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FSKit macOS xcode16.3 b1
Rolf Bjarne Kvinge edited this page Feb 24, 2025
1 revision
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSClient.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSClient.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSClient.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSClient.h 2025-02-11 06:12:25
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSClient.h
+// FSKit
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSModuleIdentity.h>
+/// An interface for apps and daemons to interact with FSKit.
+/// FSClient is the primary management interface for FSKit.
+/// Use this class to discover FSKit extensions installed on the system, including your own.
+/// > Important: Don't subclass `FSClient`.
+@interface FSClient : NSObject
+-(instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+/// The shared instance of the FSKit client class.
+@property (class, readonly) FSClient *sharedInstance NS_SWIFT_NAME(shared);
+/// Asynchronously retrieves an list of installed file system modules.
+/// In Swift, you can either call this method and pass a completion handler closure, or get the value of the `installedExtensions` property with the `async` keyword.
+/// - Parameter completionHandler: A block or closure that executes when FSKit finishes its fetch process. If the fetch succeeds, the first parameter contains an array of ``FSModuleIdentity`` instances that identify installed modules. If the fetch fails, the second parameter contains an error detailing the failure.
+-(void)fetchInstalledExtensionsWithCompletionHandler:(void(^)(NSArray<FSModuleIdentity *> *_Nullable,
+ NSError *_Nullable))completionHandler FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1 NS_SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME(getter:installedExtensions());
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSContainer.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSContainer.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSContainer.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSContainer.h 2025-02-11 06:12:25
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSContainer.h
+// FSKit
+// Common container-level protocols used by all modules. The
+// container-level operations needed to ADD support for any
+// given resource type is common for all module types.
+// Those operations are defined here.
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSKitDefines.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSEntityIdentifier.h>
+/// An enumeration of container state values.
+/// This enumeration represents values for a container's state engine.
+/// Containers start in the ``notReady`` state.
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FSContainerState) {
+ /// The container isn't ready.
+ FSContainerStateNotReady = 0,
+ /// The container is blocked from transitioning from the not-ready state to the ready state by a potentially-recoverable error.
+ ///
+ /// This state implies that the error has a resolution that would allow the container to become ready, such as correcting an incorrect password.
+ FSContainerStateBlocked,
+ /// The container is ready, but inactive.
+ FSContainerStateReady,
+ /// The container is active, and one or more volumes are active.
+ FSContainerStateActive
+/// A type that represents a container's status.
+/// This type contains two properties:
+/// * The ``state`` value that indicates the state of the container, such as ``FSContainerState/ready`` or ``FSContainerState/blocked``.
+/// * The ``status`` is an error (optional in Swift, nullable in Objective-C) that provides further information about the state, such as why the container is blocked.
+/// Examples of statuses that require intervention include errors that indicate the container isn't ready (POSIX `EAGAIN` or `ENOTCONN`), the container needs authentication (`ENEEDAUTH`), or that authentication failed (`EAUTH`).
+/// The status can also be an informative error, such as the FSKit error ``FSErrorStatusOperationInProgress``, possibly with the variant information of ``FSKitErrorVariantCheckStatus`` or ``FSKitErrorVariantFormatStatus``.
+@interface FSContainerStatus : NSObject <NSCopying>
+/// A value that represents the container state, such as ready, active, or blocked.
+@property (readonly) FSContainerState state;
+/// An optional error that provides further information about the state.
+@property (readonly,copy,nullable) NSError * status;
+- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+/// A status that represents an active container with no error.
+/// This value is a ``FSContainerStatus`` with a ``state`` that is ``active``, and has a ``status`` that is `nil`.
+@property (class,readonly) FSContainerStatus *active; // Container is active, status is nil
+/// Returns a active container status instance with the provided error status.
+/// - Parameter errorStatus: The error status, if any, for the new instance.
++ (instancetype)activeWithStatus:(NSError *)errorStatus NS_SWIFT_NAME(active(status:));
+/// Returns a blocked container status instance with the provided error status.
+/// - Parameter errorStatus: The error status, if any, for the new instance.
++ (instancetype)blockedWithStatus:(NSError *)errorStatus NS_SWIFT_NAME(blocked(status:));
+/// Returns a not-ready container status instance with the provided error status.
+/// - Parameter errorStatus: The error status, if any, for the new instance.
++ (instancetype)notReadyWithStatus:(NSError *)errorStatus NS_SWIFT_NAME(notReady(status:));
+/// A status that represents a ready container with no error.
+/// This value is a ``FSContainerStatus`` with a ``state`` that is ``ready``, and a ``status`` that is `nil`.
+@property (class,readonly) FSContainerStatus *ready; // Container is ready, status is nil
+/// Returns a ready container status instance with the provided error status.
+/// - Parameter errorStatus: The error status, if any, for the new instance.
++ (instancetype)readyWithStatus:(NSError *)errorStatus NS_SWIFT_NAME(ready(status:));
+@class FSVolumeIdentifier;
+/// A type that identifies a container.
+/// The identifier is either a UUID or a UUID with additional differentiating bytes.
+/// Some network protocols evaluate access based on a user ID when connecting.
+/// In this situation, when a file server receives multiple client connections with different user IDs, the server provides different file hierarchies to each.
+/// For such systems, represent the container identifier as the UUID associated with the server, followed by four or eight bytes to differentiate connections.
+/// > Important: Don't subclass this class.
+@interface FSContainerIdentifier : FSEntityIdentifier
+ * For Unary file systems, the container identifier is the same
+ * as the volume identifier.
+ */
+/// The volume identifier associated with the container.
+/// For unary file systems, the volume identifier is the same as the container identifier.
+@property (readonly,copy) FSVolumeIdentifier *volumeIdentifier;
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSEntityIdentifier.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSEntityIdentifier.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSEntityIdentifier.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSEntityIdentifier.h 2025-02-11 06:12:26
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSEntityIdentifier.h
+// FSKit
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSKitDefines.h>
+/// A base type that identifies containers and volumes.
+/// An ``FSEntityIdentifier`` is a UUID to identify a container or volume, optionally containing a four- or eight-byte qualifier.
+/// You use the qualifiers in cases in which a file server can receive multiple connections from the same client, which differ by user credentials.
+/// In this case, the identifier for each client is the server's base UUID, and a unique qualifier that differs by client.
+/// > Important: Don't subclass this class.
+@interface FSEntityIdentifier : NSObject <NSCopying, NSSecureCoding>
+- (instancetype)init; // Generates a random UUID as the identifier
+- (instancetype)initWithUUID:(NSUUID *)uuid;
+- (instancetype)initWithUUID:(NSUUID *)uuid
+ data:(NSData *)qualifier;
+- (instancetype)initWithUUID:(NSUUID *)uuid
+ byteQualifier:(const char * _Nonnull)bytes;
+- (instancetype)initWithUUID:(NSUUID *)uuid
+ longByteQualifier:(const char * _Nonnull)bytes;
+@property (copy) NSUUID *uuid;
+@property (copy, nullable) NSData *qualifier;
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSFileName.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSFileName.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSFileName.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSFileName.h 2025-02-11 06:12:25
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// FSFileName.h
+// FSKit
+#import <FSKit/FSKitDefines.h>
+/// The name of a file, expressed as a data buffer.
+/// `FSFileName` is the class that carries filenames from the kernel to `FSModule` instances, and carries names back to the kernel as part of directory enumeration.
+/// A filename is usually a valid UTF-8 sequence, but can be an arbitrary byte sequence that doesn't conform to that format.
+/// As a result, the ``data`` property always contains a value, but the ``string`` property may be empty.
+/// An `FSModule` can receive an `FSFileName` that isn't valid UTF-8 in two cases:
+/// 1. A program passes erroneous data to a system call. The `FSModule` treats this situation as an error.
+/// 2. An `FSModule` lacks the character encoding used for a file name.
+/// This situation occurs because some file system formats consider a filename to be an arbitrary "bag of bytes," and leave character encoding up to the operating system.
+/// Without encoding information, the `FSModule` can only pass back the names it finds on disk.
+/// In this case, the behavior of upper layers such as <doc://com.apple.documentation/documentation/Foundation/NSFileManager> is unspecified.
+/// However, the `FSModule` must support looking up such names and using them as the source name of rename operations.
+/// The `FSModule` must also be able to support filenames that are derivatives of filenames returned from directory enumeration.
+/// Derivative filenames include Apple Double filenames (`"._Name"`), and editor backup filenames.
+/// > Important: Don't subclass this class.
+@interface FSFileName : NSObject <NSSecureCoding, NSCopying>
+/// The byte sequence of the filename, as a data object.
+/// This property always provides a value.
+@property (readonly) NSData *data FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+/// The filename, represented as a Unicode string.
+/// If the value of the filename's ``FSFileName/data`` is not a valid UTF-8 byte sequence, this property is empty.
+@property (readonly, nullable) NSString *string FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+/// The filename, represented as a potentially lossy conversion to a string.
+/// The exact details of the string conversion may change in the future.
+@property (readonly, copy) NSString *debugDescription FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+/// Initializes a filename from a null-terminated character sequence.
+/// > Note: This initializer is unavailable in Swift. Use ``initWithData:`` or ``initWithString:`` instead.
+/// - Parameter name: A pointer to a C string.
+- (instancetype)initWithCString:(const char *)name FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1 NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("Use a data or string instead."); // NUL-terminated character sequence
+/// Initializes a file name by copying a character sequence from a byte array.
+/// > Note: This initializer is unavailable in Swift. Use ``initWithData:`` or ``initWithString:`` instead.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - bytes: A pointer to the character data to copy, up to a maximum of `length`. The sequence terminates if a `NUL` character exists prior to `length`.
+/// - length: The size of the `bytes` array.
+- (instancetype)initWithBytes:(const char *)bytes
+ length:(NSUInteger)length FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1 NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("Use a data or string instead.");
+/// Creates a filename by copying a character sequence data object.
+/// This initializer copies up to `name.length` characters of the sequence pointed to by `bytes`.
+/// - Parameter name: The data object containing the character sequence to use for the filename. The sequence terminates if a `NUL` character exists prior to `name.length`.
+- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData *)name FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+/// Creates a filename by copying a character sequence from a string instance.
+/// This initializer copies the UTF-8 representation of the characters in `string`.
+/// If `string` contains a `NUL` character, the sequence terminates.
+/// - Parameter name: The string containing the character sequence to use for the filename.
+- (instancetype)initWithString:(NSString *)name FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+/// Creates a filename from a null-terminated character sequence.
+/// - Parameter name: A pointer to a C string.
++ (instancetype)nameWithCString:(const char *)name FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1 NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("Use a data or string instead."); // NUL-terminated character sequence
+/// Creates a filename by copying a character sequence from a byte array.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - bytes: A pointer to the character data to copy, up to a maximum of `length`. The sequence terminates if a `NUL` character exists prior to `length`.
+/// - length: The size of the `bytes` array.
++ (instancetype)nameWithBytes:(const char *)bytes
+ length:(NSUInteger)length FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1 NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("Use a data or string instead.");
+/// Creates a filename by copying a character sequence data object.
+/// This initializer copies up to `name.length` characters of the sequence pointed to by `bytes`.
+/// - Parameter name: The data object containing the character sequence to use for the filename. The sequence terminates if a `NUL` character exists prior to `name.length`.
++ (instancetype)nameWithData:(NSData *)name FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+/// Creates a filename by copying a character sequence from a string instance.
+/// This initializer copies the UTF-8 representation of the characters in `string`.
+/// If `string` contains a `NUL` character, the sequence terminates.
+/// - Parameter name: The string containing the character sequence to use for the filename.
++ (instancetype)nameWithString:(NSString *)name FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1 ;
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSFileSystem.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSFileSystem.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSFileSystem.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSFileSystem.h 2025-02-11 06:12:25
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSFileSystem.h
+// FSKit
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSFileSystemBase.h>
+/// An abstract base class for implementing a full-featured file system.
+/// `FSFileSystem` is a full-featured file system, which works with one or more ``FSResource`` instances and presents one or more ``FSVolume`` references to callers.
+/// Implement your app extension by providing a subclass of `FSFileSystem` as a delegate object.
+/// Your delegate also needs to implement the `FSFileSystemOperations` protocol so that it can probe, load, and unload resources.
+/// > Note: The current version of FSKit supports only ``FSUnaryFileSystem``, not `FSFileSystem`.
+@interface FSFileSystem : NSObject <FSFileSystemBase>
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSFileSystemBase.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSFileSystemBase.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSFileSystemBase.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSFileSystemBase.h 2025-02-11 06:12:26
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSFileSystemBase.h
+// FSKit
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSKitDefines.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSContainer.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSVolume.h>
+@class FSBlockDeviceResource;
+/// A protocol containing functionality supplied by FSKit to file system implementations.
+/// Both ``FSFileSystem`` and ``FSUnaryFileSystem`` conform to this protocol.
