Releases: dingusdk/PythonIhcSdk
Add a parameter to the IHCController.get_project function to make it possible to use the non segmented version to get the project in one.
The segmented versions should be the best and is the default, but I have an idea that older controllers may have a problem with this.
Fixes a warning "The behavior of this method will change in future versions" from HA.
Callback on changes will now happen on all changes. Previously if the IHC controller returned more than one change in a single long polling request, only the last event would trigger a callback. Fx. if a boolean resource was on -> off in the same change, only the last off would trigger a callback.
SSL Ciphers changes to work with newest 7.0 controller. (Older controllers should use http only because the older controllers does not implement ssl properly)
A new function has bee added to get the IHC project in segments on the ihc client. This is now the new default for the IHC controller. This should put less stress on the IHC controller when downloading a bigger project.