A portable Emacs configuration focused on adding IDE-level features for C++ and Lisp/Clojure programming. It is only intended to work with Emacs version 27.1 and above on Linux and OS X including in -nw mode, but it should work on Windows as well. It is modular and customizable. It is not a starter kit, it is a hacker kit.
If you are looking for a good generic Emacs configuration to start with, you might want to check these links: Emacs Prelude, Steve Purcell's config, Spacemacs, Awesome Emacs.
Table Of Contents
- Usability: IDO (completion engine, turned on by default); Helm (an alternative to IDO); Auto Complete and Company (completion engines) Expand Region (increase selected region by semantic units); Fill Column Indicator (80-character column marker); Treemacs (directory tree); Avy (jump to visible text in 2 or 3 key-strokes); ace-window (quick jump between windows); helpful (a better Emacs help buffer); casual (A collection of opinionated keyboard-driven user interfaces for various built-in Emacs modes); which-key (display available keybindings); Treesitter(Parser-based font lock).
- Projects: Projectile (project-based file management tool).
- Git: Magit (git UI); Forge (work with Git forges); Git Gutter (diffs in buffer); difftastic (structural diffs).
- C++:
- Formatting keys and snippets for the BDE code style.
- include-what-you-use: a LLVM/Clang-based tool for use with clang to analyze #includes in C and C++ source files.
- JavaScript: JS2-mode.
- Clojure: Cider and Lein.
- Eye candy: a few themes that do not look like an "angry fruit salad", and PowerLine.
Backup any .emacs
file or .emacs.d
directory you may have, and then clone
this repo:
$ git clone https://github.com/emacs-exordium/exordium.git ~/.emacs.d
The first time you start Emacs it will download and compile the required
packages, which may take a couple of minutes. If your machine is behind a proxy
server, you should create a file .emacs.d/before-init.el
with the address of
the proxy before you start Emacs:
(setq url-proxy-services
'(("no_proxy" . "^\\(localhost\\|10.*\\)")
("http" . "<proxy-name>:<proxy-port>")
("https" . "<proxy-name>:<proxy-port>")))
You can also clone the repository elsewhere, and use the init-test.sh
to try out exordium. init-test.sh
will run your default emacs with the
current directory as your user-emacs-directory, loading init.el
, and no other
init files.
To update Exordium, do M-x update-config. This command pulls from Github and recompiles everything. Restart Emacs after that.
Melpa packages are not updated automatically: you can do it with M-x package-list-packages, then U then x.
Exordium tries to automatically refresh ELPAs package contents to when it may
be necessary. You can force or inhibit such a refresh by starting Emacs with
command line argument --exordium-force-package-refresh-contents
The main file is init.el
: it load the modules from the modules
and the default theme from the themes
subdirectory. The extensions
subdirectory is used for third-party plugins that are not available in Melpa.
3 files can be added in your directory ~/.emacs.d
to customize the
configuration for the local machine (these files are not tracked by git):
File name | Usage |
prefs.el |
Loaded before any module. The module init-prefs.el defines a number of customization variables for fonts, theme etc. prefs.el is where you should override any of these variables. |
before-init.el |
Loaded before anything else. Use it to set up the HTTP proxy for instance. |
after-init.el |
Loaded after everything else. This is where you should add your own features. |
You can also have local modules in a directory ~/.emacs.d/local
See the Customization section below for more details.
Exordium uses bind-key
to set up key bindings, which keeps track of all bindings made. You can display a comprehensive list using M-x describe-personal-keybindings.