+@protocol FSFileSystemBase <NSObject>
+/* Container state diagram for containerStatus:
+ ┌────────────────────────────┐
+ ┌─▶│ FSContainerStateNotReady │◀──────────────────────┐
+ │ └────────────────────────────┘ ▼
+ │ ▲ ┌────────────────────────────┐
+ │ │ │ FSContainerStateBlocked │
+ │ ▼ └────────────────────────────┘
+ │ ┌────────────────────────────┐ ▲
+ │ │ FSContainerStateReady │◀──────────────────────┘
+ │ └────────────────────────────┘
+ │ ▲
+ │ │
+ │ ▼
+ │ ┌────────────────────────────┐
+ └──│ FSContainerStateActive │
+ └────────────────────────────┘
+ */
+/// The status of the file system container, indicating its readiness and activity.
+/// A file system container starts in the ``FSContainerState/notReady`` state, and then transitions to the other values of the ``FSContainerState`` enumeration.
+/// The following diagram illustrates the possible state transitions.
+/// 
+/// Your file system implementation updates this property as it changes state.
+/// Many events and operations may trigger a state transition, and some transitions depend on a specific file system's design.
+/// When using ``FSBlockDeviceResource``, implement the following common state transitions:
+/// * Calling `loadResource` transitions the state out of ``FSContainerState/notReady``. For all block device file systems, this operation changes the state to either ``FSContainerState/ready`` or ``FSContainerState/blocked``.
+/// * Calling `unloadResource` transitions to the ``FSContainerState/notReady`` state, as does device termination.
+/// * Transitioning from ``FSContainerState/blocked`` to ``FSContainerState/ready`` occurs as a result of resolving the underlying block favorably.
+/// * Transitioning from ``FSContainerState/ready`` to ``FSContainerState/blocked`` is unusal, but valid.
+/// * Transitioning between ``FSContainerState/ready`` and ``FSContainerState/active`` can result from maintenance operations such as ``FSManageableResourceMaintenanceOperations/startCheckWithTask:options:error:``. For a ``FSUnaryFileSystem``, this transition can also occur when activating or deactivating the container's single volume.
+@property (copy) FSContainerStatus *containerStatus FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+/// Wipes existing file systems on the specified resource.
+/// This method wraps the `wipefs` functionality from `libutil`.
+/// For more information, see the `man` page for `wipefs`.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - resource: The ``FSBlockDeviceResource`` to wipe.
+/// - completion: A block or closure that executes after the wipe operation completes. The completion handler receives a single parameter indicating any error that occurs during the operation. If the value is `nil`, the wipe operation succeeded.
+-(void)wipeResource:(FSBlockDeviceResource * )resource
+ completionHandler:(void(^)(NSError * _Nullable error))completion FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSItem.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSItem.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSItem.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSItem.h 2025-02-11 06:12:26
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSItem.h
+// FSKit
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSKitDefines.h>
+typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSInteger, FSItemAttribute) {
+ FSItemAttributeType = 1UL << 0,
+ FSItemAttributeMode = 1UL << 1,
+ FSItemAttributeLinkCount = 1UL << 2,
+ FSItemAttributeUID NS_SWIFT_NAME(uid) = 1UL << 3,
+ FSItemAttributeGID NS_SWIFT_NAME(gid) = 1UL << 4,
+ FSItemAttributeFlags = 1UL << 5,
+ FSItemAttributeSize = 1UL << 6,
+ FSItemAttributeAllocSize = 1UL << 7,
+ FSItemAttributeFileID = 1UL << 8,
+ FSItemAttributeParentID = 1UL << 9,
+ FSItemAttributeAccessTime = 1UL << 10,
+ FSItemAttributeModifyTime = 1UL << 11,
+ FSItemAttributeChangeTime = 1UL << 12,
+ FSItemAttributeBirthTime = 1UL << 13,
+ FSItemAttributeBackupTime = 1UL << 14,
+ FSItemAttributeAddedTime = 1UL << 15,
+ FSItemAttributeSupportsLimitedXAttrs = 1UL << 16,
+ FSItemAttributeInhibitKernelOffloadedIO = 1UL << 17,
+} NS_SWIFT_NAME(FSItem.Attribute);
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FSItemType) {
+ FSItemTypeUnknown = 0,
+ FSItemTypeFile,
+ FSItemTypeDirectory,
+ FSItemTypeSymlink,
+ FSItemTypeCharDevice,
+ FSItemTypeBlockDevice,
+ FSItemTypeSocket
+typedef NS_ENUM(UInt64, FSItemID) {
+ FSItemIDInvalid = 0,
+ FSItemIDParentOfRoot = 1,
+ FSItemIDRootDirectory = 2,
+} NS_SWIFT_NAME(FSItem.Identifier);
+/// A distinct object in a file hierarchy, such as a file, directory, symlink, socket, and more.
+/// An `FSItem` is a mostly opaque object, which your file system implementation defines as needed.
+/// The ``FSItemAttributes`` class defines nonatomic properties to support `FSItem` instances.
+/// An ``FSItemAttributes`` instance contains a snapshot of the attributes of an `FSItem` at one point in time.
+/// The ``FSItemAttributes`` properties have no explicit thread safety provisions, since the operations that either get or set these properties enforce thread safety.
+/// You test an attribute's validity with the the method ``FSItem/Attributes/isValid(_:)``.
+/// If the value is `true` (Swift) or `YES` (Objective-C), it's safe to use the attribute.
+/// To request attributes from the module, the ``FSItem/GetAttributesRequest`` provides the ``FSItem/GetAttributesRequest/isAttributeWanted(_:)`` method as a way to check whether the module should retrieve an atribute's value.
+/// This class also provides a ``FSItem/GetAttributesRequest/wantedAttributes`` property to allow a calling app to set all wanted attributes in a single command.
+/// When setting attributes, ``FSItem/SetAttributesRequest`` provides the ``FSItem/SetAttributesRequest/wasAttributeConsumed(_:)`` method to verify whether the module successfully used an attribute.
+/// To work with several attributes at once, use the ``FSItem/SetAttributesRequest/consumedAttributes`` property.
+/// `FSItem` is the FSKit equivelant of a vnode in the kernel.
+/// For every FSKit vnode in the kernel, the `FSModule` hosting the volume has an instantiated `FSItem`.
+@interface FSItem : NSObject
+@interface FSItemAttributes : NSObject <NSSecureCoding>
+-(void)invalidateAllProperties; // mark all attributes inactive
+@property (nonatomic) uint32_t uid;
+@property (nonatomic) uint32_t gid;
+@property (nonatomic) uint32_t mode;
+@property (nonatomic) FSItemType type;
+@property (nonatomic) uint32_t linkCount;
+/** Flags are reported to applications as `stat.st_flags` and use the definitions there-of */
+@property (nonatomic) uint32_t flags;
+@property (nonatomic) uint64_t size;
+@property (nonatomic) uint64_t allocSize;
+@property (nonatomic) FSItemID fileID;
+@property (nonatomic) FSItemID parentID;
+ * supportsLimitedXAttrs - the item natively supports a limited set of xattrs
+ *
+ * Some file systems only support a limited set of xatts, for example msdosfs,
+ * where only the root item supports a single xattr.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL supportsLimitedXAttrs;
+ * inhibitKernelOffloadedIO
+ * Allows the file system to override the per file system Kernel Offloaded IO
+ * settings for a specific file.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL inhibitKernelOffloadedIO;
+@property (nonatomic) struct timespec modifyTime;
+@property (nonatomic) struct timespec addedTime;
+@property (nonatomic) struct timespec changeTime;
+@property (nonatomic) struct timespec accessTime;
+@property (nonatomic) struct timespec birthTime;
+@property (nonatomic) struct timespec backupTime;
+@interface FSItemSetAttributesRequest : FSItemAttributes
+@property (nonatomic) FSItemAttribute consumedAttributes;
+@interface FSItemGetAttributesRequest : NSObject <NSSecureCoding>
+@property (nonatomic) FSItemAttribute wantedAttributes;
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKit.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKit.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKit.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKit.h 2025-02-11 06:12:25
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSKit.h
+// FSKit
+#ifndef FSKit_h
+#define FSKit_h
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <os/log.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSKitDefines.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSKitFunctions.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSKitTypes.h>
+//! Project version number for FSKit.
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT double FSKitVersionNumber;
+//! Project version string for FSKit.
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char FSKitVersionString[];
+// In this header, we import all the FSKit public headers
+#import <FSKit/FSClient.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSContainer.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSEntityIdentifier.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSMutableFileDataBuffer.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSFileName.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSItem.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSKitError.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSModuleIdentity.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSResource.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSTask.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSTaskOptions.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSVolume.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSVolumeExtent.h>
+// These are last as they depend on classes included above
+#import <FSKit/FSFileSystemBase.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSFileSystem.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSUnaryFileSystem.h>
+#endif /* FSKit_h */
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKitDefines.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKitDefines.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKitDefines.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKitDefines.h 2025-02-11 06:12:26
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Header.h
+// FSKit
+#ifndef FSKitDefines_h
+#define FSKitDefines_h
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+# define FS_EXTERN extern "C"
+# define FS_EXTERN extern
+#ifndef FS_EXPORT
+# else
+# define FS_SUPPORTED_VISIBILITY __attribute__((visibility("default")))
+# endif
+# endif
+#define FS_EXPORT_INTERNAL FS_EXTERN __attribute__((visibility("internal")))
+#define FS_ALWAYS_EXPORT FS_EXTERN __attribute__((visibility("default")))
+// original API
+ API_UNAVAILABLE(ios, visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos)
+// Unavailable in original API
+#define FSKIT_API_UNAVAILABLE_V1 API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, ios, visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos)
+#endif /* FSKitDefines_h */
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKitError.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKitError.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKitError.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKitError.h 2025-02-11 06:12:25
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSKitError.h
+// FSKit
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSKitDefines.h>
+/// An error domain for FSKit errors.
+/// See <doc://com.apple.documentation/documentation/Foundation/NSError> for more information on error domains.
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSErrorDomain const FSKitErrorDomain;
+/// A code that indicates a specific FSKit error.
+typedef NS_ERROR_ENUM(FSKitErrorDomain, FSErrorCode) {
+ /// The module failed to load.
+ FSErrorModuleLoadFailed = 4500,
+ /// FSKit didn't recognize the resource, and probing failed to find a match.
+ FSErrorResourceUnrecognized = 4501,
+ /// The resource is damaged.
+ ///
+ /// This error indicates the resource needs a repair operation, or that a repair operation failed.
+ /// > Note: The status in this error applies to the resource. A failing repair operation reports a more specific error status.
+ FSErrorResourceDamaged = 4502,
+ /// FSKit recognizes the resource, but the resource isn't usable.
+ ///
+ /// For example, this error occurs when a resource uses a file system's internal feature flags.
+ /// If the only modules that support the file system don't support those feature flags, this code indicates an unusable resource.
+ /// The error tells the person using the module why the resource isn't usable.
+ FSErrorResourceUnusable = 4503,
+ /// An operation is in progress.
+ FSErrorStatusOperationInProgress = 4504,
+ /// An operation is paused.
+ FSErrorStatusOperationPaused = 4505,
+ /// While enumerating a directory, the given cookie didn't resolve to a valid directory entry.
+ FSErrorInvalidDirectoryCookie = 4506,
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKitFunctions.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKitFunctions.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKitFunctions.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKitFunctions.h 2025-02-11 06:12:25
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSKitFunctions.h
+// FSKit
+#ifndef FSKitFunctions_h
+#define FSKitFunctions_h
+// C code in this header is meant to be bridged to our Swift module
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <os/log.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSKitDefines.h>
+/// Creates an error object for the given POSIX error code.
+/// Creates an error object for the given Mach error code.
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSError * _Nonnull fs_errorForMachError(int errorCode) FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+/// Creates an error object for the given Cocoa error code.
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSError * _Nonnull fs_errorForCocoaError(int errorCode) FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+#endif /* FSKitFunctions_h */
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKitTypes.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKitTypes.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKitTypes.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSKitTypes.h 2025-02-11 06:12:25
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSKitTypes.h
+// FSKit
+#ifndef FSKitTypes_h
+#define FSKitTypes_h
+ * FSTaskParameters - argument array of parameters for an operation
+ *
+ * Directly maps to `argc`/`argv` passed to a command line tool. Consists
+ * of a sequence of strings formatted as per CLI arguments. Exact squence
+ * and syntax is left to the receiver, but two examples are:
+ *
+ * "force" => @[ @"--force" ]
+ * "read only" => @[ @"-o", "rdonly" ]
+ */
+typedef NSArray <NSString *> FSTaskParameters;
+#endif /* FSKitTypes_h */
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSModuleIdentity.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSModuleIdentity.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSModuleIdentity.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSModuleIdentity.h 2025-02-11 06:12:26
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSModuleIdentity.h
+// FSKit
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSKitDefines.h>
+/// An installed file system module.
+@interface FSModuleIdentity : NSObject
+/// The module's bundle identifier.
+@property (readonly) NSString *bundleIdentifier FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+/// The module's URL.
+@property (readonly) NSURL *url FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+/// A Boolean value that indicates if the module is enabled.
