CLDF dataset derived from Oudemans' "Woordenlijst van de Talen van Enggano, Mentawei en Nias" from 1879
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- the original source
Oudemans, Jean Abraham Chrétien. 1879. Woordenlijst van de Talen van Enggano, Mentawei en Nias. Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde XXV(5–6). 484–488.
- the derived dataset using the DOI of the particular released version you were using
This is an old comparative word list from the second half of the 19th century (Oudemans 1879) for Enggano, Mentawai, and Nias, the three Barrier Islands languages of Sumatra, Indonesia. The Enggano list is integrated into EnoLEX (Krauße et al. 2024a; Rajeg et al. 2024; see also Krauße et al. 2024b; Rajeg et al. 2025). EnoLEX is a diachronic lexical database for the Enggano language.
Before the CLDF conversion with cldfbench, the original source data set were processed with R, including the initial orthography profiling.
This work is part of the AHRC-funded research to build lexical resources for Enggano, led by the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics at the University of Oxford, UK. Visit the central webpage of the Enggano research and the main research repository for Enggano at the University of Oxford's Sustainable Digital Scholarship (SDS) platform.