A simple service that accepts SMTP emails and forwards them to Microsoft Teams via webhooks.
:cp .env.example .env
and add your Teams webhook URL:TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL=https://outlook.office.com/webhook/your-webhook-url-here SMTP_PORT=25 # Change if needed
Start the service:
docker-compose up -d
Configure your application to send SMTP emails to this service:
- SMTP Host: your-docker-host
- SMTP Port: 25 (or whatever you configured in .env)
- No authentication required
The service will:
- Accept incoming emails
- Convert them to Teams messages
- Send them to your configured Teams webhook (webhook is now workflows)
- Runs as a Docker service
- Automatic restart on failure
- Converts email subject and body to Teams adaptive cards
- Supports both plain text and HTML emails
- Logging for monitoring and debugging
- The service runs as a non-root user inside Docker
- No authentication is implemented - secure through network configuration
- Use in trusted networks only