Stylesheet for TeX
- Class: exam
- babel (naustrian)
- inputenc (utf8)
- color
- answers, noanswers: show/hide answers
- A, B, C, D: Shows group A/B/C/D on header
- M, PH: Shows Mathematics/Physics on footer
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9: Shows grade 1-9
- sans: Sets font to sans
- teacher: Your name (Prof. is prepended)
- texttype: Type of Sheet (e.g. Arbeitsblatt, Wiederholung,...)
- topic: The topic (e.g. Algebra, Geometry,...)
- righttype: What should be on the right side of the header (e.g. Name/class, Date,...)
- \nameclass: Prints "Name und Klasse:" following a line
- \intro{}: A introductional Box with text, that you provide, followed by "Viel Erfolg!"