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Miscellaneous helpers for React.


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Simple HOC generator


HOC to inject viewportWidth and viewportHeight properties into your views, for responsive rendering, and update them when the window resizes.


This example hides the menu inside a button on small screens:

import { withViewport } from "downtools";

const MyComponent = ({ viewportWidth, viewportHeight }) =>
    viewportWidth < 800 ? <HamburgerMenu /> : <SideMenu />;

export default withViewport()(MyComponent);

The properties will be updated whenever the window resizes, for fully responsive updates.


The HOC accepts a configuration object when executed, the options are as follows:

export default withViewport({
    browserlessWidth: 1024,
    browserlessHeight: 768,
    handleRehydration: true

With server-side rendering

When rendering on the server, there is no window available, and we cannot yet know how big the viewport is going to be. withViewport will inject defaults in this case, these are set to 1920x1080, but can be overriden with the browserlessWidth and browserlessHeight configuration parameters. A third property isBrowserless will also be injected with value true.

This allows you to detect whether server-side rendering is in progress, and if so possibly render things a little differently. You might want to avoid rendering the viewport-aware parts of your app, and then render them once you know what space they have, rather than first rendering a wrongly-sized version and then updating it after the page loads.

Client rehydration

When first rendering on the client ("rehydration") we have to do a little more work. Now the window is available your component might render differently -- but that's not what we actually want! In rehyrdation you want the page to render exactly as it was on the server, otherwise React gives errors.

So to circumvent this the HOC takes a third configuration parameter, handleRehydration. If this set to true then the HOC will perform a special first-pass render where it ignores the window and provides the same default/browserless dimensions (and also isBrowserless true). The idea is you can perform a rehydration render with exactly the same state as you did on the server.

The component will then immediately update its own state after mounting (state is updated a setImmediate call). This will cause an additional render where you have the real width and height.

TODO: Handling user session


git clone
cd downtools
yarn test

Version History


  • Initial release, includes only withViewport


©2017 Downplay Ltd

Distributed under MIT license. See LICENSE for full details.


Miscellaneous helpers for React







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