go install github.com/devexps/go-micro/cmd/micro/v2@latest
# Create a template project
micro new my_project
# Jump right in the `helloword` default service
cd my_project/helloworld
# Build and run the default service
make all
make run
# Move into your new project first
cd my_project
# Create a service
micro new my_service --service-only
# Jump right in `my_service` service
cd my_service
# Build and run `my_service` service
make all
make run
# build
docker build \
-t go-layout/helloworld:0.1.0 \
-f .docker/Dockerfile \
--build-arg SERVICE_RELATIVE_PATH=helloworld \
--build-arg GRPC_PORT=9090 \
--build-arg HTTP_PORT=8080 \
# run
docker run --rm \
-p 8080:8080 -p 9090:9090 \
-v ${PWD}/helloworld/configs:/data/conf \
You can also use makefile in each services to build and run docker. It looks like:
# Move into your new service first
cd my_project/my_service
# build
make docker
# run
make docker-run