This ESP32 (esp-idf) library provides an integration with RC522 module. It's forked from here. Some inspiration was taken from Arduino rfid library.
- get UID (4, 7, or 10 bytes) from the tag
- determine type of tag - only for some MIFARE and NTAG tags
- dump MIFARE classic (1K / 4K) content alongside with access bits
- dump NTAG213/NTAG215/NTAG216 content
- writing to Mifare Classic tag
- detect card using IRQ ping (instead of active polling) - all my attempts to make it work failed
- operations with Value blocks (decrement / increment / restore / transfer / ...)
- no proper collision handling (it treated as any other error)
- for NTAG / Mifare it uses "default" password only - but it's easy to change it
- MFRC522 datasheet
- Mifare Classic 1K datasheet
- Mifare Classic 4K datasheet
- Mifare Ultralight datasheet
- Mifare type identification procedure
- NTAG213/215/216 datasheet
ESP32 | RC522 | Comment |
IO22 | SDA | |
IO19 | SCK | |
IO23 | MOSI | |
IO25 | MISO | |
IO33 | IRQ | (not used / does not work) |
GND | GND | |
3v3 | 3v3 |
Denis Elkin linkedin
Forked from abobija