+@property (nonatomic, getter=isEnabled, readonly)
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSMutableFileDataBuffer.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSMutableFileDataBuffer.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSMutableFileDataBuffer.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSMutableFileDataBuffer.h 2025-02-11 06:12:25
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSFileDataBuffer.h
+// FSKit
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSKitDefines.h>
+ * FSMutableFileDataBuffer - wrapper object for a data buffer
+ *
+ * This object class wraps data buffers, and behaves
+ * in a way similar to a uio in the kernel.
+ */
+@interface FSMutableFileDataBuffer : NSObject
+@property (readonly) NSUInteger length FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+-(void *)mutableBytes FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1 NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("Use withMutableBytes instead.");
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSResource.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSResource.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSResource.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSResource.h 2025-02-11 06:12:26
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSResource.h
+// FSKit
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSContainer.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSKitDefines.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSKitTypes.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSTask.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSTaskOptions.h>
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FSMatchResult) {
+ // No match
+ FSMatchResultNotRecognized = 0,
+ // Probe recognizes this resource but is unable to use
+ FSMatchResultRecognized,
+ // Probe recognizes this resource and is ready to use, but in a limited capacity
+ FSMatchResultUsableButLimited,
+ // Probe recognizes this resource and is ready to use
+ FSMatchResultUsable,
+/// An abstract resource a file system uses to provide data for a volume.
+/// `FSResource` is a base class to represent the various possible sources of data for a file system.
+/// These range from dedicated storage devices like hard drives and flash storage to network connections, and beyond.
+/// Subclasses define behavior specific to a given kind of resource, such as ``FSBlockDeviceResource-c.class`` for disk partition (IOMedia) file systems.
+/// These file systems are typical disk file systems such as HFS, APFS, ExFAT, ext2fs, or NTFS.
+/// A resource's type also determines its life cycle.
+/// Resources based on block storage devices come into being when the system probes the media underlying the volumes and container.
+/// Other kinds of resources, like those based on URLs, might have different life cycles.
+/// For example, a resource based on a `file://` URL might iniitalize when a person uses the "Connect to server" command in the macOS Finder.
+/// ### Proxying resources
+/// Some resources, like ``FSBlockDeviceResource``, come in proxy and non-proxy variants.
+/// This addresses the issue that opening an external device like `/dev/disk2s1` requires an entitlement.
+/// Proxy resources allow unentitled clients of FSKit to describe which disk an ``FSBlockDeviceResource`` should represent.
+/// This allows, for example, the `mount(8)` tool to mount FSKit file systems on block devices when run as root.
+/// The tool uses a proxy when executing a command like `mount -t ffs /dev/disk2s1 /some/path`, which prevents leaking privileged resource access.
+@interface FSResource : NSObject<NSSecureCoding>
+/// A Boolean value that indicates whether the resource is revoked.
+/// If this is a proxy resource, the value of this property is always `true` (Swift) or `YES` (Objective-C).
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, getter=isRevoked) BOOL revoked;
+- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+/// Creates a proxy object of this resource.
+/// If you create a proxy from a proxy resource, this method returns a copy of the proxy.
+- (instancetype)makeProxy;
+/// Revokes the resource.
+/// This method works by stripping away any underlying privileges associated with the resource.
+/// This effectively disconnects this object from its underlying resource.
+- (void)revoke;
+#pragma mark - FSBlockDeviceResource class and helpers
+/** FSMetadataRange - A range describing contiguous metadata segments on disk. Consists of a startOffset, segmentLength and segmentCount.
+ It represents the following range of bytes in disk: `[startOffset, startOffset + segmentLength * segmentCount)`.
+ It is split into segments, as each segment represents a single block in the resource's buffer cache.
+ Each metadata segment must represent range which is already present in the resource's buffer cache.
+ Each segment's offset and length must match the offset and length of the corresponding block in the buffer cache.
+ For example, in the case of startOffset = 0, segmentLength = 512, segmentCount = 8,
+ this range represents 8 segments with the following ranges in disk: `[0, 512), [512, 1024), [1024, 1536), ..., [3584, 4096)`.
+ */
+@interface FSMetadataRange : NSObject
+/** Start offset of the range in bytes, must be a multiple of the corresponding resource blockSize */
+@property (readonly) off_t startOffset;
+/** Segment length in bytes, must be a multiple of the corresponding resource blockSize */
+@property (readonly) uint64_t segmentLength;
+/** Segment count */
+@property (readonly) uint64_t segmentCount;
+ segmentLength:(uint64_t)segmentLength
+ segmentCount:(uint64_t)segmentCount;
+ segmentLength:(uint64_t)segmentLength
+ segmentCount:(uint64_t)segmentCount;
+- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+/// A resource that represents a block storage disk partition.
+/// A `FSBlockDeviceResource` can exist in either a proxied or nonproxied version.
+/// Only the `fskitd` daemon creates "real" (nonproxied) instances of this class.
+/// Client applications and daemons create proxy objects for requests, and `fskitd` opens the underlying device during the processing of the request.
+/// This class wraps a file descriptor for a disk device or partition.
+/// Its fundamental identifier is the BSD disk name (``bsdName``) for the underlying IOMedia object.
+/// However, ``FSBlockDeviceResource-c.class`` doesn't expose the underlying file descriptor.
+/// Instead, it provides accessor methods that can read from and write to the partition, either directly or using the kernel buffer cache.
+/// When you use a `FSBlockDeviceResource`, your file system implementation also conforms to a maintenance operation protocol.
+/// These protocols add support for checking, repairing, and optionally formatting file systems.
+/// The system doesn't mount block device file systems until they pass a file system check.
+/// For an ``FSUnaryFileSystem`` that uses `FSBlockDeviceResource`, conform to `FSManageableResourceMaintenanceOperations`.
+@interface FSBlockDeviceResource : FSResource
+/// The device name of the resource.
+@property (readonly, copy) NSString *BSDName;
+/// A Boolean property that indicates whether the resource can write data to the device.
+@property (readonly, getter=isWritable)
+ BOOL writable;
+/// The logical block size, the size of data blocks used by the file system.
+/// This is equivalent to the `DKIOCGETBLOCKSIZE` device parameter.
+@property (readonly) uint64_t blockSize;
+/// The block count on this resource.
+@property (readonly) uint64_t blockCount;
+/// The sector size of the device.
+/// This is equivalent to the `DKIOCGETPHYSICALBLOCKSIZE` device parameter.
+@property (readonly) uint64_t physicalBlockSize;
+- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+/// Reads data from the resource into a buffer and executes a block afterwards.
+/// For the read to succeed, requests must conform to any transfer requirements of the underlying resource.
+/// Disk drives typically require sector (`physicalBlockSize`) addressed operations of one or more sector-aligned offsets.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - buffer: A buffer to receive the data.
+/// - offset: The offset into the resource from which to start reading.
+/// - length: A maximum number of bytes to read. The completion handler receives a parameter with the actual number of bytes read.
+/// - completionHandler: A block that executes after the read operation completes. If successful, the first parameter contains the number of bytes actually read. In the case of an error, the second parameter contains a non-`nil` error. This value is `EFAULT` if `buffer` is `NULL`, or `errno` if reading from the resource failed.
+- (void)readInto:(void *)buffer
+ startingAt:(off_t)offset
+ length:(size_t)length
+completionHandler:(void(^)(size_t actuallyRead,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))completionHandler FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1 NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;
+/// Synchronously reads data from the resource into a buffer.
+/// This is a synchronous version of ``readInto:startingAt:length:completionHandler:``.
+/// > Note: In some cases, this method performs a partial read. In this case, the return value is shorter than the requested length, and the `error` is set to `nil`.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - buffer: A buffer to receive the data.
+/// - offset: The offset into the resource from which to start reading.
+/// - length: A maximum number of bytes to read. The method's return value contains the actual number of bytes read.
+/// - error: On return, any error encountered while reading data, or `nil` if no error occurred.
+/// - Returns: The actual number of bytes read.
+-(size_t)readInto:(void *)buffer
+ startingAt:(off_t)offset
+ length:(size_t)length
+/// Writes data from from a buffer to the resource and executes a block afterwards.
+/// For the write to succeed, requests must conform to any transfer requirements of the underlying resource.
+/// Disk drives typically require sector (`physicalBlockSize`) addressed operations of one or more sector-aligned offsets.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - buffer: A buffer to provide the data.
+/// - offset: The offset into the resource from which to start writing.
+/// - length: A maximum number of bytes to write. The completion handler receives a parameter with the actual number of bytes write.
+/// - completionHandler: A block that executes after the write operation completes. If successful, the first parameter contains the number of bytes actually written. In the case of an error, the second parameter contains a non-`nil` error. This value is `EFAULT` if `buffer` is `NULL`, or `errno` if writing to the resource failed.
+- (void)writeFrom:(void *)buffer
+ startingAt:(off_t)offset
+ length:(size_t)length
+completionHandler:(void(^)(size_t actuallyWritten,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))completionHandler FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1 NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;
+/// Synchronously writes data from from a buffer to the resource and executes a block afterwards.
+/// This is a synchronous version of ``writeFrom:startingAt:length:completionHandler:``.
+/// > Note: In some cases, this method performs a partial write. In this case, the return value is shorter than the requested length, and the `error` is set to `nil`.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - buffer: A buffer to provide the data.
+/// - offset: The offset into the resource from which to start writing.
+/// - length: A maximum number of bytes to write. The completion handler receives a parameter with the actual number of bytes write.
+/// - error: On return, any error encountered while writing data, or `nil` if no error occurred.
+/// - Returns: The actual number of bytes written.
+-(size_t)writeFrom:(void *)buffer
+ startingAt:(off_t)offset
+ length:(size_t)length
+/// Synchronously reads file system metadata from the resource into a buffer.
+/// This method provides access to the Kernel Buffer Cache, which is the primary system cache for file system metadata.
+/// Unlike equivalent kernel APIs, this method doesn't hold any kernel-level claim to the underlying buffers.
+/// For the read to succeed, requests must conform to any transfer requirements of the underlying resource.
+/// Disk drives typically require sector (`physicalBlockSize`) addressed operations of one or more sector-aligned offsets.
+/// This method doesn't support partial reading of metadata.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - buffer: A buffer to receive the data.
+/// - offset: The offset into the resource from which to start reading.
+/// - length: The number of bytes to read.
+/// - error: On return, any error encountered while reading data, or `nil` if no error occurred.
+/// - Returns: A Boolean value indicating whether the metadata read succeeded.
+-(BOOL)metadataReadInto:(void *)buffer
+ startingAt:(off_t)offset
+ length:(size_t)length
+/// Synchronously writes file system metadata from a buffer to the resource.
+/// This method provides access to the Kernel Buffer Cache, which is the primary system cache for file system metadata.
+/// Unlike equivalent kernel APIs, this method doesn't hold any kernel-level claim to the underlying buffers.
+/// For the write to succeed, requests must conform to any transfer requirements of the underlying resource.
+/// Disk drives typically require sector (`physicalBlockSize`) addressed operations of one or more sector-aligned offsets.
+/// This method doesn't support partial writing of metadata.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - buffer: A buffer to provide the data.
+/// - offset: The offset into the resource from which to start writing.
+/// - length: The number of bytes to writing.
+/// - error: On return, any error encountered while writing data, or `nil` if no error occurred.
+/// - Returns: A Boolean value indicating whether the metadata write succeeded.
+-(BOOL)metadataWriteFrom:(void *)buffer
+ startingAt:(off_t)offset
+ length:(size_t)length
+/// Writes file system metadata from a buffer to a cache, prior to flushing it to the resource.
+/// This method provides access to the Kernel Buffer Cache, which is the primary system cache for file system metadata.
+/// Unlike equivalent kernel APIs, this method doesn't hold any kernel-level claim to the underlying buffers.
+/// This method is equivalent to ``metadataWriteFrom:startingAt:length:error:``, except that it writes data to the resource's buffer cache instead of writing to disk immediately.
+/// To ensure writing data to disk, the client must flush the metadata by calling ``metadataFlushWithError:`` or ``asynchronousMetadataFlushWithError:``.
+/// Delayed writes offer two significant advantages:
+/// - Delayed writes are more performant, since the file system can avoid waiting for the actual write, reducing I/O latency.
+/// - When writing to a specific range repeatedly, delayed writes allow the file system to flush data to the disk only when necessary. This reduces disk usage by eliminating unnecessary writes.
+/// For the write to succeed, requests must conform to any transfer requirements of the underlying resource.
+/// Disk drives typically require sector (`physicalBlockSize`) addressed operations of one or more sector-aligned offsets.
+/// This method doesn't support partial writing of metadata.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - buffer: A buffer to provide the data.
+/// - offset: The offset into the resource from which to start writing.
+/// - length: The number of bytes to writing.
+/// - error: On return, any error encountered while writing data, or `nil` if no error occurred.
+/// - Returns: A Boolean value indicating whether the metadata write succeeded.
