Releases: dfgHiatus/NeosVarjoEyeTracking
v1.2.0 - Compatibility with Varjo Base 3.7
Added eye openness
Note: There have been reports this does not work with Varjo Base This has been tested and works with Varjo Base versions
SHA256: e07ec2d761bd3f4b56c24ee6aaabfb9e895c150bf67ae106ac33a52809e97ce2
v1.1.1 - SDK Update, actual pupil dilation in millimeters!
v1.1.0 - Blink Smoothing, major refactor
Refactored the codebase and added blink smoothing with help from @Geenz. Compatible with the previous version of Varjo Companion.
v1.0.4 - Varjo Base and Pupil Update
Merge of the previous two pre-releases. Come get it while it's hot!
v1.0.3 - Eye Dilation Fix
Fixed a bug causing pupil dilation values to update even when the eyes were closed. This is the only file that needs to be updated: Files from the previous pre-release should work fine with this.
v1.0.2 - Varjo Base Update
I rebuilt the VarjoCompanion binaries to work with the latest Varjo Base. Follow the install directions on the main page and have fun!
v1.0.1 - Added several new features
- Tweaked timestamp to use frameNumber instead of captureTime (somewhat buggy in my testing).
- Tweaked gaze/origin to use actual gaze and origin info!
- Tweaked per eye "IsTracking"/"Openness" to be more accurate.
- Added focus distance with a threshold
--- If threshold is below 75% accuracy, this won't update
--- This is fed in as "Convergence Distance"
v1.0.0 - Initial Release
Initial Release