Keybinding | Description |
C-z | Undo! (undo ). |
C-` | kill-this-buffer (faster than C-x k). |
C-x C-r | Open recent file (completes open file with C-x C-f). |
M-g | goto-line (prompts for a line number). |
C-+ | Increase font size (text-scale-increase ). |
C-- | Decrease font size (text-scale-decrease ). |
M-C-l | Switch back and forth between the 2 top buffers (from XEmacs). |
C-c C-SPC | Toggle highlight of the symbol under the cursor (by default, up to 8 different symbols using different colors). |
Keybinding | Description |
RET | Return and indent by default; use S-RET for just return. |
M- | backward-kill-word (e.g. the opposite of M-d kill-word ). |
C-\ | Delete spaces after cursor (delete-horizontal-space-forward ). |
C- | Delete spaces before cursor (delete-horizontal-space-backward ). |
M-\ | Delete all spaces around cursor. |
M- and M- | Move cursor by semantic units (use C- and C- to move by words). |
C-c d | Duplicate line. |
C-= | Expand region by semantic units. |
M-C-= | Contract region by semantic units. |
M- | Move region one line up |
M- | Move region one line down |
C-| | Toggle the 80-column ruler (fill column indicator). |
Keybinding | Description |
C-x C-\ | Goto last change in buffer. Repeat to go to the second most recent edit, etc. |
C-x C-/ | Goto last change in reverse direction. |
C-c j or C-' | Goto visible word or subword (avy-goto-word-or-subword-1 ). It first asks for the first character of the word, then annotates all words starting with that character with a unique touch-type friendly code. |
C-c s | Push point onto position stack (e.g. bookmarks). |
C-c b | Pop point from position stack. |
Window manager:
Keybinding | Description |
C-c ARROW | Move cursor between windows. |
C-c S-ARROW | Move the windows themselves. |
M-o NUMBER | Jump to the specified window number using ace-window. If you only have 2 windows, cycle between them. |
Keybinding | Description |
C-. | Force trigger auto-complete/company-complete. |
ESC | Abort auto-complete/company-complete. |
Tip: if you are looking for a particular key and you know it starts with a given prefix, type the prefix followed by C-h: Emacs will display the list of keys starting with that prefix. For example C-c C-h lists all the keys starting with C-c.
Highlighted symbols:
When a symbol has been highlighted using C-C C-SPC
) and a point is placed on the highlighted symbol extra
keymap is active that allows for example to navigate and edit withing context
of the symbol.
A few example bindings:
Keybinding | Description |
M-n | Jump to next location of highlighted symbol at point. |
M-p | Jump to previous location of highlighted symbol at point. |
M-h or C-o | Display bindings for highlighted symbol at point. |
You can change the modifier key (default: M) by customizing exordium-highlight-symbol-map-modifier
Exordium provides a few help extensions that enhance default Emacs
configuration presenting user with more information. All of them are enabled by
setting exordium-help-extensions
to t. Noteably, the following are turned on:
- which-key - display available keybindings after a short while (for example type C-x and wait a second,
- casual - a collection of opinionated keyboard-driven user interfaces for various built-in Emacs modes,
- helpful - an alternative to the built-in Emacs help that provides much more contextual information.
Keybinding | Description |
C-o | Display a transient with bindings for a casual user of org-agenda , bookmark , calc , calendar , dired , ibuffer , info , isearch , rebuilder , symbol-overlay or a Casual EditKit menu. |
C-h f | Show helpful buffer for function, macro, or a special form (helpful-callable ). |
C-h F | Show helpful buffer for function (helpful-function ). |
C-h v | Show helpful buffer for variable (helpful-variable ). |
C-h C | Show helpful buffer for interactive command (helpful-command ). |
C-c C-d | Show helpful buffer for thing at point, when in emacs-lisp-mode (helpful-thing-at-point ). |
C-j | Show helpful buffer for currently selected candidate, when completing read for helpful commands. |
Projectile adds the notion of
"projects" to Emacs. It provides many keys to find files within a project, grep
in all files etc. Projectile maintains an index of files for each project it
knows about; this list is created by scanning the project root directory. The
main usage is to jump to a file using a partial name without having to remember
in which directory it is, but it also supports grep/ack and replace in
project. Projectile works with Helm or IDO, so you can use either one with
different keys. Alternatively, you can always use Helm by setting
to true.