+-(BOOL)delayedMetadataWriteFrom:(void *)buffer
+ startingAt:(off_t)offset
+ length:(size_t)length
+/** metadataFlushWithError: - synchronously flush the resource's buffer cache.
+ This method preforms metadata flush to the resource, which means any cached metadata operations are being written to the resource.
+ Returns values:
+ - YES on success
+ - NO with an error code of EIO
+ */
+/// Synchronously flushes the resource's buffer cache.
+/// This method flushes data previously written with ``delayedMetadataWriteFrom:startingAt:length:error:`` to the resource.
+/// - Parameter error: On return, any error encountered while writing data, or `nil` if no error occurred.
+/// - Returns: A Boolean value indicating whether the metadata flush succeeded.
+-(BOOL)metadataFlushWithError:(NSError **)error FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+/// Asynchronously flushes the resource's buffer cache.
+/// This method schedules a flush of data previously written with ``delayedMetadataWriteFrom:startingAt:length:error:`` to the resource and returns immediately without blocking.
+/// This method doesn't wait to check the flush's status.
+/// If an error prevents the flush from being scheduled, the error is indicated by the in-out `error` parameter.
+/// - Parameter error: On return, any error encountered while writing data, or `nil` if no error occurred.
+/// - Returns: A Boolean value indicating whether scheduling the metadata flush succeeded.
+-(BOOL)asynchronousMetadataFlushWithError:(NSError **)error FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+/// Clears the given ranges within the buffer cache.
+/// This method clears the specified ranges in the resource’s buffer cache by writing zeroes into them.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - rangesToClear: The metadata ranges to clear.
+/// - withDelayedWrites: A Boolean value that determines whether to perform the clear operation with delayed writes. The delay works in the same manner as ``delayedMetadataWriteFrom:startingAt:length:error:``. When using delayed writes, the client can flush the metadata with ``metadataFlushWithError:`` or ``asynchronousMetadataFlushWithError:``. The system also flushes stale data in the buffer cache periodically.
+/// - error: On return, any error encountered while writing data, or `nil` if no error occurred. This value is `EINVAL` if `rangesToClear` is invalid.
+/// - Returns: A Boolean value indicating whether clearing the metadata succeeded.
+-(BOOL)metadataClear:(NSArray<FSMetadataRange *> *)rangesToClear
+ withDelayedWrites:(BOOL)withDelayedWrites
+ error:(NSError **)error FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+/// Synchronously purges the given ranges from the buffer cache.
+/// This method removes the given ranges from the resource's buffer cache.
+/// This process drops any dirty data in the cache, preventing the data from reaching the device.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - rangesToPurge: The metadata ranges to purge.
+/// - error: On return, any error encountered while writing data, or `nil` if no error occurred. This value is `EINVAL` if `rangesToPurge` is invalid.
+/// - Returns: A Boolean value indicating whether purging the metadata succeeded.
+-(BOOL)metadataPurge:(NSArray<FSMetadataRange *> *)rangesToPurge
+ error:(NSError **)error FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+/// Maintenance operations for a file system's resources.
+/// This protocol includes operations to check and format a resource for an ``FSUnaryFileSystem``.
+/// Conform to this protocol if you implement a ``FSUnaryFileSystem`` that uses an ``FSBlockDeviceResource-c.class``.
+@protocol FSManageableResourceMaintenanceOperations <NSObject>
+/// Starts checking the file system with the given options.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - task: A task object you use to communicate back to the client.
+/// - options: Options for performing the check.
+/// - error: In Objective-C, a pointer to an <doc://com.apple.documentation/documentation/Foundation/NSError>. Populate this with any error that occurs when starting the check. In Swift, throw an <doc://com.apple.documentation/documentation/Swift/Error> instead.
+/// - Returns: An <doc://com.apple.documentation/documentation/Foundation/NSProgress> object that you use to update progress as the check operation progresses. Return `nil` if starting the file system check encountered an error.
+-(NSProgress * _Nullable)startCheckWithTask:(FSTask *)task
+ options:(FSTaskOptions *)options
+ error:(NSError**)error FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(startCheck(task:options:));
+/// Starts formatting the file system with the given options.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - task: A task object you use to communicate back to the client.
+/// - options: Options for performing the format.
+/// - error: In Objective-C, a pointer to an <doc://com.apple.documentation/documentation/Foundation/NSError>. Populate this with any error that occurs when starting the format. In Swift, throw an <doc://com.apple.documentation/documentation/Swift/Error> instead.
+/// - Returns: An <doc://com.apple.documentation/documentation/Foundation/NSProgress> object that you use to update progress as the format operation progresses. Return `nil` if starting to format the file system encountered an error.
+-(NSProgress * _Nullable)startFormatWithTask:(FSTask *)task
+ options:(FSTaskOptions *)options
+ error:(NSError**)error FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(startFormat(task:options:));
+/** FSProbeResult object holding result of a specific probe
+ @discussion Name and containerID must be non-nil for results other than .NotRecognized. Some container or volume formats may
+ lack a name. Return an empty string (`@""`). Likewise, if the format supports a name but one is not set. Some container
+ or volume formats may lack a durable UUID on which to base a container identifier. Such formats are only valid for Unary
+ file systems. In such cases, return a random UUID. In BlockDeviceResource file system cases where the probe operation
+ succeeds at determining the probe result but there is an error reading either the name or the UUID, return whatever information
+ is available and an empty string/random UUID for the missing information.
+ */
+@interface FSProbeResult : NSObject <NSSecureCoding>
+ @property result match result, one of .NotRecognized, .Recognized, .UsableButLimited, or .Usable.
+ @property name resource name found during probe. nil if .NotRecognized, non-nil otherwise
+ @property containerID container identifier found during probe. nil if .NotRecognized, non-nil otherwise
+ @discussion
+ name and containerID must be non-nil for results other than .NotRecognized. Some container or volume formats may
+ lack a name. Return an empty string (`@""`). Likewise if the format supports a name but one is not set. Some container
+ or volume formats may lack a durable UUID on which to base a container identifier. Such formats are only valid for Unary
+ file systems. In such cases, return a random UUID. In BlockDeviceResource file system cases where the probe operation
+ succeeds at determining the probe result but there is an error reading either the name or the uuid, return whatever information
+ is available and an empty string/random UUID for the missing information.
+ */
+@property (readonly) FSMatchResult result;
+/** Resource name found during probe. nil if .NotRecognized, non-nil otherwise */
+@property (readonly, copy, nullable) NSString *name;
+/** Container identifier found during probe. nil if .NotRecognized, non-nil otherwise */
+@property (readonly, nullable) FSContainerIdentifier *containerID;
+- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+/** Probe result of not recognized */
+@property (class, readonly) FSProbeResult * notRecognizedProbeResult;
+/** This probe result indicates that the file system format is recognized, but not usable. The name and containerID are both included with the result. */
++ (instancetype)recognizedProbeResultWithName:(NSString *)name
+ containerID:(FSContainerIdentifier *)containerID
+ NS_SWIFT_NAME(recognized(name:containerID:));
+/** This probe result indicates that the file system format is known and is usable with limited capabilities, however the name and/or containerID were unavailable due to limitations on the probed resource.
+ This result must never be returned as the result from probing a reslurce which is not limited. */
+@property (class, readonly) FSProbeResult * usableButLimitedProbeResult;
+/** This probe result indicates that the file system format is known and is usable with limited capabilities. The name and containerID are both included with the result. */
++ (instancetype)usableButLimitedProbeResultWithName:(NSString *)name
+ containerID:(FSContainerIdentifier *)containerID
+ NS_SWIFT_NAME(usableButLimited(name:containerID:));
+/** This probe result indicates that the file system format is known and is usable. The name and containerID are both included with the result. */
++ (instancetype)usableProbeResultWithName:(NSString *)name
+ containerID:(FSContainerIdentifier *)containerID
+ NS_SWIFT_NAME(usable(name:containerID:));
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSTask.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSTask.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSTask.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSTask.h 2025-02-11 06:12:26
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSTask.h
+// FSKit
+#import <FSKit/FSKitDefines.h>
+/// A class that enables a file system module to pass log messages and completion notifications to clients.
+/// FSKit creates an instance of this class for each long-running operations.
+@interface FSTask : NSObject
+/// Logs the given string to the initiating client.
+/// - Parameter str: The string to log.
+- (void)logMessage:(NSString *)str FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+/// Informs the client that the task completed.
+/// - Parameter error: `nil` if the task completed successfully; otherwise, an error that caused the task to fail.
+- (void)didCompleteWithError:(NSError * _Nullable)error FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(didComplete(error:));
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSTaskOptions.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSTaskOptions.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSTaskOptions.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSTaskOptions.h 2025-02-11 06:12:26
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSKitTaskOptions.h
+// FSKit
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+/// A class that passes command options to a task, optionally providing security-scoped URLs.
+@interface FSTaskOptions : NSObject
+- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+/// An array of strings that represent command-line options for the task.
+/// This property is equivalent to the `argv` array of C strings passed to a command-line tool.
+@property (readonly, copy) NSArray <NSString *> *taskOptions;
+/// Retrieves a URL for a given option.
+/// Some command-line options refer to paths that indicate a location in which the module needs access to a file outside of its container.
+/// FSKit passes these paths as a URL tagged by the option name.
+/// For example, `"-B" "./someFile"` returns the URL for `./someFile` when passed an option `"B"`.
+/// To indicate that your module treats a given option as a path, include it in the `pathOptions` dictionary within a command options dictionary (`FSActivatOptionSyntax`, `FSCheckOptionSyntax`, or `FSFormatOptionSyntax`).
+/// This dictionary uses the command option name as a key, and each entry has a value indicating what kind of entry to create.
+/// - Parameter option: The option for which to retrieve the URL. This value doesn't include leading dashes.
+- (NSURL * _Nullable)urlForOption:(NSString *)option;
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSUnaryFileSystem.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSUnaryFileSystem.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSUnaryFileSystem.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSUnaryFileSystem.h 2025-02-11 06:12:25
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSUnaryFileSystem.h
+// FSKit
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSFileSystemBase.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSResource.h>
+/// An abstract base class for implementing a minimal file system.
+/// `FSUnaryFileSystem` is a simplified file system, which works with one ``FSResource`` and presents it as one ``FSVolume``.
+/// The one volume and its container have a shared state and lifetime, a more constrained life cycle than the ``FSFileSystem`` design flow.
+/// Implement your app extension by providing a subclass of `FSUnaryFileSystem` as a delegate object.
+/// Your delegate also needs to implement the ``FSUnaryFileSystemOperations`` protocol so that it can load resources.
+@interface FSUnaryFileSystem : NSObject <FSFileSystemBase>
+/// Operations performed by a unary file system.
+/// Make sure your subclass of ``FSUnaryFileSystem`` conforms to this protocol.
+@protocol FSUnaryFileSystemOperations <NSObject>
+/// Requests that the file system probe the specified resource.
+/// Implement this method to indicate whether the resource is recognizable and usable.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - resource: The ``FSResource`` to probe.
+/// - replyHandler: A block or closure that your implementation invokes when it finishes the probe or encounters an error. Pass an instance of ``FSProbeResult`` with probe results as the first parameter if your probe operation succeeds. If probing fails, pass an error as the second parameter.
+-(void)probeResource:(FSResource *)resource
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(FSProbeResult * _Nullable result,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))replyHandler FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(probeResource(resource:replyHandler:));
+/// Requests that the file system load a resource and present it as a volume.
+/// Implement this method by inspecting the provided resource and verifying it uses a supported format.
+/// If the resource does use a supported format, create a subclass of `FSVolume`, clear the container error state, and invoke the `reply` callback, passing your volume as a parameter.
+/// If loading can't proceed, invoke `reply` and send an appropriate error as the second parameter.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - resource: An ``FSResource`` to load.
+/// - options: An ``FSTaskOptions`` object specifying options to apply when loading the resource. An ``FSUnaryFileSystem`` supports two options: `-f` for "force" and `--rdonly` for read-only. The file system must remember if the read-only option is present.
+/// - replyHandler: A block or closure that your implementation invokes when it finishes setting up or encounters an error. Pass a subclass of `FSVolume` as the first parameter if loading succeeds. If loading fails, pass an error as the second parameter.
+-(void)loadResource:(FSResource *)resource
+ options:(FSTaskOptions *)options
+ replyHandler:(void (^)(FSVolume * _Nullable volume,
+ NSError * _Nullable err))replyHandler NS_SWIFT_NAME(loadResource(resource:options:replyHandler:)) FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+/// Requests that the file system unload the specified resource.
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - resource: An ``FSResource`` to unload.
+/// - options: An ``FSTaskOptions`` object specifying options to apply when unloading the resource.
+/// - reply: A block or closure that your implementation invokes when it finishes unloading or encounters an error. If unloading fails, pass an error as the parameter to describe the problem. Otherwise, pass `nil`.
+-(void)unloadResource:(FSResource *)resource
+ options:(FSTaskOptions *)options
+ replyHandler:(void (^)(NSError * _Nullable err))reply NS_SWIFT_NAME(unloadResource(resource:options:replyHandler:)) FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
+/// Notifies you that the system finished loading your file system extension.
