Release Notes
feat: add domain field to subscriptions kafka msg (#382 )
fix: make L2 transfer decision consistent across client query params (d0220b3 )
fix: remove L2 transfer delay (0e12b9e )
fix(budget): estimate volume per deployment (7331b0a )
fix(budget): resolve API key query count mismatch (#388 )
fix(budget): do some budget negotiation (#389 )
fix(budget): target average indexer fees per query (#390 )
fix(budget): potential div by zero (#391 )
fix: remove application of user preferences in indexer-selection (#393 )
fix: add status code to UnattestableError (91366e3 )
fix: avoid reliability impact on indexing behind (47bcb6d )
fix: use reported status on indexing behind (dd589db )
fix: remove semver constraints on subgraph queries (#395 )
fix: improve handling of indexing status report behind previous (375fb8f )
fix: set reported block when reporting indexing behind (f241e90 )
fix: ignore budget feedback when using manual budget (#399 )
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