Simple Android case study application shat shows a car list from API.
The project developed with multi-moduled architecure. This provides separation of concerns, and all of modules has own responsibilities.
Model module includes network models, sealed filter classes and IDataSource interface.
Network-Retrofit module includes Retrofit networking data source. This module has simple dependency injection with kotlin object. Processes in network-retrofit module are works on IO thread with error safety. This module has unit test inside.
Network-Ktor module includes KTOR networking data source. I've developed this module before I realize the networking should be Retrofit. This module also has unit tests, error safety and processes works on IO thread. HTTP Client module could be changed between Ktor and Retrofit. If you want to try this, update HTTP_CLIENT value on file.
Application module imports all of the modules and all features. While developing application, single activity pattern has been used with Navigation Component. With the MVVM pattern view should dumb, that only observes the changes of ViewModel. When the ViewModel initializes, it has loading state then it gets product list from repository. When the response comes, ViewModel emits the UI state with StateFlow then UI collects the result.
- ⚡ Dark/Light, Portrait/Land support.
- ⚡ Multi moduled architecture. (app, network-ktor, network-retrofit, model)
- ⚡ Used Android Architecture and modern programming libraries. (such as ViewBinding, Retrofit, Ktor, Hilt, Glide, Navigation Component, Splash Screen Api, Coroutines, Flow)
- ⚡ Preferred Material 3 design principles.
- ⚡ Single Activity pattern and transaction animations.
- ⚡ Network processes works inside background thread usage, error handling.
- 💪 MVVM Pattern
- 💪 Reactive programming with flows and coroutines
- 💪 Received properties from BuildConfigField