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WhistleWiz edited this page Jul 14, 2024 · 16 revisions

A car in Derail Valley must always have 2 bogies.

If you do not want to use custom bogies, all you need to do is position them in the correct locations.

If you do want to use your own custom bogies, select the Custom option in the car livery, and follow the structure and instructions outlined in the rest of this page.

Wheel radii for vanilla bogies
  • Default: 0.459m
  • DE2: 0.5025m
  • DE6: 0.5335m
  • DH4: 0.535m
  • DM3: 0.536m
  • S060: 0.712m
  • S282: 0.712m
    • Front axle: 0.355m
    • Rear axle: 0.575m
  • Handcar: 0.290m
  • Microshunter: 0.325m
Vanilla bogie models

The small rectangle indicates the pivot of the bogie only, it is not part of the model.

Default DH4 DE6
DE2 Handcar Front Handcar Rear
S282 Front S282 Rear Microshunter

The S282's bogies are very offset from the centre and include extra, invisible axles. You are encouraged to not use them. If you want to use those models, you can instead make use of Grabbers.


If you're using vanilla bogies other than the default, don't forget to adjust the wheel size or the rotation will look wrong.

Example custom bogie object structure:

  • BogieF
    • bogie_car
      • [axle]
      • bogie2brakes
        • Bogie2BrakePads
      • Other meshes part of the bogie structure

The top transform must be named BogieF or BogieR. The single child must be named bogie_car (to be detected by the TrainCar script in-game). If your custom bogie needs to be moved up or down, bogie_car can be adjusted in the y axis (only move BogieF and BogieR in the z axis).

* The meshes in this example can be replaced with multiple different transforms for each LOD, and controlled with a LODGroup component on bogie_car.

Example setup for a custom bogie with 3 axles



The base transforms BogieF and BogieR must stay at y = 0 but can be moved along the Z axis.


Keep the names BogieF and BogieR so they can be properly replaced in-game.


Your bogie can have any number of axles. They must all have the name [axle] to be detected properly. This is the transform that rotates as your car moves. The actual meshes for your axles should be children of this GameObject.


This GameObject should have the mesh for the brake pads. If you want/need to have multiple meshes, you can put them as children of this GameObject, and they will all be treated as brake pads.

Brake glows

Following the bogie structure from above, brake glows are automatically setup. However, that may not be enough on certain occasions. For those situations, you can add the ExtraBrakeRenderers component to the root of the prefab, and assign any number of mesh renderers you also want to glow to it.

If you want to make the brake pads glow with custom colours, you can assign the CustomBrakeGlow component to the root of the prefab too. The gradient should start at black with 0 intensity to correctly display.


The material used for brake pads needs both the Emission and Enable GPU Instancing properties set to true, and Global Illumination set to none.

It is safe to share the same material with the rest of the bogie (bogie parts and axles).

Bogie Colliders

The colliders on bogies are 2 capsules under the [colliders] GameObject. Check the colliders page for more information about proper setup.

Wheel Sparks

All cars in Derail Valley can produce wheel sparks (for example, braking too hard during the rain, causing the wheels to slide). CCL will automatically set them up for you in most cases (using default bogies, or custom bogies following the standard structure). If you are using non standard wheel setups, you can add a WheelSlideSparksControllerProxy component to any object in the prefab (we recommend creating a new object named [wheel sparks], and adding the component to it, to match the vanilla structure).

Now, you can add GameObjects to any place where you want wheel sparks, not just on the bogies. This can be used to add sparks for wheels on the locomotive frame itself like the S282, S060 or DM3. If you click Auto Setup in the component, CCL will find all axles in your bogies and add contact points for the sparks automatically.

Powered wheels

To have powered wheels you should include the PoweredWheelsManagerProxy component in your prefab. In this component, you should link the axle transforms of your wheels, visible or invisible (if they're animation driven as outlined below).

Those transforms will in turn need a PoweredWheelsProxy component.


To have powered wheels you need a simulation on your car.


Get Wheels From Default Bogies will only work on default bogies that are powered.

Other types of wheels

If you want to use wheels that are not part of bogies, please follow the instructions in this page.

Even if they are not part of the bogies themselves, you should still have an empty [axle] GameObject at their position, for a more accurate physics simulation. As an example, the DM3 has 2 invisible bogies, with 2 axles matching the wheel positions in the front bogie, and another axle in the rear bogie.