Here is an example: C-c h shows the list of buffers and files in the current project using Helm; to find a file you just need to type a few letters and the list shrinks as it performs fuzzy matching:
A .git
repo or a .projectile
file defines the root directory of a
project. Even if you have a git repo, you can create a .projectile
file at
the root of your project: it allows for filtering out the files you don't care
about, such as binaries, scripts etc. For example, suppose you have a workspace
directory containing among other things the BDE library and a project "bar";
you could create .projectile
file like this:
The plus sign is used to ignore everything except specific directories; alternatively the minus sign is used to indicate what directories to ignore, starting at the root of the project. The minus sign can also ignore file patterns. If both directories to keep and ignore are specified, the directories to keep first apply, restricting what files are considered. The paths and patterns to ignore are then applied to that set. Refer to the Projectile documentation for details.
Now you need to teach Projectile where your projects are. You can do that by:
1. Simply opening the project's root dir in Dired, and then pretending to search a file with Helm (C-c h), or switching project with IDO (C-c p p). The top of the Helm buffer should show the list of projects including yours.
2. Sometimes method 1 works for the current session, but then Projectile forgets your projects as soon as you restart Emacs. In this case try to restart Emacs in the project's root directory for Projectile to find it. You should only need to do this one time for each project, after that it is cached.
3. The brute force method which is guaranteed to work is to edit the file
where Projectile saves the list of projects. This file is
. Since it is constantly written by
Emacs itself, you need to exit emacs and restart it with emacs -Q
(so that
Projectile does not run). Edit the file, save and restart Emacs
normally. Here is my bookmark file:
("/bb/mbig7/mbig2387/workspaces/rsp/" "/bb/mbig7/mbig2387/workspaces/si-core/" "/home12/pgrenet/.emacs.d/" "/bb/mbig7/mbig2387/workspaces/bsl-internal/" "/bb/mbig7/mbig2387/workspaces/bde-core/")
The name of the current project is displayed in the mode line, between square brackets. There are only 2 keys to remember:
- To open a file in the current project using Helm, type C-c h. This will display the Helm buffer. Start typing for a partial name to narrow the selection until you find what you were looking for. Note that it performs fuzzy matching.
- If you want to open a file from a different project, type C-c M-h instead. The Helm buffer will initially display just the list of projects. Choose your project and press enter; Helm will now display all indexed files in that project.
C-c p C-h displays the list of keys for Projectile. Below are the most important ones.
Keybinding | Description |
C-c h | Find file in current project with helm |
C-c M-h or C-c H | Same, but first select project |
C-c p p | IDO: switch project (alternative: Helm) |
C-c p f | IDO: find file in current project (alternative Helm) |
C-c p . | IDO: find file at point based on context (alternative Helm) |
C-c p s g | Grep in current project |
C-c p s a | Same but using ack |
C-c p r | Interactive query-replace on all files in project |
C-c p i | Invalidate the cache |
See Projectile documentation for other keys.
Helm can be set up as a primary completion and selection narrowing framework
for most commonly used functions. You can achieve that by setting
to true. The following keys will use Helm:
Keybinding | Description |
C-c p p | Select project and open file with projectile. |
C-c p f | Open file with projectile. |
C-x C-r | Open recent file. |
M-x | Execute command. |
M-y | Select yank pop. |
C-x b | Switch buffer. |
C-x C-f | Find file. |
C-x c g | Google suggest. |
Helm is a pretty good when you need quickly scan search results. The commands below will start different search modes. By default, they will use symbol under the point. However if it is not there just start typing text: the Helm window shows all matching lines, and you can jump from one to another using the arrow keys.
Some of them will use Helm Swoop while
the reminder will use Silver Searcher.
The latter, abbreviated Ag
, being substitute to grep
and ack
has support for regular
- C-S-a: Ag search for text in current projectile project.
- C-S-s or M-x helm-swoop: Swoop search for text in current buffer.
- C-S-d: Ag search for text, but ask for directory to start first.
- C-S-f: Ag search for text in current buffer (similar to Swoop).
