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Templates for IS

  • Explain the position of templates in the manuscript production process


How to develop templates 1:

  • Describe things to consider when using the templates (general and template-specific checklists)
  • Important for word reference documents: modify the pandoc template instead of including other word documents)
docker run --rm --volume "`pwd`:/data" --user `id -u`:`id -g` pandoc_dockerfile -o reference.docx --print-default-data-file reference.docx > reference.docx
  • For conferences: replace the templates from previous years

Basic Template

The basic template offers a simple Latex template for developing manuscripts before finalizing them with a custom journal/conference template. Since this template does not include journal-specific layouts, all manuscripts are formatted consistently. In addition, the template includes header information on the current version of the manuscript (based on the git history and the markdown header):

ShortTitle (YYYY-MM-DD, Committer, branch, commit-id)

Adding this information to the PDF allows you to easily find the version (git commit) that corresponds to the PDF. This is particularly useful when printing PDFs or sharing them for feedback.

Using the basic template requires gitinfo2, which must be set up in the individual manuscript repositories:

cp /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/gitinfo2/post-xxx-sample.txt .git/hooks/post-checkout
cp .git/hooks/post-checkout .git/hooks/post-merge
cp .git/hooks/post-checkout .git/hooks/post-commit

It has to be installed in the pandoc-docker container as suggested in this Dockerfile. To build the container, simply run:

docker build -t pandoc_dockerfile .

Custom Journal/Conference Templates



Information and Management (I&M)

Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS)

Information Systems Research (ISR)

Organizational Research Methods (ORM)

Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS)

Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)

MIS Quarterly (MISQ)

  • Manuscript template
  • CSL for references
  • Author instructions
  • Notes:
    • Remove authors (title page and document properties) for review.
    • Include keywords on page 1.
    • Copy paper title to page 2.
    • Fix manually: Third Subhead: On same line as beginning of text, flush left, bold, upper/lower case, followed by a colon.
    • Citation style changed to APA-7:
  • Status: Developmental

Journal of Information Technology (JIT)

Additional resources

Searching CSL by example: Word reference document, heading numbers: Particular styles (e.g., "Figure") in Word document may need to be activated/added to the catalogue before editing them in the reference document.


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