A mummy router that captures parts of the url
The documentation for matching syntax (for now)
import mummy
import matchingMummyRouter
var router: MatchRouter
proc getOneRecordHandler(request: Request, mt: MatchTable) =
var headers: HttpHeaders
headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain"
echo "MATCH RECORD: ", mt["id"]
request.respond(200, headers, $mt["id"])
proc dumpHandler(request: Request, mt: MatchTable) =
var headers: HttpHeaders
headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain"
request.respond(200, headers, $mt)
proc getHandlerForVhost(request: Request, mt: MatchTable) =
var headers: HttpHeaders
headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain"
request.respond(200, headers, "vhost myhost.de")
router.get("myhost.de", "/", getHandlerForVhost)
router.post("/api/v1/record/@id:int", getOneRecordHandler)
router.get("/api/v1/recordGET/@id:int", getOneRecordHandler)
# Shows all different datatypes, matches on:
# /yes/-1337/23/21.42/foo
router.get("/@mybool:bool/@myint:int/@myabsint:absint/@myfloat:float/@mystring:string", dumpHandler)
# Serve all static files from the static folder:
router.get("/static/**", staticFileHandler)
let server = newServer(router)
- 0.6.0
- Fixed bug; now optional (query) parameters are allowed (but ignored) in static file handler. Good for cache invalidation
- Fixed missing dependency
- 0.5.0 Vhost matching; all http verb procs (get, post, etc)
got a `vhost` attribute, those handlers must be defined BEFORE the generic handlers TODO