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Micro OS

Big operating systems try to use a single source base for all supported architectures and machines, with reams of #ifdef statements, making them difficult to understand, debug, maintain, and use. μos tries (yet another) minimal approach, favoring to entertain a few duplicate files which tend to be architecture or machine specific. Assembly files and inline-asm are found in the arch/* and arch/*/mach/* directories, where there may be some duplication across architectures or across machines: instead of forcing a source file to compile on multiple archs and machs, we let the code for each to be clear and well optimized for that arch+mach pair.

The goal is not to be pedantic about re-use to the point of making it un-readable, and we tolerate patching the same bug/upgrade in several places.

Quick start

On a Linux system with QEMU installed, checkout the μos repo, cd to it, then type ./umake and it will show you what works (green), what has issues (yellow), and what is broken (red). Pick an architecture (the QEMU machine is a good choice ;) and an app:

./umake armv8 qemu hello
cd bulid-armv8-qemu-hello

and run the qemu command offered at the bottom. Then maybe edit ../apps/hello/main.c or something and run ../umake to try your change.

For now μos is allways a static monolithic image. [^1]


  • SMP cores can be launched and given a thread via smp_start_thread(). See appd/testsmp/main.c. An ARMv8 hypervisor or secure monitor is needed (QEMU has one builtin). Can someone please point me to an HVC or SMC for rpi400's (compute module 4) start4.elf?

  • No interrupts. Just use another core (you will like the improved latency).

  • Multitasking is cooperative, not preemptive (no interrupts), and there are likely still some bugs here despite the much more invloved tests. Still a single binary, so task code is all linked with μos and kicked off from main(). A true general purpose multi-application system with loadable binaries is not yet in the cards ...

  • Pretty near zero device support. Console i/o is there of course, but opportunities abound. ;)

  • There is no ABI in a monolithic kernel, (no system calls) only an application programming interface.

  • The MMU is not yet turned on so it's a flat logical = physical address space, without any protection between tasks. Your code is disciplined, right? Keep it lean and straight forward and it won't be too hard.

  • Memory management, if needed, is a simple slab-like arrangement: a limited number of user selected power-of-2 sizes, and quantity of 'pages' of that size. You configure it all. It is very fast, cannot fragment, and always aligned, but yes it does waste space. However when you have megs or yeah gigs of RAM, time-efficient heap management is usually better than space-efficiency.

  • Multiacritecture is supported ... but only a few for the moment. And features are not present in all architectures - some are ahead of others. For a new architecture a QEMU version tends to be the first machine implemented here ... because it is way easier to debug. [^2]

  • #define and #ifdef use is minimal. No layers upon layers of macro definitions, or an impossible to browse code configuration system.

  • NONE of the makefiles are insane.


I prefer the vpath approach to multi-arch build environments documented two decades ago by Paul Smith. From a build-* directory, the following uses GNU make directly to build the μos hello app for armv8 to run in QEMU:

$ make APP=hello -f ../arch/armv8/mach/qemu/mk hello

A GNU make issue (the $MAKECMDGOAL variable cannot be used in the same way as a command line variable), makes the above messy, and we want some extra features (build directory creation, tab completion) anyway, so the ./umake script keeps build syntax straight forward:

$ source umake.bash
$ ./umake armv8 qemu hello

You can run it in the μos root to create build directories, and then you can run it from the build directories with ../umake (no args).


Software should be (1) reliable, (2) easy to understand, use, and fix, (3) secure (from external influence), and then (4) lean and efficient.

Complexity degrades all the above. The Linux developers have done an amazing job: despite Linux's popularity and everyone requesting support for everything, they've kept it relatively easy to build and use. Maybe it takes an army to manage complexity ... or maybe we just need an even more critical attitude toward unnecessary complexity.

Rewrite it all, learn from the past, only bring what we really need.


  • QEMU -smp: Currently MAX_CPUS needs to be changed in the apps/*/mkvars file in addition to changing the -smp value.

  • The multitasking code is fragile, you likely want to cut-n-paste from testtask/test.c, or hey, just use a core.

  • And did it seem like volatile never really did anything? Well here it does! And finding a missing one can be a real test.

[^1] Eventually I want the entire OS and all shared libraries to be runtime up-gradable ... yes, that's right, swap the kernel or any library out from underneath a running system ... but that will take some thought.

[^2] QEMU debug is pretty nice with one of my other projects: pgdb.

  • mkdir ~/git
  • pushd ~/git
  • git clone --branch v0 --single-branch
  • popd
  • ./umake armv8 qemu hello
  • cd build-armv8-qemu-hello
  • qemu-system-aarch64 ..(use the cmdline shown by umake).. -s -S
  • (qemu will wait for a remote debugger, so in another BIG terminal type:)
  • ~/git/pgdb/ -gccmap
  • (press 'h' and 'l' to close the help and log windows)
  • (press 'J' to run all cpus and skip to the hilighted-in-white address - in this case skipping the qemu boot loader)
  • (press 's' to single-step the active cpu, or 'S' for all of them)
  • (when done press 'Q' to exit both pgdb and qemu)
  • (if qemu is left running: ctrl-a,c will switch to the qemu monitor and 'quit' will exit)

I'm noticing that lowercase 'j' is pretty spotty when walking through multi-task apps (can hang easily). Uppercase 'J' appears to work more frequently (lets all the cpus run until one hits the breakpoint). To get back to your cpu of choice, tab through the cpu windows and press 'enter' to change cpu contexts.

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Micro OS






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