Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator perfect for personal, project, or organization sites. It is based on a developer friendly file-based CMS, and for those unfamiliar with markdown or html, it is kind of hard to use.
The purpose of Jekyll CMS is to provide an easy-to-use user friendly content management system, based on the Openshift's Jekyll Cartridge
The system is developed with MySQL based login, so MySQL cartridge is also required in your openshift application. The current database structure is a single admin table with admin_email and admin_password fields.
The admin_password field must be MD5 encrypted.
- Clone openshift's jekyll cartridge.
- Add admin folder in the root folder of the cartridge repository.
- Inside admin/jekyll-cms place the jekyll project as is.
- Copy and rename the admin/system.conf.example to admin/system.conf and make the appropriate changes to display the collections you want to alter with the cms. Something like:
--- collections: menu, offers, testimonials, carousel ---
- Replace the *.openshift/action_hooks/deploy with the one here.
- Deploy to you openshift application and enter /admin.
- Select Deploy from the status bar on the left and voila.
To develop locally, just change the definition of ADMIN_ROOT in admin's files to the referencial path on your platform, as well as the database connection settings.
- Create a database for Jekyll Admin panel and a table admin with columns admin_email and admin_password (as described above)
- Navigate into admin folder and run
$ composer install
$ bower install
- Copy and rename the .env.example to .env and update the environment variables as necessery
- Copy and rename the system.conf.example to system.conf and update the collections as necessery
- Fire up your XAMPP/WAMP (for Windows) or start your httpd services and give it a try
See the LICENSE file.