PR containing your BP information, we will create your producer account.
cleos push action eosio regproducer "$(cat regproducer.json)" -p <your-producer-name>
- NOTE: If you find it difficult to do it, you can also send your desired and your EOS key pair to us, we help you to register BP, or do it by your own. Contract us in the telegram group https://t.me/EOSForce and contract @eosforceio.
- check Docker container running status:
docker container ls
- check Docker container log:
docker logs -f eosforce
- Fork this repo, and send a Github PR to us.
- add a
into thebp
"bp_name" : "eosforce",
"organisation" : "EOS原力 EOSForce",
"location" : "中国, 杭州",
"node_addr" : "eosio.eosfore.io",
"port_http" : "8888",
"port_ssl" : "",
"port_p2p" : "9876",
"pub_key" : "EOS6VhjNxYTRNDCHV8Mm1H8c6SzoRre6KfNydpheo4N59xxXajfsr",
"bp" : false,
"enabled" : true,
"site" : "http://www.eosforce.io/",
"telegram" : "https://t.me/eosforce",
"comment" : ""