This is the official implementation of Penggunaan Variasi Model pada Arsitektur EfficientNetV2 untuk Prediksi Sel Kanker Serviks at J-PTIIK-2023.
Cervical cancer is one of the diseases that cause the most deaths in women worldwide. This mortality rate is due to lack of awareness of the infection and the absence of obvious early symptoms, so patients only realize their condition is at an advanced stage which is more difficult to treat. With this in mind, early diagnosis is crucial but the lack of trained medical personnel poses a serious problem in diagnosis, especially in areas with limited health resources. Therefore, a method is needed to be able to diagnose cervical cancer. Based on previous research, Deep Learning methods, especially Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), have been used to detect cervical cancer but have poor accuracy. This study uses the CNN model EfficientNetV2 because it is proven to detect images with good performance and effectiveness. datasets.
The dataset used for training and testing the model consists of X-Ray chest images of Cervical Cancer. The dataset was obtained from Cervical Cancer Dataset
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- This project is built using the EfficienNetV2 template.
- Thanks to providing the dataset. Cervical Cancer Dataset
@article{Sidik_Utaminingrum_Muflikhah_2023, title={Penggunaan Variasi Model pada Arsitektur EfficientNetV2 untuk Prediksi Sel Kanker Serviks}, volume={7}, url={}, number={5}, journal={Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer}, author={Sidik, Duwi Purnama and Utaminingrum, Fitri and Muflikhah, Lailil}, year={2023}, month={Agu}, pages={2116–2121} }