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fix: JS ChartData should write updates to the correct row (#6638)
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The provided mapping function was also not applied to modified rows,
also fixed in this patch.

Also fixed an error in typescript types/docs for the ChartData.update()

Regression introduced by #6076.

Fixes DH-18632
  • Loading branch information
niloc132 authored Feb 12, 2025
1 parent 83490e2 commit 62f325a
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Showing 3 changed files with 199 additions and 24 deletions.
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import io.deephaven.web.client.api.Column;
import io.deephaven.web.client.api.JsTable;
import io.deephaven.web.client.api.TableData;
import io.deephaven.web.client.api.subscription.AbstractTableSubscription;
import io.deephaven.web.client.api.subscription.SubscriptionTableData;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ public ChartData(JsTable table) {
this.table = table;

public void update(AbstractTableSubscription.SubscriptionEventData tableData) {
public void update(SubscriptionTableData tableData) {
RangeSet positionsForAddedKeys = tableData.getFullIndex().getRange().invert(tableData.getAdded().getRange());
RangeSet positionsForRemovedKeys = prevRanges.invert(tableData.getRemoved().getRange());
RangeSet positionsForModifiedKeys =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,14 +81,14 @@ private void replaceDataRange(SubscriptionTableData tableData, Range positions)

// rather than getting a slice and splicing it in, just update each value
PrimitiveIterator.OfLong iter = keys.indexIterator();
int i = 0;
int i = (int) positions.getFirst();
if (func == null) {
while (iter.hasNext()) {
arr.setAt(i++, tableData.getData(, col));
} else {
while (iter.hasNext()) {
arr.setAt(i++, tableData.getData(, col));
arr.setAt(i++, func.apply(tableData.getData(, col)));
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ private static Promise<Void> importDhInternal() {
public static class TableSourceBuilder {
private final List<String> pythonScripts = new ArrayList<>();

public TableSourceBuilder script(String script) {
public TableSourceBuilder script(String... script) {
return this;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ protected Promise<IdeSession> connect(TableSourceBuilder tables) {
return ideSession.then(session -> {

if (consoleTypes.includes("python")) {
return runAllScriptsInOrder(ideSession, session, tables.pythonScripts);
return runAllScriptsInOrder(session, tables.pythonScripts);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported script type " + consoleTypes);
Expand All @@ -165,23 +165,10 @@ protected Promise<IdeSession> connect(TableSourceBuilder tables) {

private Promise<IdeSession> runAllScriptsInOrder(CancellablePromise<IdeSession> ideSession, IdeSession session,
List<String> code) {
Promise<IdeSession> result = ideSession;
for (int i = 0; i < code.size(); i++) {
final int index = i;
result = result.then(ignore -> {
delayTestFinish(4000 + index);

return session.runCode(code.get(index));
}).then(r -> {
if (r.getError() != null) {
return Promise.reject(r.getError());
return ideSession;
return result;
private Promise<IdeSession> runAllScriptsInOrder(IdeSession session, List<String> code) {
String block = String.join("\n", code);
return session.runCode(block).then(ignore -> Promise.resolve(session));

public IThenable.ThenOnFulfilledCallbackFn<IdeSession, JsTable> table(String tableName) {
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package io.deephaven.web.client.api.widget.plot;

import elemental2.core.JsArray;
import elemental2.promise.Promise;
import io.deephaven.web.client.api.AbstractAsyncGwtTestCase;
import io.deephaven.web.client.api.Column;
import io.deephaven.web.client.api.JsTable;
import io.deephaven.web.client.api.subscription.AbstractTableSubscription;
import io.deephaven.web.client.api.subscription.SubscriptionTableData;
import io.deephaven.web.client.api.subscription.TableSubscription;
import io.deephaven.web.shared.fu.JsFunction;
import jsinterop.base.Any;
import jsinterop.base.Js;
import jsinterop.base.JsPropertyMap;

import java.util.function.BiConsumer;

public class ChartDataTestGwt extends AbstractAsyncGwtTestCase {
private final AbstractAsyncGwtTestCase.TableSourceBuilder tables = new AbstractAsyncGwtTestCase.TableSourceBuilder()
.script("from deephaven import time_table")
.script("appending_table", "time_table('PT0.1s').update([\"A = i % 2\", \"B = `` + A\"])")
.script("updating_table", "appending_table.last_by('A')");

private final TableSourceBuilder tickingData = new TableSourceBuilder()
.script("from deephaven import input_table",
"from deephaven import dtypes as dht",
"import jpy",
"from deephaven.execution_context import ExecutionContext, get_exec_ctx",
"my_col_defs = {\"ID\": dht.int32, \"Value\": dht.string, \"Deleted\": dht.bool_}",
"ug = jpy.get_type('io.deephaven.engine.updategraph.impl.EventDrivenUpdateGraph').newBuilder('test').existingOrBuild()",
"exec_ctx = ExecutionContext(get_exec_ctx().j_object.withUpdateGraph(ug))",
"with exec_ctx:",
" input = input_table(col_defs=my_col_defs, key_cols=\"ID\")",
" result = input.without_attributes('InputTable').where(\"!Deleted\").sort(\"ID\")");