+/// The system performs this callback after the main run loop starts and before receiving the first message from the FSKit daemon.
+/// Implement this method if you want to perform any setup prior to receiving FSKit callbacks.
+-(void)didFinishLoading FSKIT_API_AVAILABILITY_V1;
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSVolume.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSVolume.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSVolume.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSVolume.h 2025-02-11 06:12:25
@@ -0,0 +1,1182 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSVolume.h
+// FSKit
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSKitDefines.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSEntityIdentifier.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSItem.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSContainer.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSFileName.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSResource.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSMutableFileDataBuffer.h>
+typedef uint64_t FSDirectoryCookie NS_TYPED_EXTENSIBLE_ENUM;
+FS_EXPORT FSDirectoryCookie const FSDirectoryCookieInitial;
+typedef uint64_t FSDirectoryVerifier NS_TYPED_EXTENSIBLE_ENUM;
+FS_EXPORT FSDirectoryVerifier const FSDirectoryVerifierInitial;
+typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSInteger, FSDeactivateOptions) {
+ FSDeactivateOptionsForce = 1 << 0
+ * @typedef FSSyncFlags
+ * Flags for synchronizeWithFlags based on the flags defined in mount.h
+ * More flags which are not a part of this API can be used in the kernel, so
+ * the flags are defined as options rather than an enum.
+ */
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FSSyncFlags) {
+ FSSyncFlagsWait = 1, /* synchronized I/O file integrity completion */
+ FSSyncFlagsNoWait = 2, /* start all I/O, but do not wait for it */
+ FSSyncFlagsDWait = 4, /* synchronized I/O data integrity completion */
+ * FSVolumeIdentifier - data identifying a volume
+ *
+ * For most volumes, these data are the bytes of the UUID
+ * identifying the volume. Network file systems may access the same
+ * underlying volume using different authentication credentials. As
+ * such, volume identifiers for those volumes add qualifying data indicative
+ * of the specific container. Developers should not subclass this class.
+ */
+@interface FSVolumeIdentifier : FSEntityIdentifier
+ * For each item found during directory enumeration, we always require a few pieces of information (item's
+ * name, type, identifier (inode number), enumeration cookie).
+ * Some directory enumerations also require other attributes, and those calls will supply an FSItemGetAttributesRequest.
+ * These pieces of information are reported to FSKit by the volume implementation making a call to the packer object,
+ * passing in the needed information. The cookie is an identifier which an enumerating application can use to
+ * resume an enumeration. Specifically, for each enumerated item, the cookie is the value to pass into a future
+ * enumeration to resume it with the item NEXT AFTER the current one.
+ */
+@interface FSDirectoryEntryPacker : NSObject
+-(instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ * @method packEntryWithName:itemType:itemID:nextCookie:attributes:
+ * This method should be called during the enumerateDirectory method, for each directory entry that the file system would like to return.
+ * @param name item's name.
+ * @param itemType item's type.
+ * @param itemID item's ID.
+ * @param nextCookie indicates the cookie value appropriate for resuming the enumeration at the next entry
+ * @param attributes item's attributes. Should be nil if no attributes were requested.
+ * @return YES Continue to the next entry, else NO.
+ *
+ * Example usage (an example how to pack multiple directory entries in a for loop)
+ -(void)packDirectoryEntries:(FSDirectoryEntryPacker *)packer
+ withEntries:(NSArray <FSFileName *> *)entries
+ {
+ FSItemAttributes *attrs = [[FSItemAttributes alloc] init];
+ for (FSFileName *name in entries) {
+ if([packer packEntryWithName:name
+ itemType:FSItemTypeFile
+ itemID:0
+ nextCookie:0
+ attributes:attrs] == NO) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ */
+-(BOOL)packEntryWithName:(FSFileName *)name
+ itemType:(FSItemType)itemType
+ itemID:(FSItemID)itemID
+ nextCookie:(FSDirectoryCookie)nextCookie
+ attributes:(FSItemAttributes * _Nullable)attributes
+ * @typedef FSVolumeCaseFormat
+ * Case-sensitivity status reported as part of FSVolumeSupportedCapabilities.
+ * (A case-sensitive volume is a volume which treats upper and lower case characters in file and directory
+ * names as different).
+ */
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FSVolumeCaseFormat) {
+ /** Volume is case sensitive */
+ FSVolumeCaseFormatSensitive = 0,
+ /** Volume is NOT case sensitive */
+ FSVolumeCaseFormatInsensitive = 1,
+ /** Volume is NOT case sensitive, but supports preserving the case of file and directory names. */
+ FSVolumeCaseFormatInsensitiveCasePreserving = 2
+} NS_SWIFT_NAME(FSVolume.CaseFormat);
+ * @interface FSVolumeSupportedCapabilities
+ * An object to group all volume capabilities.
+ */
+@interface FSVolumeSupportedCapabilities : NSObject<NSSecureCoding>
+/** Supports persistent object identifiers and can look up file system objects by their IDs. */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL supportsPersistentObjectIDs;
+/** Supports symbolic links */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL supportsSymbolicLinks;
+/** Supports hard links */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL supportsHardLinks;
+/** Supports a journal used to speed recovery in case of unplanned restart (such as a power outage or crash). This does not necessarily mean the volume is actively using a journal. */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL supportsJournal;
+/** Supports active journal using a journal for speedy recovery after an unplanned restart. */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL supportsActiveJournal;
+/** Does not store reliable times for the root directory */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL doesNotSupportRootTimes;
+/** Supports sparse files, that is, files which can have 'holes' that have never been written to, and thus do not consume space on disk. */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL supportsSparseFiles;
+/** Supports zero runs, the volume keeps track of allocated but unwritten runs of a file so that it can substitute zeroes without actually writing zeroes to the media. */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL supportsZeroRuns;
+/** Supports fast statFS, hints to upper layers to indicate that statfs(2) is fast enough that its results need not be cached by the caller. */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL supportsFastStatFS;
+/** Supports file sizes larger than 4GB, and potentially up to 2TB */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL supports2TBFiles;
+/** Supports open deny modes (e.g., "open for read write, deny write"). */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL supportsOpenDenyModes;
+/** Supports the `UF_HIDDEN` file flag */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL supportsHiddenFiles;
+/** Does not support determining values for total data blocks, available blocks, or free blocks, as in f_blocks, f_bavail, and f_bfree in the struct statFS returned by statfs(2). */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL doesNotSupportVolumeSizes;
+/** Supports 64-bit object IDs, Uses object IDs that are 64-bit. */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL supports64BitObjectIDs;
+/** Supports document IDs (an ID which persists across object ID changes) for document revisions. */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL supportsDocumentID;
+/** Does not support setting the UF_IMMUTABLE flag */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL doesNotSupportImmutableFiles;
+/** Does not support setting file permissions */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL doesNotSupportSettingFilePermissions;
+/** Supports having multiple logical file systems in a single "partition" which share space. */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL supportsSharedSpace;
+/** Supports having multiple logical file systems which may be mounted and unmounted together and may present common file system identifier information. */
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL supportsVolumeGroups;
+/** Whether the volume is case sensitive or not. */
+@property (nonatomic) FSVolumeCaseFormat caseFormat;
+/// A directory structure for files and folders.
+/// A file system, depending on its type, provides one or more volumes to clients.
+/// The ``FSUnaryFileSystem`` by definition provides only one volume, while an ``FSFileSystem`` supports multiple volumes.
+/// You implement a volume for your file system type by subclassing this class, and also conforming to the ``FSVolume/Operations`` protocol.
+/// This protocol defines the minimum set of operations supported by a volume, such as mounting, activating, creating and removing items, and more.
+/// Your volume can provide additional functionality by conforming to other volume operations protocols.
+/// These protocols add support for operations like open and close, read and write, extended attribute (Xattr) manipulation, and more.
+@interface FSVolume : NSObject
+@property (strong, readonly) FSVolumeIdentifier *volumeID;
+@property (copy) FSFileName *name;
+-(instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+-(instancetype)initWithVolumeID:(FSVolumeIdentifier *)volumeID
+ volumeName:(FSFileName *)volumeName NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
+ * FSVolumePathConfOperations
+ *
+ * This protocol gathers properties related to the pathfonf and fpathconf
+ * system calls. They are included in FSVolumeOperations and are gathered here as
+ * they behave differently than the operations added in FSVolumeOperations. These
+ * properties return the value imposed by the file system for the given property. For
+ * files, this value applies to the file. For directories, this value applies to
+ * all of the items in the directory.
+ *
+ * Some values are booleans while other values are numeric. Numeric limits
+ * use -1 to represent no limit.
+ *
+ */
+@protocol FSVolumePathConfOperations <NSObject>
+// The maximum number of hard links to the object.
+@property (readonly) NSInteger maximumLinkCount;
+// The maximum length of a component of a filename.
+@property (readonly) NSInteger maximumNameLength;
+// if TRUE, file system will reject chown(2) calls if not superuser.
+@property (readonly) BOOL restrictsOwnershipChanges;
+// If TRUE, file system will truncate the filename to maximumNameLength if filename is longer than maximumNameLength.
+// If FALSE, file system will return ENAMETOOLONG if filename is longer than maximumNameLength.
+@property (readonly) BOOL truncatesLongNames;
+ * maximum xattr size properties:
+ * One of maximumXattrSize, maximumXattrSizeInBits must be implemented. FSKit
+ * will convert from one to another if needed. In case both maximumXattrSize
+ * and maximumXattrSizeInBits are implemented, FSKit will only use the
+ * maximumXattrSizeInBits implementation.
+ */
+// The maximum extended attribute size in bytes.
+@property (readonly) NSInteger maximumXattrSize;
+// The number of bits used to store maximum extended attribute size in bytes.
+@property (readonly) NSInteger maximumXattrSizeInBits;
+ * maximum file size properties:
+ * One of maximumFileSize, maximumFileSizeInBits must be implemented. FSKit
+ * will convert from one to another if needed. In case both maximumFileSize
+ * and maximumFileSizeInBits are implemented, FSKit will only use the
+ * maximumFileSizeInBits implementation.
+ */
+// The maximum size of a regular file allowed in the volume.
+@property (readonly) uint64_t maximumFileSize;
+ * The minimum number of bits needed to represent, as a signed integer value,
+ * the maximum size of a regular file allowed in the volume.
+ * The maximum file size is 2^(maximumFileSizeInBits - 1).
+ *
+ * Maximum file size (bytes) Maximum (in hex) Unsigned bits Signed bits
+ * 65,535 0xFFFF 16 17
+ * 2,147,483,647 0x7FFFFFFF 31 32
+ * 4,294,967,295 0xFFFFFFFF 32 33
+ * 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 64 65
+ */
+@property (readonly) NSInteger maximumFileSizeInBits;
+ * FSStatFSResult - An interface used to report `volumeStatistics`.
+ * Names are taken from `struct statfs` in `statfs(2)`.
+ * These values will be reported to `statfs(2)` result.
+ * All properties have a default value of 0. The file system should override these values, unless it has no
+ * meaningful values to override with.
+ * One exception is the fileSystemTypeName, which is readonly, and should be set using the designated initializer.
+ */
+@interface FSStatFSResult : NSObject <NSSecureCoding>
+/** Block size, in bytes, of the volume */
+@property NSInteger blockSize;
+/** Optimal block size to perform I/O with.
+ * Should be an even multiple of the block size. */
+@property NSInteger ioSize;
+/** Total data blocks in volume */
+@property uint64_t totalBlocks;
+/** Free blocks avail to non-superuser */
+@property uint64_t availableBlocks;
+/** Free blocks in volume */
+@property uint64_t freeBlocks;
+/** Used blocks in volume */
+@property uint64_t usedBlocks;
+/** Total size, in bytes, of the volume */
+@property uint64_t totalBytes;
+/** The amount of space available to users, in bytes, in the volume */
+@property uint64_t availableBytes;
+/** The amount of free space, in bytes, in the volume */
+@property uint64_t freeBytes;
+/** The amount of used space, in bytes, in the volume */
+@property uint64_t usedBytes;
+/** The total number of file slots in the volume */
+@property uint64_t totalFiles;
+/** The total number of free file slots in the volume */
+@property uint64_t freeFiles;
+/** File system sub-type (flavor).
+ * Should match the FSPersonalities's FSSubType attribute, if exists (within the EXAppExtensionAttributes
+ * dictionary of the module\`s Info.plist). */
+@property NSInteger fileSystemSubType;
+/** File system type name.
+ * Should match the FSShortName attribute within the EXAppExtensionAttributes dictionary of the module\`s
+ * Info.plist. Maximal allowed length is `MFSTYPENAMELEN`, including NUL. */
+@property (readonly, copy) NSString * fileSystemTypeName;
+- (instancetype)initWithFileSystemTypeName:(NSString *)fileSystemTypeName;
+- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+@protocol FSVolumeOperations <NSObject, FSVolumePathConfOperations>
+ * supportedVolumeCapabilities
+ *
+ * report FSVolumeSupportedCapabilities data.
