Breaking Changes
- Refined SELinux policy and set it to enforced by default
New Features
- Eclipse BlueChi supports building Debian packages now
- Added new package: bluechi-is-online
- Added feature: Heartbeat and Threshold from Controller to Agent
- Added feature: Configurable threshold for heartbeat from node to controller
- Added monotinic timestamp to D-Bus API
- Added GetUnitFileState to D-Bus API and is-enabled command to bluechictl
- Added KillUnit to D-Bus API and kill command to bluechictl
- Added ResetFailed and ResetFailedUnit to D-Bus API and respective commands to bluechictl
- Added ListUnitFiles to D-Bus API and list-unit-files command to bluechictl
- Added GetDefaultTarget and SetDefaultTarget to D-Bus API and respective commands to bluechictl
- bluechictl: Added usage functions for specific commands
Bug Fixes
- Changed the register call of bluechi-agent to be asynchronous so it doesn't block SwitchController anymore
- Fixed the order of disconnect and controller address changed on calling SwitchController
- Fixed updating the displayed peer IP when a node changes connection state in bluechictl
- Fixed determining the peer IP address of the agent
- Timeouts for integration test phases are configurable now
- Added integration tests for list-units and list-unit-files on specific node
- Added integration tests for heartbeat
- Fix when running test with tmt.discover.prune=true
- Fix proxy service propagate failure test
- Added duplicate test id and summary check
- Fixed wrong and duplicate test summaries and ids
- Added additional resources section to readthedocs
- Updated readthedocs for SELinux policy
- Updated API description and spec
- Renamed orch_src to ctrl_src in meson files
- Rename orch_addr to assembled_controller_address
- Moved string and time constants to respective util files
- Added Eclipse BlueChi introduction PDF
Detailed commit log
- Post Release v0.8.0 by @engelmi in #897
- Added missing -y for install in PyPi release step by @engelmi in #898
- Add test for agent connecting to user bus by @mkemel in #899
- Fixed duplicate tmt test ids by @engelmi in #902
- Fixed wrong and duplicate test summaries by @engelmi in #903
- Pin coverage reporter version by @engelmi in #906
- Added script for duplicate test id and summary check by @engelmi in #904
- Fix to get peer ip address by @dofmind in #905
- Replace bluechi-controller by bluechi-agent in docs by @cverna in #908
- Fix CentOS Automotive SIG mailing list URL by @mwperina in #910
- controller: Proactively disconnect node based on heartbeat by @dofmind in #911
- Added debian packaging by @engelmi in #918
- Add list-unit-files command to bluechictl by @trev-allison03 in #915
- Add deb installation to readthedocs by @engelmi in #922
- Refactored ListUnitsRequest and ListUnitFilesRequest by @engelmi in #923
- Use
command instead of shell evaluation by @mwperina in #925 - Add to check the liveness for connection with controller by @dofmind in #920
- Test list-unit-files on a specific node by @mwperina in #926
- Test bluechictl list-units on a specific node by @mwperina in #928
- Replaced tmt duplicate test ID check by @engelmi in #924
- Added additional resources section to readthedocs by @engelmi in #930
- Optimize list-units and list-unit-files tests by @mwperina in #929
- ResetFailed by @ArtiomDivak in #933
- Added documitation by @ArtiomDivak in #937
- Added KillUnit API by @engelmi in #939
- Updated API description and spec by @engelmi in #940
- Refined SELinux policy by @engelmi in #935
- Refactor bluechictl usage by @engelmi in #941
- Fix integration test race conditions by @engelmi in #943
- Added more links to BlueChi blogs and videos by @engelmi in #945
- Fix flaky bluechictl status watch test by @engelmi in #948
- Added Eclipse BlueChi introduction PDF by @engelmi in #949
- Add support for GetUnitFileState API by @mwperina in #953
- Remove ANSI escape sequences from command outputs by @mwperina in #956
- Add GetDefaultTarget and SetDefaultTarget APIs by @ArtiomDivak in #951
- Use CLOCK_MONOTONIC by @dofmind in #957
- Fix bluechictl status watch by @engelmi in #960
- Report to coveralls only if integration tests passed by @mkemel in #963
- Fix when running test with tmt.discover.prune=true by @dracher in #965
- Correct a mistake in README.md by @ArtiomDivak in #967
- Make integration test timeouts configurable by @engelmi in #970
- Emit ControllerAddress changed signal in SwitchController method by @engelmi in #968
- Make Agent Register request asynchronous by @mkemel in #961
- Remove timeouts for bash exec commands from tests by @mkemel in #974
- Add bluechi is online tool by @engelmi in #964
- Optimize bluechictl-is-enabled test by @mwperina in #975
- Release BlueChi v0.9.0 by @engelmi in #983
New Contributors
- @cverna made their first contribution in #908
- @trev-allison03 made their first contribution in #915
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0