public String getModuleName() {
return "io.deephaven.web.DeephavenIntegrationTest";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,4 +112,170 @@ public void testModifiedChartData() {

public void testGeneratedChartData() {
.then(ideSession -> {
Promise<JsTable> inputPromise = ideSession.getTable("input", false);
Promise<JsTable> resultPromise = ideSession.getTable("result", false);
return inputPromise.then(JsTable::inputTable).then(delayFinish(9871)).then(input -> {
return resultPromise.then(result -> {
ChartData chartData = new ChartData(result);

// Keep the same function instance, as it is used for caching data
JsFunction<Any, Any> dataFunction = arr -> Js.asAny("::" + arr);

BiConsumer<SubscriptionTableData, SubscriptionTableData> consistencyCheck =
(subscriptionUpdate, snapshot) -> {
// Verify the "Value" column, the only mutable column, has the same contents
// regardless of source
String[] expectedValues = new String[snapshot.getRows().length];
snapshot.getRows().forEach((row, index) -> {
expectedValues[index] = row.get(result.findColumn("Value")).asString();
return null;
JsArray<Any> values = chartData.getColumn("Value", null, subscriptionUpdate);
JsArray<Any> valuesWithPrefix =
chartData.getColumn("Value", dataFunction, subscriptionUpdate);
assertEquals(values.length, valuesWithPrefix.length);
assertEquals(expectedValues.length, values.length);
for (int i = 0; i < expectedValues.length; i++) {
assertEquals(expectedValues[i], values.getAt(i).asString());
assertEquals("::" + expectedValues[i],
return subscriptionValidator(result, result.getColumns())
// Check initial state (empty)
// Add three rows
.when(() -> {
input.addRows(new JsPropertyMap[] {
row(1, "A"),
row(2, "B"),
row(5, "E")
}, null);
// Add two more rows, causing a shift
.when(() -> {
input.addRows(new JsPropertyMap[] {
row(3, "C"),
row(4, "D")
}, null);
// Update an existing row
.when(() -> {
input.addRows(new JsPropertyMap[] {
row(3, "F")
}, null);
// Delete two rows
.when(() -> {
input.addRows(new JsPropertyMap[] {
}, null);

* Helper to validate subscription results by comparing an updated subscription against a fresh snapshot. Intended
* to be generalized for use in viewport tests, but haven't yet done this.
private SubscriptionValidator subscriptionValidator(JsTable table, JsArray<Column> subscriptionColumns) {
TableSubscription subscription = table.subscribe(subscriptionColumns);

return new SubscriptionValidator() {
Promise<?> nextStep = Promise.resolve(subscription);

public SubscriptionValidator when(Runnable setup) {
// Run the step when the previous step completes
nextStep = nextStep.then(ignore -> {;
return Promise.resolve(ignore);
return this;

public SubscriptionValidator check(BiConsumer<SubscriptionTableData, SubscriptionTableData> check) {
// Run this as a step once the previous step completes, by waiting for the original subscription to
// update, then creating a new subscription and waiting for that as well. Pass both updates to the
// provided check function.
nextStep = nextStep.then(ignore -> new Promise<>((resolve, reject) -> {
try {
subscription.addEventListenerOneShot(TableSubscription.EVENT_UPDATED, e1 -> {
try {
SubscriptionTableData data = (SubscriptionTableData) e1.getDetail();
// Now that this update has happened, we make a new subscription to get a single
// snapshot of the table
TableSubscription checkSub = table.subscribe(subscriptionColumns);
checkSub.addEventListenerOneShot(TableSubscription.EVENT_UPDATED, e2 -> {
try {
SubscriptionTableData checkData = (SubscriptionTableData) e2.getDetail();
check.accept(data, checkData);
} catch (Throwable e) {
} finally {
} catch (Throwable e) {
} catch (Throwable e) {
return this;

public Promise<?> cleanup() {
// Finished, clean up after ourselves, emit success/failure
return nextStep.finally_(subscription::close);

private interface SubscriptionValidator {
* Performs some step that will lead to the table subscription being updated.
SubscriptionValidator when(Runnable setup);

* Checks that the actual and expected data match. Must complete synchronously.
SubscriptionValidator check(BiConsumer<SubscriptionTableData, SubscriptionTableData> check);

* Cleans up after validation work, returning a promise that the test can await.
Promise<?> cleanup();

private static JsPropertyMap<? extends Serializable> row(int id, String value) {
return JsPropertyMap.of("ID", (double) id, "Value", value, "Deleted", false);

private static JsPropertyMap<? extends Serializable> delete(int id) {
return JsPropertyMap.of("ID", (double) id, "Value", "deleted", "Deleted", true);

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