+ * @return an FSVolumeSupportedCapabilities object, with the volume's supported capabilities.
+ */
+@property (readonly, nonatomic) FSVolumeSupportedCapabilities *supportedVolumeCapabilities;
+ * volumeStatistics
+ *
+ * report FSKitStatFSResult data.
+ * @return an FSKitStatFSResult object, with up-to-date volume statistics.
+ */
+@property (readonly, nonatomic) FSStatFSResult * volumeStatistics;
+ * mountWithOptions:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Some process is trying to mount this volume.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the newly created root item and error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that case, rootItem is ignored.
+ */
+-(void)mountWithOptions:(FSTaskParameters *)options
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(FSItem * _Nullable rootItem,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+-(void)mountWithParameters:(FSTaskParameters *)options
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(FSItem * _Nullable rootItem,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * unmountWithReplyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief file system is being unmounted. All cached state should be cleaned and flushed.
+ * @param reply should be called with the relevant error, or nil in case of success.
+ */
+ * synchronizeWithFlags:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief sync the volume.
+ * After calling this method, FSKit assumes that the volume
+ * has sent all pending IOs or metadata to the underlying resource.
+ * @param flags Waitfor flags as defined in mount.h. These flags let the
+ * backend know whether to run the operation in a blocking or a
+ * non blocking way.
+ * @param reply should be called with the relevant error, or nil in case of success.
+ */
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * getAttributes:ofItem:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Fetch the item attributes for the given FSItem.
+ * @param desiredAttributes requested set of attributes to get.
+ * A given attribute, ATTR, is requested In case <ATTR>Wanted is set.
+ * @param item item to get the attributes for.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the requested attrs and error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that case, attributes is ignored.
+ * @discussion For file systems that do not support hard links,
+ * linkCount should be 1 for regular files and symbolic links.
+ * In case the item's bsdFlags contain the UF_COMPRESSED flag,
+ * the file system should return the uncompressed size of the file.
+ */
+-(void)getAttributes:(FSItemGetAttributesRequest *)desiredAttributes
+ ofItem:(FSItem *)item
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(FSItemAttributes * _Nullable attributes,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * setAttributes:onItem:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Set the given set of item attributes to the given FSItem.
+ * @param newAttributes FSItemSetAttributesRequest including the attributes to set
+ * @param item item to set the attributes for.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the item's updated attrs
+ * (using the same semantics as the getItemAttributes call) and error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that case, attributes is ignored.
+ * @discussion Note that several attributes are considered to be "read-only",
+ * and attempts to set those attributes should result in an error of EINVAL being returned.
+ * If "size" is set beyond the end of file and the underlying file system does not support
+ * sparse files, space to fulfill the new file size must be allocated and either zero-filled
+ * or otherwise configured to read as zeros.
+ * If "size" is set below the current end of file, the file shall be truncated and any space
+ * no longer required to fulfill the new file size must be returned to the file system as
+ * free space. Attempts to set "size" on directories and symbolic links must
+ * be ignored (and no error should be returned). If the caller attempts to set
+ * an attribute not supported by the on-disk file system format, no error should
+ * be returned; instead, that situation will be detected by the upper layers.
+ */
+-(void)setAttributes:(FSItemSetAttributesRequest *)newAttributes
+ onItem:(FSItem *)item
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(FSItemAttributes * _Nullable attributes,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * lookupItemNamed:inDirectory:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Lookup an item within a directory.
+ * @param name item name to lookup.
+ * @param directory directory to look the item in.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the found item,
+ * the item name (as it's saved within the file system), and error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that case, theItem and itemName are ignored.
+ * If the entry does not exist, complete the request with an error
+ * with a domain of NSPOSIXErrorDomain and a code of ENOENT.
+ */
+-(void)lookupItemNamed:(FSFileName *)name
+ inDirectory:(FSItem *)directory
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(FSItem * _Nullable theItem,
+ FSFileName * _Nullable itemName,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * reclaimItem:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Reclaim an item. Releases any resources allocated for the item.
+ * @param item item to reclaim.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error.
+ * Anyway, the resources allocated for this item should be released.
+ * @discussion FSKit guarantees that for every FSItem returned by the volume,
+ * a corresponding reclaim operation will occur once the upper layers no longer
+ * reference that item.
+ *
+ * Note: block device file systems may wish to assess if the underlying resource has been terminated
+ * before processing reclaim operations. On Unary file systems, it is especially easy to assess. When such
+ * resources are disconnected from the system, the associated volumes are unmounted. Unmount triggers
+ * reclaiming of all items, and some implementations have benefited greatly from short-circuiting reclaim
+ * in such cases. As the resource has been terminated, all I/O will report an error, and it's easiest to just
+ * avoid the work.
+ */
+-(void)reclaimItem:(FSItem *)item
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * readSymbolicLink:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * Read a symbolic link.
+ *
+ * @param item symbolic link item to read from. Guaranteed to be of type FSItemTypeSymlink.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the link's contents
+ * and error = nil. Otherwise, should be called with the relevant
+ * error. In that case, contents is ignored.
+ */
+-(void)readSymbolicLink:(FSItem *)item
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(FSFileName * _Nullable contents,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply;
+ * createItemNamed:type:inDirectory:attributes:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Create a new file or directory item.
+ * @param name new item's name.
+ * @param type new item's type. Valid options are FSItemTypeFile, FSItemTypeDirectory.
+ * @param directory directory to create the item in.
+ * @param newAttributes Desired set of attributes for the new item.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the created item, the
+ * item name (as it's saved within the file system), and error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that
+ * case, newItem and newItemName are ignored. In case there's
+ * already an item named "name" in the directory, complete the
+ * request with an error with a domain of NSPOSIXErrorDomain and a
+ * code of EEXIST.
+ */
+-(void)createItemNamed:(FSFileName *)name
+ type:(FSItemType)type
+ inDirectory:(FSItem *)directory
+ attributes:(FSItemSetAttributesRequest *)newAttributes
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(FSItem * _Nullable newItem,
+ FSFileName * _Nullable newItemName,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * createSymbolicLinkNamed:inDirectory:attributes:linkContents:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Create a new symbolic link.
+ * @param name new item's name.
+ * @param directory directory to create the item in.
+ * @param newAttributes Desired set of attributes for the new item.
+ * @param contents Contents of the new symbolic link.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the created item, the
+ * item name (as it's saved within the file system), and error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that
+ * case, newItem and newItemName are ignored. In case there's
+ * already an item named "name" in the directory, complete the
+ * request with an error with a domain of NSPOSIXErrorDomain and a
+ * code of EEXIST.
+ */
+-(void)createSymbolicLinkNamed:(FSFileName *)name
+ inDirectory:(FSItem *)directory
+ attributes:(FSItemSetAttributesRequest *)newAttributes
+ linkContents:(FSFileName *)contents
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(FSItem * _Nullable newItem,
+ FSFileName * _Nullable newItemName,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * createLinkToItem:named:inDirectory:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Create a new hard link.
+ * @param item existing item to link to.
+ * @param name new link name.
+ * @param directory directory to create the link in.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the link name (as it's saved within the
+ * file system) with error = nil. Otherwise, complete the request with linkName = nil, and an
+ * error with a domain of NSPOSIXErrorDomain, and the following error code:
+ * EEXIST, in case there's already an item named "name" in the directory.
+ * EMLINK, if creating the hard link would result in exceeding the maximum number of hard
+ * links supported on item.
+ * ENOTSUP, if the file system does not support creating hard links to the type of file system
+ * object represented by item.
+ */
+-(void)createLinkToItem:(FSItem *)item
+ named:(FSFileName *)name
+ inDirectory:(FSItem *)directory
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(FSFileName * _Nullable linkName,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply;
+ * removeItem:named:inDirectory:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Remove an existing item.
+ * @param item item to remove.
+ * @param name item name.
+ * @param directory directory to remove the item from.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error.
+ * @discussion This method shouldn't actually remove the item object itself, but
+ * only remove the given item name from the given directory.
+ * The item object should be removed (=deallocated) on reclaimItem.
+ */
+-(void)removeItem:(FSItem *)item
+ named:(FSFileName *)name
+ fromDirectory:(FSItem *)directory
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * renameItem:inDirectory:named:toNewName:inDirectory:overItem:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief This method is used to rename a file system object from one path in the file system to another.
+ * @param item The actual file system object being renamed.
+ * @param sourceDirectory The directory that currently contains the file system object being renamed.
+ * @param sourceName The name within sourceDirectory of the file system object being renamed.
+ * @param destinationName The new name of the file system object being renamed within destinationDirectory.
+ * @param destinationDirectory The directory that will contain the renamed file system object.
+ * Note that this *may* be equal to sourceDirectory.
+ * @param overItem The file system object if destination exists and has been looked-up before. Could be nil.
+ * In case it is non-nil, it should be marked as 'deleted', so we would free its allocated
+ * space on the next reclaim. After doing so, the operation must finish without errors.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the item name (as it's saved within the file system), and error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that case, newName is ignored.
+ * @discussion The basic algorithm is as follows:
+ *
+ * If a file move:
+ * -- If the destination file exists:
+ * -- Remove the destination file.
+ * -- If source and destination are in the same directory:
+ * -- Rewrite name in existing directory entry.
+ * else:
+ * -- Write new entry in destination directory.
+ * -- Clear old directory entry.
+ *
+ * If a directory move:
+ * -- If destination directory exists:
+ * -- If destination directory is not empty, fail the operation
+ * with an error with a domain of NSPOSIXErrorDomain and a code of ENOTEMPTY.
+ * -- Remove the destination directory.
+ * -- If source and destination are in the same directory:
+ * -- Rewrite name in existing directory entry.
+ * else:
+ * -- Be sure the destination is not a child of the source.
+ * -- Write new entry in destination directory.
+ * -- Update "." and ".." in the moved directory.
+ * -- Clear old directory entry.
+ */
+-(void)renameItem:(FSItem *)item
+ inDirectory:(FSItem *)sourceDirectory
+ named:(FSFileName *)sourceName
+ toNewName:(FSFileName *)destinationName
+ inDirectory:(FSItem *)destinationDirectory
+ overItem:(FSItem * _Nullable)overItem
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(FSFileName * _Nullable newName,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * enumerateDirectory:startingAtCookie:verifier:providingAttributes:usingPacker:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Enumerate the given directory. Called on readdir(3) and getattrlistbulk(2).
+ * Directory entries are returned using the packer's packEntryWithName method.
+ * Look at FSDirectoryEntryPacker's definition for further explanation.
+ * @param directory directory to enumerate. Guaranteed to be of type FSItemTypeDirectory.
+ * @param cookie used to indicate the location within the directory to enumerate from. The cookie values
+ * are chosen by the developer; they're opaque to FSKit. The first enumerateDirectory
+ * call will have cookie = FSDirectoryCookieInitial. The following calls will have
+ * cookie = the "nextCookie" of the last directory entry packed in the previous call.
+ * @param verifier a tool with which the developer can use to detect if the directory has been changed
+ * since the previous call to enumerateDirectory. The verifier values are chosen by the
+ * developer; they're opaque to FSKit. The first enumerateDirectory call will have
+ * verifier = FSDirectoryVerifierInitial. The following calls will have verifier = the
+ * "currentVerifier" returned from the previous call.
+ * @param attributes desired set of attributes to provide. Nil in case no attributes are required.
+ * @param packer packer object to pack the directory entries with.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the current verifier and error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that case, currentVerifier is ignored.
+ * @discussion The general flow of a enumerateDirectory is as follows:
+ * When an enumeration is started, enumerateDirectory will be called with initial cookie and
+ * verifier values. After packing the initial set of directory entries, enumerateDirectory replies
+ * with the new verifier, a non-zero value that reflects the directory's current version.
+ * When next called, the next set of directory entries should be packed, starting with the entry
+ * associated with cookie. If cookie does not resolve to a valid directory entry, complete the
+ * request with an error with a domain of FSKitErrorDomain and a code of
+ * FSErrorInvalidDirectoryCookie.
+ *
+ * The volume implementation must ensure that the directory entries' names packed
+ * are acceptable and unambiguous input to all file operations that take names
+ * (like lookupName) without additional normalization.
+ *
+ * Note: In case providingAttributes is nil, there should always be at least two
+ * entries in a directory: "." (an entry representing the current directory)
+ * and ".." (an entry representing the parent directory).
+ * These entries' type is FSItemTypeDirectory. In the case of the root directory
+ * of the file system, the returned "." and ".." should have identical contents.
+ * In case providingAttributes is not nil, "." and ".." should not be returned.
+ */
+-(void)enumerateDirectory:(FSItem *)directory
+ startingAtCookie:(FSDirectoryCookie)cookie
+ verifier:(FSDirectoryVerifier)verifier
+ providingAttributes:(FSItemGetAttributesRequest * _Nullable)attributes
+ usingPacker:(FSDirectoryEntryPacker *)packer
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(FSDirectoryVerifier currentVerifier,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * activateWithOptions:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief This method is used to activate this volume instance.
