This repository contains the final project for Probablity and Statistics (PE) subject 2021-22 Q1, which consisted on comparing the implementations of the heapsort algorithm in two different languages and infering statistical conclusions of the experiment.
- generate_numbers.c: This simple file generates a set of random numbers
- heapsort.c
- main_script.R: This script carries out the computations, plotting and hypotheses testing.
Unfortunately there is no automation script to carry out this task (Even though it would be simple to implement), so one must generate the data using generate_numbers.c and then manually ingesting the input to both heapsort.* programs and through an excel file executing the main_sript.R.
The excel data used on this experiment and the slides are private. In order to access them one needs a domain email:
This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License. See the LICENSE file for details.