- C-S-r: ripgrep search for text in current projectile project.
- M-x helm-multiple-swoop-all: Swoop search within all buffers.
Note that C-S-a and C-S-r work also directly from
. This means that you searching a project with ag
or rg
simply by selecting it in helm and hitting appropriate keybinding.
Treemacs is a tree layout file explorer for Emacs. It is linked with Projectile and Git, and it can display the project directory structure on the left side:
Keybinding | Description |
C-c e | Toggle treemacs the current directory. |
C-c E | Open a projectile project (with a selector). |
Treemacs displays the git status of files (added, modified, ignored etc.) using different faces.
With the cursor in the Treemacs window, you can use TAB to open/close directories, RET to open a file, and q to quit. Use ? to view all the available keys. See the documentation of Treemacs for details.
All git-related keys use prefix C-c g plus one more key. For example C-c g s runs Magit status:
The bottom window shows the current git status. Use the tab key on any file to fold or unfold its diff. Use the s key to stage or unstage a file, and the capital S to stage all of them. Use the k key to revert a file. Type c twice to commit; it will ask for the commit message (C-c C-c to close the window and commit). Finally the q key quits magit.
By default running Magit via global keybindings will start it
in a full screen mode (whole frame). This is controlled by
preference. You can customize it
to nil
to get original Magit behavior.
The screenshot above also shows git gutter in the top buffer. Git gutter displays a git diff of the file in the left-side fringe (you can customize it). Git gutter defines a few keys for navigating between hunks, diffing and reverting.
Magit keys:
Keybinding | Description |
C-c g s | Open git status (magit-status ). |
C-c g l | Open git log (magit-log or magit-dired-log when in dired-mode ). |
C-c g f | Open git file log (magit-file-log ). |
C-c g b | Toggles git blame mode on and off (magit-blame-mode ). |
C-c g c | Clone a repository (magit-clone ). |
C-c g g | Git grep (vc-git-grep ) or (helm-grep-do-git-grep ). |
To perform structural diffs you need to install an external tool
(see the web page for
details). Once difftastic
has been installed, and you are in either
transient, or magit-blame
transient, or in
Keybinding | Description |
D | Run Difftastic diff (guessing what to diff from context) (difftastic-magit-diff ). |
S | Run Difftastic show (difftastic-magit-show ). |
or when you are in dired-mode
Keybinding | Description |
C-c = | Run Difftastic (difftastic-dired-diff ). |
Forge keys:
Keybinding | Description |
C-c C-p | in forge-post-mode : Preview post with markdown (exordium-forge-markdown-preview ) |
C-c C-d | in forge-post-mode : Submit current post (a Pull Request) as a draft (exordium-forge-post-submit-draft ) |
C-c C-d | in magit-status-mode and in forge-topic-mode : Mark a Pull Request at point as ready for review (exordium-forge-mark-ready-for-rewiew ) |
Git gutter keys:
Keybinding | Description |
C-c g down | Goto next hunk in buffer (git-gutter:next-hunk ). |
C-c g n | Goto next hunk in buffer (git-gutter:next-hunk ). |
C-c g up | Goto previous hunk in buffer (git-gutter:previous-hunk ). |
C-c g p | Goto previous hunk in buffer (git-gutter:previous-hunk ). |
C-c g d | Diff the current hunk (git-gutter:popup-diff ). |
C-c g r | Revert the current hunk after confirmation (git-gutter:revert-hunk ). |
Git Timemachine key | Description |
C-c g t | Enter the git time machine (git-timemachine-toggle ) |
If you use ediff
to solve merge conflicts you may find the following keys useful
(in *Ediff Control Panel*
ediff key | Description |
A | Copy buffer A's region followed by buffer B's region to C |
B | Copy buffer B's region followed by buffer A's region to C |
When the variable exordium-smerge-show-dispatch
is set to t
(the default) hitting RET
on a file with unmerged changes in Magit status buffer will display a SMerge dispatch that
will assist with merge using built-in smerge-mode
. When all conflicts are resolved,
hitting C-c C-c
will bring you back to Magit status. Hitting C-c C-k
will revert the buffer
to last saved changes and will bring you back to Magit status.