+ * @param options activation options. None are currently defined.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the root FSItem, and error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that case, rootItem is ignored.
+ * @discussion The volume should allocate any in-memory state required to represent the file system.
+ * The volume should allocate an item for the root directory of the file system, and pass it to
+ * the reply block. FSKit will cache the root item for the lifetime of the volume instance and
+ * use it as the jumping off point for all file lookups.
+ */
+-(void)activateWithOptions:(FSTaskParameters *)options
+ replyHandler:(void (^)(FSItem * _Nullable rootItem,
+ NSError * _Nullable err))reply
+-(void)activateWithParameters:(FSTaskParameters *)parameters
+ replyHandler:(void (^)(FSItem * _Nullable rootItem,
+ NSError * _Nullable err))reply
+ * deactivateWithOptions:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief This method is used to tear down a previously-initialized volume instance.
+ * @param options de-activation options. None are currently defined.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error.
+ * @discussion The volume should release any resources allocated for the volume instance.
+ * FSKit will guarantee that all other file nodes associated with this file system
+ * instance will have been released by a reclaim call. This method should not
+ * need to perform any I/O; in cases where that is desired, FSKit will have
+ * already issued a sync call to perform cleanup-related I/O.
+ */
+ replyHandler:(void (^)(NSError * _Nullable err))reply
+ * @typedef FSSetXattrPolicy
+ * Different flags to dictate the setxattr policy.
+ */
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FSSetXattrPolicy) {
+ FSSetXattrPolicyAlwaysSet = 0, /* set the value regardless of previous state */
+ FSSetXattrPolicyMustCreate = 1, /* set the value, fail if xattr already exists */
+ FSSetXattrPolicyMustReplace = 2, /* set the value, fail if xattr does not exist */
+ FSSetXattrPolicyDelete = 3 /* delete the value, fail if xattr does not exist */
+} NS_SWIFT_NAME(FSVolume.SetXattrPolicy);
+ * @protocol FSVolumeXattrOperations
+ * A protocol for volumes which natively (or partially) support extended attributes.
+ */
+@protocol FSVolumeXattrOperations <NSObject>
+ * @property xattrOperationsInhibited
+ * Should be set to 'true' to prevent FSKit from calling this protocol's
+ * methods, even though the volume conforms to it.
+ * FSKit reads this value (if implemented) after the file system module replies to `loadResource:`.
+ * Changing it during the runtime of the volume won't have an effect.
+ */
+@property BOOL xattrOperationsInhibited;
+ * supportedXattrNamesForItem:
+ * @brief Returns an array that specifies the Xattr names supported by the given item.
+ * If the given item does not support any Xattrs, nil should be returned.
+ * @param item item to get the info for.
+ * @discussion Should only be implemented by volumes which want to have "limited" extended attributes
+ * support (volumes which fundamentally do not support extended attributes, but use
+ * the extended attribute APIs to expose specific file system data).
+ * Note: If implemented, FSKit would assume that there's a partial xattr support, and would
+ * only call this protocol's methods for xattr names returned by this method (for each item).
+ */
+-(NSArray<FSFileName *> *)supportedXattrNamesForItem:(FSItem *)item;
+ * getXattrNamed:ofItem:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Get the specified extended attribute of the given item.
+ * @param name extended attribute name.
+ * @param item item to get the extended attribute of.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the xattr value, and error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that case, value is ignored.
+ * In case the given attribute does not exist, complete the request with an error with
+ * a domain of NSPOSIXErrorDomain and a code of ENOATTR.
+ * @discussion Will only be called for extended attributes supported by the given item.
+ */
+-(void)getXattrNamed:(FSFileName *)name
+ ofItem:(FSItem *)item
+ replyHandler:(void (^)(NSData * _Nullable value,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * setXattrNamed:toData:onItem:policy:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Set the specified extended attribute to item.
+ * @param name extended attribute name.
+ * @param value extended attribute value. It can only be nil in case policy = FSSetXattrPolicyDeleteXattr.
+ * @param item item to set the extended attribute to.
+ * @param policy creation policy. See FSSetXattrPolicy for further documentation.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error.
+ */
+-(void)setXattrNamed:(FSFileName *)name
+ toData:(NSData * _Nullable)value
+ onItem:(FSItem *)item
+ policy:(FSSetXattrPolicy)policy
+ replyHandler:(void (^)(NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * listXattrsOfItem:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Get the list of extended attributes currently set on the given item.
+ * @param item item to get the xattr list for.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the xattr list, and error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that case, value is ignored.
+ * In case the item doesn't have any extended attributes, reply should be called with an
+ * empty array, and error = nil.
+ */
+-(void)listXattrsOfItem:(FSItem *)item
+ replyHandler:(void (^)(NSArray <FSFileName *> * _Nullable value,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, FSVolumeOpenModes) {
+ FSVolumeOpenModesRead = FREAD,
+ FSVolumeOpenModesWrite = FWRITE
+} NS_SWIFT_NAME(FSVolume.OpenModes);
+ * @protocol FSVolumeOpenCloseOperations
+ * A protocol for open/close. File systems which want to receive open and
+ * close calls for each item should conform to this protocol. If this protocol is not
+ * implemented, the kernel layer is free to skip making such calls to the volume.
+ * When this protocol is implemented, the kernel layer issues an open call to
+ * indicate the desired access and a close call to indicate what access to
+ * retain. A file is fully closed when the kernel layer issues a close call
+ * with no retained open modes. Upon receipt of this close, the file system
+ * should remove all accesses to the item. When all memory mappings to the item
+ * are released, a final close will be issued by the kernel layer.
+ */
+@protocol FSVolumeOpenCloseOperations <NSObject>
+ * @property openCloseInhibited
+ * Should be set to 'true' to prevent FSKit from calling this protocol's
+ * methods, even though the volume conforms to it.
+ * FSKit reads this value (if implemented) after the file system module replies to `loadResource:`.
+ * Changing it during the runtime of the volume won't have an effect.
+ */
+@property (getter = isOpenCloseInhibited) BOOL openCloseInhibited;
+ * openItem:withMode:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief open a file for access.
+ * @param modes The set of mode flags to open the item with.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error.
+ */
+-(void)openItem:(FSItem *)item
+ withModes:(FSVolumeOpenModes)modes
+ replyHandler:(void (^)(NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * closeItem:keepingMode:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief close a file access
+ * @param modes The set of mode flags to keep after this close.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error.
+ */
+-(void)closeItem:(FSItem *)item
+ keepingModes:(FSVolumeOpenModes)modes
+ replyHandler:(void (^)(NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * @protocol FSVolumeReadWriteOperations
+ * A protocol for read and write operations where we deliver data to/from the extension.
+ */
+@protocol FSVolumeReadWriteOperations <NSObject>
+ * readFromFile:offset:length:intoBuffer:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Read the contents of the given file item.
+ * @param item item to read the contents of. Guaranteed to be of type FSItemTypeFile.
+ * @param offset offset in file to start reading from.
+ * @param length amount of bytes to read.
+ * @param buffer buffer to store the result in.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the amount of bytes read, and error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that case, actuallyRead should
+ * still contain the amount of bytes read before the error.
+ * @discussion If the number of bytes requested exceeds the number of bytes available
+ * before the end of the file, then only those bytes are returned. If offset points
+ * beyond the last valid byte of the file, the method exit with error = nil and
+ * actuallyRead = 0.
+ */
+-(void)readFromFile:(FSItem *)item
+ offset:(off_t)offset
+ length:(size_t)length
+ intoBuffer:(FSMutableFileDataBuffer *)buffer
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(size_t actuallyRead,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * writeContents:toFile:atOffset:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Write contents to the given file item.
+ * @param item item to write contents to. Guaranteed to be of type FSItemTypeFile.
+ * @param offset offset in file to start writing from.
+ * @param contents buffer containing the contents.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the amount of bytes
+ * written, and error = nil. Otherwise, should be called with the
+ * relevant error. In that case, actuallyWritten should still
+ * contain the amount of bytes written before the error. In case
+ * no part of the range was successfully written in an out-of-space
+ * condition, complete the request with an error with a domain of
+ * NSPOSIXErrorDomain and an error code of ENOSPC.
+ * @discussion This routine is expected to allocate space in the file system to extend the file as necessary.
+ * If the file system runs out of space, but succeeds in writing any part of the requested range,
+ * the method should succeed and actuallyWritten should reflect the number of bytes successfully
+ * written before space was exhausted.
+ */
+- (void)writeContents:(NSData *)contents
+ toFile:(FSItem *)item
+ atOffset:(off_t)offset
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(size_t actuallyWritten,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * @typedef FSAccessMask
+ * A bitmask of access rights.
+ */
+typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, FSAccessMask) {
+ FSAccessReadData = (1<<1),
+ FSAccessListDirectory = FSAccessReadData,
+ FSAccessWriteData = (1<<2),
+ FSAccessAddFile = FSAccessWriteData,
+ FSAccessExecute = (1<<3),
+ FSAccessSearch = FSAccessExecute,
+ FSAccessDelete = (1<<4),
+ FSAccessAppendData = (1<<5),
+ FSAccessAddSubdirectory = FSAccessAppendData,
+ FSAccessDeleteChild = (1<<6),
+ FSAccessReadAttributes = (1<<7),
+ FSAccessWriteAttributes = (1<<8),
+ FSAccessReadXattr = (1<<9),
+ FSAccessWriteXattr = (1<<10),
+ FSAccessReadSecurity = (1<<11),
+ FSAccessWriteSecurity = (1<<12),
+ FSAccessTakeOwnership = (1<<13),
+} NS_SWIFT_NAME(FSVolume.AccessMask);
+ * @protocol FSVolumeAccessCheckOperations
+ * A protocol for access check operations.
+ */
+@protocol FSVolumeAccessCheckOperations <NSObject>
+ * @property accessCheckInhibited
+ * Should be set to 'true' to prevent FSKit from calling this protocol's
+ * methods, even though the volume conforms to it.
+ * FSKit reads this value (if implemented) after the file system module replies to `loadResource:`.
+ * Changing it during the runtime of the volume won't have an effect.
+ */
+@property (getter = isAccessCheckInhibited) BOOL accessCheckInhibited;
+ * checkAccessToItem:requestedAccess:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Check if the requested access for the given item is allowed.
+ * @param theItem item to check access for.
+ * @param access requested set of access types to check.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the result, and error = nil.
+ * result = 0: access is allowed
+ * result = EACCES: access is denied.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that case, result is ignored.
+ */
+-(void)checkAccessToItem:(FSItem *)theItem
+ requestedAccess:(FSAccessMask)access
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(BOOL shouldAllowAccess,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply;
+ * @protocol FSVolumeRenameOperations
+ * A protocol for volume rename operations.
+ */
+@protocol FSVolumeRenameOperations <NSObject>
+ * @property volumeRenameInhibited
+ * Should be set to 'true' to prevent FSKit from calling this protocol's
+ * methods, even though the volume conforms to it.
+ * FSKit reads this value (if implemented) after the file system module replies to `loadResource:`.
+ * Changing it during the runtime of the volume won't have an effect.
+ */
+@property (getter = isVolumeRenameInhibited) BOOL volumeRenameInhibited;
+ * setVolumeName:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Set a new name for the volume.
+ * @param name New volume name.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the new name, and error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that case, newName is ignored.
+ */
+-(void)setVolumeName:(FSFileName *)name
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(FSFileName *newName,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply;
+ * @typedef FSPreallocateFlags
+ * Different flags for the preallocate operations.
+ */
+typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, FSPreallocateFlags) {
+ /** Allocate contiguous space */
+ FSPreallocateFlagsContiguous = 0x00000002,
+ /** Allocate all requested space or no space at all */
+ FSPreallocateFlagsAll = 0x00000004,
+ /** Allocate space that is not freed when close(2) is called. */
+ FSPreallocateFlagsPersist = 0x00000008,
+ /** Allocate from the physical end of file. Offset should be ignored in this case.
+ Currently set for all `preallocateSpaceForItem` calls. */
+ FSPreallocateFlagsFromEOF = 0x00000010,
+} NS_SWIFT_NAME(FSVolume.PreallocateFlags);
+ * @protocol FSVolumePreallocateOperations
+ * A protocol for preallocate operations.
+ */
+@protocol FSVolumePreallocateOperations <NSObject>
+ * @property preallocateInhibited
+ * Should be set to 'true' to prevent FSKit from calling this protocol's
+ * methods, even though the volume conforms to it.
+ * FSKit reads this value (if implemented) after the filesystem module replies to `loadResource:`.
+ * Changing it during the runtime of the volume won't have an effect.
+ */
+@property (getter = isPreallocateInhibited) BOOL preallocateInhibited;
+ * preallocateSpaceForItem:atOffset:length:flags:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Preallocate disk space for an item.
+ * @param item The item for which to preallocate space
+ * @param offset The offset from which to allocate
+ * @param length The length of the space in bytes
+ * @param flags Preallocate flags
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the amount of bytes allocated, and error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that case, bytesAllocated is ignored.
