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Microfront sample with webpack@4

This is a sample 'monorepo' (also it can be use with multirepo) to demonstrate an microfrontend application using Webpack v4, react, react-app-rewired and material-ui.
Easy to use:


On root directory use these commands:

  1. npm install to install lerna (the repo manager)
  2. npm run bootstrap this would install dependencies for all packages with the help of leran
  3. npm run build this would build all projects
  4. npm run start this would run project in development mode
  5. npm run publish this would copy files to production folder
  6. npm run start:prod this would run the application that were build at the previous step
  7. npm run clean this would clean repository to a fresh start

if dependencies didn't installed by bootstrap command (because of low node version) then use this:

  1. npm run init this would run npm install on all packages

what to do

  • install dependencies for all projects
  • add rewired configs
  • run the micro frontend project with configs
  • Show the component of the stock!
  • add the page for place order (simple one)
  • add redux middleware`


request status description
Build run done run build on "/", run publish on "/", run start on "/output"
Messaging Hook done a simple package to communicate through projects
Auth hook done now the login (in another package) is integrated with the container
Theme Hook idle


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