The SMerge dispatch is a transient
command (like most of magit
and forge
commands), so it can
always be dismissed with C-g
In addition to keys presented in the dispatch, the following keys are added to SMerge keys:
Keybinding | Description |
C-c ^ d | Show SMerge dispatch (exordium-smerge-dispatch ). |
Keybinding | Description |
C-TAB | Alternate between header file and source file. |
C-u C-TAB | Alternate between source/header file and BDE test driver. |
C-c ; | Rename variable under cursor |
Keys for formatting code according to the BDE style:
Keybinding | Description |
C-c a | Align function arguments (in signature). |
C-c f | Align function arguments (in function call). |
C-c m | Align class members (region must be selected). |
C-> | Right-align end-of-line comment or text after cursor. |
C-c i | Insert redundant #include guard. |
C-c = | Insert class definition header. |
C-c - | Insert class implementation header. |
YASnippet is a template system
which replaces a keyword by a template after you hit the trigger key. YASnippet
is only enabled for C++ mode currently. The trigger key is set to C-c
y because the default TAB key is already way overused between intention
and auto-complete/company-complete. You can easily use a function key if you prefer
by adding this in your after-init.el
(bind-key "<f2>" #'yas-expand yas-minor-mode-map)
Snippets are stored in ~/.emacs.d/snippets/c++-mode
. Here are
the snippets.
Note that variable *bde-component-author*
defines the default author for a
header file template (see modules/init-yasnippet.el
). You can set it to your
name in after-init.el
include-what-you-use is a tool for use
with clang to analyze #include
s in C and C++ source files. The main goal of
is to remove superfluous #include
s. It does this both
by figuring out what #include
s are not actually needed for this file (for
both .cpp
and .h
files), and suggesting fixes to #include
s with
forward-declares when possible. Please note that since this tool is not 100%
accurate, Exordium support does not include automatic file modification.
Instead it provides support to spawn the process and capture the suggestions
in a diagnostic buffer that can be later checked by human.
relies on the compilation database to be available in
file. It searches for one in the following locations:
, build
, bld
, cmake-build
, and
On top of that two variables are available to customise the behavior:
: a list of arguments that should be taken out of theinclude-what-you-use
invocation. This is useful, when project's compilation database contains arguments specific to the compiler and those arguments are not supported by LLVM/Clang.exordium-iwyu-filter-args
: a list of arguments that should be passed to theinclude-what-you-use
executable. This becomes useful, i.e., when LLVM/Clang is not installed in the system directory and extra includes has to be passed.
Exordium defines the following keybindings:
Keybinding | Description |
C-c w e | Run include-what-you-use for the current buffer. |
C-c w d | Show/hide the diagnostics buffer without force reparsing. |
g | Reparse recent file (in IWYU-mode buffer). |
Coming soon: Emacs Lisp, Common Lisp and Clojure.
M-x impatient-markdown-mode starts a minor mode that provides a live
preview of a markdown buffer in your favorite web browser. The web page is
updated as you type (this feature is implemented with the
impatient mode). Before you can use
it, you need to set the variable markdown-command
to the command to execute
to render a markdown file into HTML. For example, to use the GitHub command,
clone markup and set markdown-command
the path of bin/github-markup
in your after-init.el
. Other options include
Pandoc or RedCarpet.
Note that markdown-mode itself provides a few keys to render into HTML, and it does not need an external renderer to be installed:
Key | Behavior |
C-c C-c v | Render and open in web browser |
C-c C-c m | Render and open in another buffer |
C-c C-c l | Live preview in EWW (the internal browser) |
Another interesting feature is M-x orgtbl-mode, a minor mode for editing tables: it works like org tables but it uses the GitHub-flavored format. Use the tab key to switch to the next cell and reformat the whole table.