+ */
+-(void)preallocateSpaceForItem:(FSItem *)item
+ atOffset:(off_t)offset
+ length:(size_t)length
+ flags:(FSPreallocateFlags)flags
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(size_t bytesAllocated,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * @typedef FSItemDeactivationOptions
+ * Options to communicate the FSVolumeItemDeactivation policy. `deactivateItem:` processing blocks
+ * the kernel, to enable the file system to take action at a definitive point in the item's life cycle.
+ * FSItemDeactivationOptions allows the file system to instruct the FSKit kernel which circumstances require
+ * the expense of a round trip call to the module.
+ * - `FSItemDeactivationNever` causes FSKit to not issue `deactivateItem:` calls at all, even
+ * though the volume conforms to `FSVolumeItemDeactivation`.
+ * - `FSItemDeactivationAlways` supports cases when the file system needs `deactivateItem:`
+ * calls in circumstances other than the above. If `FSItemDeactivationAlways` is set, all other option
+ * bits are ignored; `deactivateItem:` calls are always issued, regardless of the other bits.
+ * - `FSItemDeactivationForRemovedItems` supports processing for open-unlinked items at the
+ * moment of last close.
+ * - `FSItemDeactivationForPreallocatedItems` supports processing for files with preallocated
+ * space, facilitating a form of trim-on-close. Only has a meaning for volumes which conform to
+ * `FSVolumePreallocateOperations`.
+ */
+typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, FSItemDeactivationOptions) {
+ FSItemDeactivationNever = 0,
+ FSItemDeactivationAlways = (1 << 0),
+ FSItemDeactivationForRemovedItems = (1 << 1),
+ FSItemDeactivationForPreallocatedItems = (1 << 2),
+} NS_SWIFT_NAME(FSVolume.ItemDeactivationOptions);
+ * @protocol FSVolumeItemDeactivation
+ * A protocol for the item deactivation operation.
+ */
+@protocol FSVolumeItemDeactivation <NSObject>
+ * @property itemDeactivationPolicy
+ * Tell FSKit for which type of items (if at all) `deactivateItem:` should be called.
+ * FSKit reads this value after the file system module replies to `loadResource:`. Changing it during the
+ * runtime of the volume won't have an effect.
+ */
+@property (readonly) FSItemDeactivationOptions itemDeactivationPolicy;
+ * deactivateItem:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Notify the file system that the given item is no longer in immediate use by the kernel.
+ * @param item item to deactivate.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. The error
+ * will be logged and ignored.
+ * @discussion This method gives a file system a chance to release resources associated with an item, but
+ * no action is prescribed; it is acceptable to defer all reclamation until reclaimItem. This call is the FSKit's
+ * equivalent of VFS's `VNOP_INACTIVE`. Will be called according to the chosen
+ * FSVolumeDeactivationOptions policy.
+ */
+-(void)deactivateItem:(FSItem *)item
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(NSError * _Nullable error))reply
diff -ruN /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSVolumeExtent.h /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSVolumeExtent.h
--- /Applications/Xcode_16.2.0.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSVolumeExtent.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00
+++ /Applications/Xcode_16.3.0-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FSKit.framework/Headers/FSVolumeExtent.h 2025-02-11 06:12:26
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+// FSVolumeExtent.h
+// FSKit
+ * For block device resource file systems, FSKit offers a facility called
+ * Kernel-Offloaded I/O (KOIO) allowing higher file transfer performance.
+ * Rather than transfer file data between the module and the kernel, the module
+ * supplies file extent mappings to the kernel and the kernel then performs data
+ * transfers directly, using the same infrastructure as KEXT file systems.
+ *
+ * This file contains definitions related to the Kernel-Offloaded I/O mechanism.
+ */
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSResource.h>
+#import <FSKit/FSVolume.h>
+/// A unique identifier for an operation.
+FS_EXPORT FSOperationID const FSOperationIDUnspecified;
+ * @typedef FSBlockmapFlags
+ * Different flags for the blockmap operation.
+ */
+typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, FSBlockmapFlags) {
+ FSBlockmapFlagsRead = 0x000100,
+ FSBlockmapFlagsWrite = 0x000200,
+ * @typedef FSCompleteIOFlags
+ * Different flags for the completeIO operation.
+ */
+typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, FSCompleteIOFlags) {
+ FSCompleteIOFlagsRead = FSBlockmapFlagsRead,
+ FSCompleteIOFlagsWrite = FSBlockmapFlagsWrite,
+ /* Requests the file system module to flush the metadata IO asynchronously */
+ FSCompleteIOFlagsAsync = 0x000400,
+ * @typedef FSExtentType
+ * Possible extent types.
+ */
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FSExtentType) {
+ /**
+ * The extent contains valid data.
+ * For file systems which do not support sparse files, all extents should be of type FSExtentTypeData.
+ * The kernel keeps track of EOF, so it knows that the range of [EOF, allocated space] is uninitialized.
+ * So it is valid to pass an extent type of FSExtentTypeData for this range.
+ */
+ FSExtentTypeData = 0,
+ /**
+ * The extent contains uninitialized data.
+ * Should be in use only for file systems which support sparse files, for ranges in the file were not
+ * allocated yet.
+ */
+ FSExtentTypeZeroFill = 1,
+ * @interface FSExtentPacker
+ * Extents are used to describe to the kernel parts of the space on disk assigned to a specific file.
+ * That space is described by a physical offset on disk, a length and a logical offset within the file.
+ * The extent packer takes this information and packs the extent so FSKit can pass it to the kernel.
+ */
+@interface FSExtentPacker : NSObject
+- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ * @method packExtentWithResource:type:logicalOffset:physicalOffset:length:
+ *
+ * @brief Pack a single extent to be sent to the kernel.
+ * @param resource volume's resource to perform the IO from/to
+ * @param type extent type
+ * @param logicalOffset extent offset, in bytes, within the file
+ * @param physicalOffset extent offset, in bytes, on disk
+ * @param length extent length in bytes
+ * @return YES if more extents can be packed, else NO.
+ *
+ * Example usage (an example how to pack multiple extents in a for loop)
+ ```
+ - (void)packExtentsExample:(FSExtentPacker *)packer
+ resource:(FSBlockDeviceResource *)resource
+ {
+ size_t length = 0;
+ off_t logOffset = 0;
+ off_t phyOffset = 1000;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ length = (i+1)*100;
+ if([packer packExtentWithResource:resource
+ type:FSExtentTypeData
+ logicalOffset:logOffset
+ physicalOffset:phyOffset
+ length:length] == NO) {
+ break;
+ }
+ logOffset += length;
+ phyOffset += length;
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ *
+ */
+- (BOOL)packExtentWithResource:(FSBlockDeviceResource *)resource
+ type:(FSExtentType)type
+ logicalOffset:(off_t)logicalOffset
+ physicalOffset:(off_t)physicalOffset
+ length:(size_t)length
+ * @protocol FSVolumeKernelOffloadedIOOperations
+ * A protocol of Kernel Offloaded IO operations.
+ */
+@protocol FSVolumeKernelOffloadedIOOperations <NSObject>
+#pragma mark - Kernel Offloaded IO operations
+ * @method blockmapFile:range:flags:operationID:packer:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Map a file's disk space into extents for the kernel to perform I/O on.
+ * @param file The file whose disk space will be mapped.
+ * @param offset Starting logical offset of the range to be mapped (in bytes).
+ * @param length Length of the range to be mapped (in bytes).
+ * @param flags Different flags for the blockmap operation.
+ * @param operationID A unique identifier of the blockmap call.
+ * operationID != FSOperationIDUnspecified means an I/O operation is beginning,
+ * for which we need to map the file. completeIO will be issued with the same ID
+ * supplied in the operationID parameter.
+ * operationID == FSOperationIDUnspecified means that the kernel maps the file
+ * without issuing an I/O. There will not be a corresponding completeIO call in this
+ * case, as no I/O is done. In both cases the mapping will be retained in the kernel.
+ * In the case where satisfying a block map request requires more extents than can
+ * be packed, subsequent request(s) will be issued with the same operation ID for
+ * the remainder.
+ * @param packer An extent packer to pack the requested range of the file's allocated disk space.
+ * FSKit will send all of the packed extents to the kernel when reply is called.
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with error = nil. Otherwise, should be called
+ * with the relevant error.
+ */
+- (void)blockmapFile:(FSItem *)file
+ offset:(off_t)offset
+ length:(size_t)length
+ flags:(FSBlockmapFlags)flags
+ operationID:(FSOperationID)operationID
+ packer:(FSExtentPacker *)packer
+ replyHandler:(void (^)(NSError * _Nullable error))reply;
+ * @method completeIOForFile:range:status:flags:operationID:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Complete the I/O operation.
+ * Called to update the file's metadata, such as its size and modification time, once the I/O operation is done.
+ * @param file The file for which I/O was done
+ * @param offset logical byte offset at which I/O started
+ * @param length length of I/O range in bytes
+ * @param status If nil, I/O was successful. Else, it indicates the error
+ * @param flags Different flags for the completeIO operation.
+ * @param operationID A unique identifier of the specific I/O operation
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with error = nil. Otherwise, should be called
+ * with the relevant error.
+ * @discussion Note that completeIO is not necessarily coupled with a blockmap operation. completeIO
+ * can be called for I/O completion on a range previously supplied to the kernel. In that case, operationID
+ * will be FSOperationIDUnspecified. A different operationID means that an I/O operation begun via
+ * blockmapFile with the same operationID has been completed.
+ */
+- (void)completeIOForFile:(FSItem *)file
+ offset:(off_t)offset
+ length:(size_t)length
+ status:(NSError *)status
+ flags:(FSCompleteIOFlags)flags
+ operationID:(FSOperationID)operationID
+ replyHandler:(void (^)(NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+#pragma mark - extent-supplying versions of create and lookup
+ * These methods allow the module to opportunistically supply extents in order
+ * to save future 'blockmapFile' calls. An implementation not supplying the
+ * extents can ignore the packer, and call the corresponding FSVolumeOperation's
+ * method.
+ */
+ * @method createFileNamed:inDirectory:attributes:packer:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Create a new file item, and map its disk-space
+ * @param name new file's name
+ * @param directory directory to create the file in
+ * @param attributes Desired set of attributes for the new file
+ * @param packer An extent packer to pack the file's allocated disk space
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the created file, the file's name (as it's saved
+ * within the file system), and error = nil. Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error.
+ * In that case, newFile and newFileName are ignored. In case there's already an item
+ * named "name" in the directory, complete the request with an error with a domain of
+ * NSPOSIXErrorDomain and a code of EEXIST.
+ * @discussion Packing extents in this method is only possible if `attributes` define a size > 0.
+ * It should be done opportunistically; Do not perform additional IO to fetch extent data.
+ */
+- (void)createFileNamed:(FSFileName *)name
+ inDirectory:(FSItem *)directory
+ attributes:(FSItemSetAttributesRequest *)attributes
+ packer:(FSExtentPacker *)packer
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(FSItem * _Nullable newFile,
+ FSFileName * _Nullable newFileName,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+ * @method lookupItemNamed:inDirectory:packer:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Lookup an item within a directory, and map its disk-space
+ * @param name item name to lookup
+ * @param directory directory to look the item in
+ * @param packer An extent packer to pack the item's allocated disk space
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the found item,
+ * the item name (as it's saved within the file system), and error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that case, theItem and itemName are ignored.
+ * If the entry does not exist, complete the request with an error
+ * with a domain of NSPOSIXErrorDomain and a code of ENOENT.
+ * @discussion Packing extents in this method should be done opportunistically; Do not perform additional
+ * IO to fetch extent data.
+ */
+- (void)lookupItemNamed:(FSFileName *)name
+ inDirectory:(FSItem *)directory
+ packer:(FSExtentPacker *)packer
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(FSItem * _Nullable theItem,
+ FSFileName * _Nullable itemName,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply
+#pragma mark - extent-supplying version of preallocate
+/* Should only be implemented for volumes which conform to FSVolumePreallocateOperations. */
+ * @method preallocateSpaceForFile:atOffset:length:flags:packer:replyHandler:
+ *
+ * @brief Preallocate disk space for a file.
+ * @param file The file for which to preallocate space
+ * @param offset The offset from which to allocate
+ * @param length The length of the space in bytes
+ * @param flags Preallocate flags
+ * @param packer An extent packer to pack the preallocated space
+ * @param reply In case of success, should be called with the amount of bytes allocated, and error = nil.
+ * Otherwise, should be called with the relevant error. In that case, bytesAllocated is ignored.
+ * @discussion This method should only be implemented for volumes which conform to FSVolumePreallocateOperations.
+ */
+- (void)preallocateSpaceForFile:(FSItem *)file
+ atOffset:(off_t)offset
+ length:(size_t)length
+ flags:(FSPreallocateFlags)flags
+ packer:(FSExtentPacker *)packer
+ replyHandler:(void(^)(size_t bytesAllocated,
+ NSError * _Nullable error))reply