This is a project bootstrapped with @vitejs/app
), added with Material UI and TypeScript setup. You can see: Live Demo
Table of Contents
This project setup will include following features.
- 🔥 Landing layout
- 🌇 Carousel Image Slider
- ⭐️ Reponsive Design
- 🪳 Mocks Pagination
- ⚡ Blazing fast dev server and build
- 🔗 Route management added (
configured) - 🧙♂️ Developer experience improved with ESLint, Prettier and Husky
- 📈 Absolute Import and Path Alias — Import components using
prefix - 🤖 Conventional Commit Lint — Make sure you & your teammates follow conventional commit
- ▲ Netlify and Vercel deployment configurations
Package | Description |
React | The library for web and native user interfaces |
Redux Toolkit | The official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development |
Material UI | Ready-to-use foundational React components, free forever. It includes Material UI, which implements Google's Material Design. |
Redux | Predictable state container for JavaScript apps |
react-router | Declarative routing for React |
Package | Description |
Vite | Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast! |
Typescript | TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. |
Husky | Git hook management |
Conventional Commit | A specification for adding human and machine readable meaning to commit messages. |
Commitlint | Lint commit messages |
Commitizen | Using a standardized set of rules to write commits, makes commits easier to read, and enforces writing descriptive commits. |
Lint Staged | Run linters against staged git files and don't let 💩 slip into your code base! |
ESLint | A tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code. |
Prettier | An opinionated code formatter |
vite-plugin-pwa | Zero-config PWA Framework-agnostic Plugin for Vite |
- node >=18.4.0
- npm >=9.x.x
Create the project.
git clone
Access the project directory.
cd react-store
Install dependencies.
npm install
Serve with hot reload at http://localhost:3000.
npm run dev # start development server
Command | Description |
npm run dev |
Starts the server in dev mode |
npm run lint |
Runs ESLint on the project |
npm run lint:fix |
Runs Prettier on entire src folder |
npm run prettier:verify |
Runs Prettier-check and throws error if fails |
npm run lint-staged |
Runs Prettier on only staged (changed) files |
npm run type-check |
Runs TSC |
npm run build |
Runs build production bundle to 'dist' directly |
npm run preview |
Runs start production server |
The following is the structured layout of the project directory, providing an overview of the organization of files and folders.
- root
- public/ # Contains static assets and files served to the client
- assets/ # Holds publicly accessible assets such as images, fonts, etc.
- src/ # Contains the source code for the application
- app/ # Global application files including constants, CSS, and configurations
- config/ # Houses configuration files and settings for the application
- components/ # Reusable UI components used across the application
- {ComponentName}/ # Houses reusable React components shared between features
- features/ # Contains functional modules or sections of the application
- {featureName}/ # Houses a specific feature module with its components, actions, and views
- types/ # Houses TypeScript type definitions and interfaces specific to this feature
- hooks/ # Custom React hooks used across the application
- pages/ # Contains the application pages
- router/ # Houses the application's router configuration
- themes/ # Contains MUI design system files
- utils/ # Utility functions and helper modules
This project uses MIT license: License