Exordium includes configuration for lsp-mode
a language server protocol client. The configuration currently supports C++ using clangd. It is enabled with the customization option exordium-lsp-mode-enable
. The settings that are enabled by default have been in use by some Exordium in anger, but may need tweaking. The authors of lsp-mode also have a policy of enabling new features by default, so that new capabilities are visible and discoverable.
The lsp-mode
keymap is bound to C-c l
LSP mode is available via TRAMP, and in particular via tramp to docker containers.
LSP mode in the shared Exordium base is stable enough for use, but the configuration details are experimental and subject to change without notification.
Exordium can be configured to use tree-sitter for parser directed font lock. In emacs versions 29 or greater it uses the new built in treesit
mode if emacs was built with treesitter support, otherwise it falls back to using the tree-sitter mode from melpa. In emacs 29, language mode support is via treesit-auto and an exordium function that automatically forwards the hook from the new lang-ts-mode modes to the hook for lang-mode, hopefully preserving your customizaations. If treesit is unavailable, tree-sitter-langs is used.
The configuration variable is exordium-treesit-modes-enable
and is disabled by default.
The main file of the configuration is init.el
. It looks like this:
;; 1. Load all before-init.el files. The ~/.emacs.d/before-init.el comes first
;; (if exists), followed by all existing before-init.el files from all
;; ~/.emacs.d/taps/subdirs.
;; Load before init files
(dolist (tapped-file exordium-tapped-before-init-files)
(message "Loadding tapped before-init file: %s" tapped-file)
(load (file-name-sans-extension tapped-file)))
;; 2. Define the list of Melpa packages that we need, and load any missing one.
;; Note that they are NOT updated automatically.
;; [...]
;; 3. Local preferences: load all prefs.el. The ~/.emacs.d/prefs.el comes
;; first (if exists), followed by all existing prefs.el file from all
;; ~/.emacs.d/taps/subdirs.
(dolist (tapped-file exordium-tapped-prefs-files)
(message "Loadding tapped prefs file: %s" tapped-file)
(load (file-name-sans-extension tapped-file)))
;; 4. Load the default theme in ~/.emacs.d/themes. See below.
;; 5. Load the "modules" in ~/.emacs.d/modules. See below.
;; 6. Load all after-init.el files.The ~/.emacs.d/after-init.el comes first (if
;; exists), followed by all existing after-init.el file from all
;; ~/.emacs.d/taps/subdirs.
;; Local extensions
(dolist (tapped-file exordium-tapped-after-init-files)
(message "Loadding tapped after-init file: %s" tapped-file)
(load (file-name-sans-extension tapped-file)))
Modules can be individually commented out if needed:
;; Themes
;; Note: use "export TERM=xterm-256color" for emacs -nw
(setq custom-theme-directory exordium-themes-dir)
(exordium-require 'init-progress-bar)
(when exordium-nw
(set-face-background 'highlight nil))
(when exordium-theme
(exordium-require 'init-themes))
;; Look and feel
(exordium-require 'init-look-and-feel) ; fonts, UI, keybindings, saving files etc.
(exordium-require 'init-font-lock) ; enables/disables font-lock globally.
(exordium-require 'init-linum) ; line numbers
(when exordium-smooth-scroll
(exordium-require 'init-smooth-scroll)
(smooth-scroll-mode 1)) ; smooth scroll
;; Usability
(exordium-require 'init-window-manager) ; navigate between windows
(exordium-require 'init-util) ; utilities like match paren, bookmarks...
