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Energy Mode Setup

Peter Torelli edited this page Dec 9, 2022 · 2 revisions

Bill of Materials

To run in Energy Mode, the following parts are required to set up the benchmark framework:

Component Product Links
Energy Monitor (50mA max.) STMicro. LPM01A (v1.0.6) STM - Farnell - Mouser
Level Shifter BSS138 x4 Adafruit - Digikey
IO Manager Arduino UNO Arduino - DigiKey
Breadboard Pololu 400pt Pololu - Digikey
Hookup Wires E-Z-Hook E-Z-Hook - DigiKey
Headers (extra tall) Samtec Inc. Samtec - DigiKey

The firmware for the IO Manager Arduino is in the repository under “firmware”. This can be programmed directly to the UNO using the Arduino IDE.


The components are connected as follows:


GUI in Energy Mode

When running the GUI in Energy Mode, remember to deselect the “Use performance-only mode…” checkbox at the top of the “Benchmark Configuration” tile. Otherwise, when initializing the GUI will search for a direct-connected DUT and fail. When initialization completes, both the EMON and IO Manager will be mounted, and the rest of the GUI works the same way except now both power and performance data will be collected and reported.


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