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Derafu: Signature - Library for digital signatures

CI Workflow License

A comprehensive PHP library for creating and validating digital signatures, with special focus on XML digital signatures (XML-DSIG).


  • Digital Signatures: Sign and validate any data with RSA key pairs.
  • XML Signatures: Full support for XML Digital Signatures (XML-DSIG).
  • Signature Verification: Validate signatures against public keys.
  • Reference Support: Sign specific sections of XML documents using ID references.
  • Integration: Works seamlessly with Derafu Certificate and Derafu XML libraries.


composer require derafu/signature

Basic Usage

Signing Data

use Derafu\Signature\Service\SignatureGenerator;
use Derafu\Signature\Service\SignatureService;
use Derafu\Signature\Service\SignatureValidator;
use Derafu\Xml\Service\XmlDecoder;
use Derafu\Xml\Service\XmlEncoder;
use Derafu\Xml\Service\XmlService;
use Derafu\Xml\Service\XmlValidator;

// Set up the signature service.
$xmlEncoder = new XmlEncoder();
$xmlDecoder = new XmlDecoder();
$xmlValidator = new XmlValidator();
$xmlService = new XmlService($xmlEncoder, $xmlDecoder, $xmlValidator);

$signatureGenerator = new SignatureGenerator($xmlService);
$signatureValidator = new SignatureValidator($signatureGenerator, $xmlService);
$signatureService = new SignatureService($signatureGenerator, $signatureValidator);

// Sign simple data.
$privateKey = '...';
$data = 'Hello, world!';
$signature = $signatureService->sign($data, $privateKey);

// Validate the signature.
$isValid = $signatureService->validate($data, $signature, $publicKey);

Signing XML Documents

use Derafu\Certificate\Service\CertificateLoader;

// Load a certificate.
$certificateLoader = new CertificateLoader();
$certificate = $certificateLoader->loadFromFile(

// Load XML to sign.
$xml = file_get_contents('document.xml');

// Sign the entire XML document.
$signedXml = $signatureService->signXml($xml, $certificate);

// Sign a specific element in the XML document (identified by ID).
$signedXml = $signatureService->signXml($xml, $certificate, 'elementId');

// Save the signed XML.
file_put_contents('signed_document.xml', $signedXml);

Validating XML Signatures

use Derafu\Signature\Exception\SignatureException;

// Load signed XML.
$signedXml = file_get_contents('signed_document.xml');

try {
    // Validate the XML signature.
    echo "Signature is valid!";
} catch (SignatureException $e) {
    echo "Signature validation failed: " . $e->getMessage();

Advanced Usage

Detailed XML Signature Validation

For more detailed control over the validation process:

// Create a signature node from the signed XML.
$signatureNode = $signatureService->createSignatureNode($signatureXml);

// Validate the digest value (integrity of the signed content).
$signatureService->validateXmlDigestValue($xmlDocument, $signatureNode);

// Validate the signature value (authenticity of the signer).

Calculating Digest Values

use Derafu\Xml\XmlDocument;

// Load XML document.
$xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

// Calculate digest value for the entire document.
$digestValue = $signatureService->generateXmlDigestValue($xmlDoc);

// Calculate digest value for a specific element.
$digestValue = $signatureService->generateXmlDigestValue($xmlDoc, 'elementId');

XML-DSIG Implementation Details

The library implements XML Digital Signatures according to the W3C XML Signature Syntax and Processing specification:

  1. The Signature element is created with the following components:

    • SignedInfo: Contains information about what was signed.
    • SignatureValue: Contains the actual signature value.
    • KeyInfo: Contains information about the key used to validate the signature.
  2. Canonicalization is performed using the C14N algorithm (

  3. Signatures are created using RSA-SHA1 (

  4. Digests are created using SHA1 (

XML-DSIG Structure

When signing an XML document, the resulting signature will have the following structure:

<Signature xmlns="">
  <SignedInfo xmlns:xsi="">
    <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <Reference URI="#elementId">
        <Transform Algorithm=""/>
      <DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>

Integration with Other Derafu Libraries

This library is designed to work seamlessly with other Derafu libraries:

  • Derafu Certificate: For handling digital certificates and key pairs.
  • Derafu XML: For handling XML documents and operations.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.