(unless exordium-helm-everywhere
(exordium-require 'init-ido)) ; supercharged completion engine
(exordium-require 'init-highlight) ; highlighting current line, symbol under point
(pcase exordium-complete-mode
(exordium-require 'init-autocomplete))
(exordium-require 'init-company))) ; completion
(exordium-require 'init-helm) ; setup helm
(when exordium-projectile
(exordium-require 'init-projectile))
(when (and exordium-projectile exordium-helm-projectile)
(exordium-require 'init-helm-projectile))
(when exordium-help-extensions
(exordium-require 'init-help)) ; extra help
(exordium-require 'init-dired) ; enable dired+ and wdired permission editing
(exordium-require 'init-git) ; Magit and git gutter
(exordium-require 'init-git-visit-diffs) ; visit diffs in successive narrowed buffers
(exordium-require 'init-forge) ; Forge
(exordium-require 'init-flb-mode) ; frame-local buffers
;; Prog mode
(exordium-require 'init-prog-mode )
;; Shell mode
(exordium-require 'init-prog-mode)
;; Major modes
(exordium-require 'init-markdown)
(exordium-require 'init-org)
(exordium-require 'init-xml)
;; OS-specific things
(when exordium-osx
(exordium-require 'init-osx))
;; C++
(exordium-require 'init-cpp)
;; Etc.
If you are looking for a specific feature or key binding, this page explains the code organization. Each module starts with a commentary including all key bindings.
3 files can be added in your directory ~/.emacs.d
to customize the
configuration for the local machine:
File name | Usage |
prefs.el |
Loaded before any module. Use it to override fonts, window size etc. See init-prefs.el. |
before-init.el |
Loaded before anything else. Use it to set up the http proxy for instance. |
after-init.el |
Loaded after everything else. Use it to load machine-specific extensions. |
The idea is inspired by taps from Homebrew. You can clone any
git repository into ~/.emacs.d/taps/
directory (as a subdirectory of the
latter). It is going to be called tap
. Anything below taps
subdirectory is
not tracked by Exordium, although each tap
can be a repository itself,
allowing for tracked customisation.
When Exordium is initialised, it searches for the three special
Local files in each tap
. Files are then added to the tapped
lists: before, prefs, and after. tap
s are searched in alphabetical order of
their respective names in ~/.emacs.d/taps
directory (string-lessp
to be
exact). This order determines the order of files in each tapped list. This lets
you influence the order of processing within each tapped list, i.e., you can
rename your tapped repositories (clones). The Local files from
your ~/.emacs.d
are always first in each respective tapped list. Each tapped
list is processed (each file from it is loaded) as a replacement for a
respective Local file.
Note that Exordium doesn't add any directory to a load path. If your tap expects that it's directory tree is in load path, you can use the following code to update the load-path:
(unless (featurep 'init-require)
(load (file-name-concat (locate-user-emacs-file "modules") "init-require"))))
(exordium-require 'init-lib)
(when (bound-and-true-p load-file-name)
(exordium-add-directory-tree-to-load-path (file-name-directory load-file-name)))
Exordium-specific emacs functions are WIP.
defines the preferences that can be changed in your
. For example, your prefs.el
could contain:
;; Fonts + size in order of preference. First available one will be picked.
(setq exordium-preferred-fonts '("Monospace" . 120) ("Mono" . 120))
;; Default Emacs frame size in chars
(setq exordium-preferred-frame-width 120
exordium-preferred-frame-height 65)
;; Show line numbers (default t)
(setq exordium-display-line-numbers t)
;; Highlight current line (default t)
(setq exordium-line-mode t)
;; Don't set ESC key to C-g (quit/abort)
(setq exordium-keyboard-escape nil)
;; Disable electric-pair (automatically inserts a closing parenthese,
;; curly brace, etc.)
(setq exordium-enable-electric-pair-mode nil)
;; Don't use Powerline (may cause Emacs to crash on startup sometimes)
(setq exordium-enable-powerline nil)
There are more options, see init-prefs.el.
Exordium includes several themes that are integrated with Powerline and that
should work well in -nw mode. Use M-x switch-theme to change the
theme. Otherwise, setting your favorite theme in prefs.el
like the
following will give you this:
;; Available themes (default is tomorrow-night):
;; - tomorrow-night, tomorrow-night-bright, tomorrow-night-blue,
;; tomorrow-night-eighties, tomorrow-day
;; - solarized-dark, solarized-light
;; - monokai
;; - zenburn
;; - material
;; - atom-one
(setq exordium-theme 'material)
;; Powerline theme:
(setq exordium-powerline-theme :wave)
You can create a directory ~/.emacs.d/local
for your own local modules (this
directory is ignored in git). In that case you should use require
forms in
to load them.
