Cloudscraper based encyclopedia scraping to JSON and API creation client with Python.
Install dependencies (Python 3) pip install -r requirements.txt
The script should be used like a CLI.
See the usage with python3 --help
Scraping all data to JSON.
$ python3 --scrape --check
Scraping all not found to JSON. If still be not found, try again later.
$ python3 --notfound --check
Call API to create english items via JSON data on the API.
$ python3 --api --create
Only update languages data to the API.
$ python3 --api --lang
This script was build for populating the Dofus API. The needed steps might not suit your use case. Furthermore, the script is not perfect - a few categories could need multiple tries to get the JSON or API calls right.
Author: Christopher Sieh
This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License.