CSSE/MA 473 Design & Analysis of Algorithms Project: ConvexHull
- Make sure your Node.js is updated
- In command line, go to root directory of project ./CSSE-MA473-ConvexHull
- Type "npm install"
- Everything needed should now be installed properly
- Type "npm start"
- In a browser, go to "localhost:8000/" and it should take you to the Convex Hull page
- Create a .txt file with any number of points in the same style as the other files already there.
- Add text file in the /app/files/ folder where the others are located.
- Now you are able to type the name of the file on the webpage to load it.
- ./screenshots/ folder contains the required screenshots.
- ./ConvexHullTimeAnalysis.pdf is where I summarize & analyze my timing result. Also includes graphs with an attemp at the best fit function.
- ./honestyStatement contains my brief statement that I did not share code.
- ./app/main.css is where all my styling code is located.
- ./app/views/convexHull.html is the webpage components.
- ./app/files/ is the folder where all the text file inputs of points are located.
- ./app/controllers/convexHull.js contains the controller and JavaScript code that implements the algorithms and everything else.