Here is an example. Create a file named ~/.emacs.d/local/init-test-local.el
with this content:
;;;; Test local module
(message "**** This test local module is loaded! ****")
(provide 'init-test-local)
Then create a file ~/.emacs.d/after-init.el
with this content:
;;;; Local stuff
(message "**** after_init ****")
(require 'init-test-local)
Restart Emacs. The message buffer should show two lines:
**** after_init ****
**** This test local module is loaded! ****
Local modules files can be named anything as long as the file name, the symbol
in provide
and the symbol in require
are the same.
- Powerline may cause Emacs to crash on startup because of a race condition
inside Emacs. A solution is to make it display after one second of idle time
in order to guarantee that Emacs has finished initializing. For this, add
(setq exordium-display-powerline-after-idle-time 1)
in yourprefs.el
. Another solution is to enable powerline manually using a function like this:
(defun powerline ()
"Enable powerline."
(require 'powerline)
(require 'init-powerline)
Sometimes a random bug may occur that displays this error:
fringe-helper-modification-func: Invalid search bound (wrong side of point)
. I'm pretty sure this is a bug ingit-gutter-fringe
which display git diff icons in the left-side fringe.There are two ways to work around it: either add
(setq exordium-git-gutter nil)
if yourprefs.el
to disable this feature entirely, or add(setq exordium-git-gutter-non-fringe t)
in yourprefs.el
to display git diffs on the left side of line numbers, e.g. not in the fringe. Note that the latter disables the highlighting of the current line number for now. -
Editing large comment blocks in C++ can be slow as hell. Unfortunately this is a problem with CC-mode and not with this config. A simple solution is to turn off font lock temporarily with M-x font-lock-mode. Do it again to re-enable font lock after you're done editing your large component-level comment.
does not work withemacs --daemon
. This is annoying if you start Emacs as a server and then only useemacsclient
afterwards. The problem is that functions likefont-family-list
return nil in Emacs server, so there is no good way to verify what fonts are available in the server process (believe me I tried). The solution is to put something like(setq default-frame-alist '((font . "Inconsolata-12")))
in yourpref.el
(you need to know exactly what font and size you want for your local machine). The code below works for both Emacs andemacsclient
;; ~/.emacs.d/prefs.el
;; Font and initial frame size
(cond ((daemonp)
(message "Setting prefs for emacsclient")
(setq exordium-preferred-frame-width nil
exordium-preferred-frame-height nil)
(setq default-frame-alist
(append '((font . "Consolas 13")
(top . 0)
(left . 50)
(width . 110)
(height . 71))
(message "Setting prefs for emacs")
(setq exordium-preferred-frame-width 110
exordium-preferred-frame-height 71)
(setq exordium-preferred-fonts '(("Consolas" . 120)
("Monaco" . 120)))))
- Sometimes weird bugs may happen after an upgrade or during development on a
module. Exordium recompiles any
file for which the corresponding.elc
files is older on startup, but does not try to force any.el
file to be compiled. Two functions are useful in this case:M-x uncompile-modules
removes all.elc
files (if you restart Emacs it will not compile anything).M-x force-recompile-modules
recompiles everything.
M-x use-package-report shows the time use-package
used to load and configure packages. Note that the times
for exordium-require
have corresponding use-package
times included.
M-x emacs-init-time shows the time Emacs took to start. You can profile the configuration using this command (this example is for OS X):
$ Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs -Q -l ~/.emacs.d/extensions/profile-dotemacs.el -f profile-dotemacs
It's probably not the best idea to profile your first start as the bulk of the startup time in such a case is spent on downloading and byte-compiling packages.