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DiGi V1 Subgraph

The DiGi Subgraph, is a public subgraph implementation of the Graph Protocol for the DiGi Protocol. It syncs with the blockchain and indexes pertinent data about DiGimedia. It also provides an easy to use GraphQL interface for developers to imply query data about the Zora Protocol.

The Graph offers a hosted service for public interaction with the DiGi Subgraph, but you can also run your own graph-node with a DIGI Subgraph by following the Graph's documentation and joining their Indexer discord.




Local Setup

1. Run Local Blockchain

From the project directory.

yarn && yarn chain

2. Setup the Graph-Node

In a separate terminal clone the graph repository in the location of your choice.

git clone

start up graph node using docker.

cd graph-node
cd docker 
docker-compose up

If for any reason you need to tear down the graph node. Make sure to also delete the data directory

docker-compose down
rm -rf ./data

3. Deploy Contracts to Local Blockchain

Configure .env.local. Copy the fields from the .env.example.


  • Copy / Paste as RPC_ENDPOINT
  • Copy / Paste the first Private Key from @zoralabs/core/dist/utils/generatedWallets as PK.
  • Set PATH_TO_GRAPH as the path to the dir of the graph-node repository you just cloned.
yarn deploy-contracts --chainId 50

4. Build and Deploy Subgraph to Local Graph Node

yarn codegen
yarn prepare:local 
yarn build
yarn create-local
yarn deploy-local

5. Seed Contract with Newly Minted Media

yarn seed-graph --chainId 50 --fullMonty

6. Voila

Open in your browser to get a GraphiQL interface to submit queries to the subgraph.

You can execute contract functions using the various scripts in scripts.

Run them by executing yarn ts-node scripts/<script name> --chainId <chainID> <args>

Running Tests

In a separate terminal start up a blockchain.

yarn chain

To run tests

yarn prepare:local
yarn codegen
yarn build
yarn test

They may take up to 30 minutes to run.

Advanced Setup

There are many scripts that can be run to customize the data populated in your contracts / subgraph.

Note: In order to mint the scripts rely on Fleek as an IPFS pinning service to pin media to ipfs. Minting scripts will not work without Fleek Setup.

In seed.ts you have the following options to run for all of the generatedWallets

  • --fullyMonty will deploy a new currency contract, mint currency, approve currency, mintMedia, setRandomAsks, and setRandomBids
  • --asks will set random asks on all the media minted by the generatedWallets
  • --bids will set random bids on 1 piece of media for each wallet in generatedWallets
  • --transfers will randomly transfer 1 piece of media from each wallet to a randomly selected wallet in generatedWallets
  • --removeBids will remove random bids from Media
  • --accceptRandomBids will randomly accept bids on Media if they exist
  • --currency will create a new ERC20 with specified name and symbol and mint funds to each generated wallet of the provider and approve the market contract to transfer
  • --mintCurToAddr will mint the currency to the specified address In media.ts you can interact directly with the contracts by passing --funcName and the name of the function. You can also mint any media that currently already lives on ipfs by passing in --funcName mintFromIPFS --mimeType <mimeType


yarn ts-node scripts/media --chainId 4 --funcName mintFromIPFS --ipfsPath Qmba649sCjuvUk6cY8ca9roFWHdXA7Cp2Ka66SmBdhJy9Y/snowbringerpix.gif --mimeType image/gif
yarn ts-node scripts/seed --chainId 4 --fullyMonty









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