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First mobile app prototype &Evaluation

HY-Jia edited this page Oct 25, 2019 · 32 revisions

Our first mobile app is to summarize some factors that may affect people's sleep quality by consulting a large amount of data, and then make these factors into a questionnaire for users to record every day, because there are records of sleep quality and sleep rhythm, so the record is about yesterday’s data. Our software analyzes the factors that most affect their sleep quality through the user's long-term results. The longer the user records, the more accurate the data is. In this prototype, the results are presented in rankings. URL:


Testing Plan for Prototype Two


The goals of second testing which is different from the first testing. Our team change the idea from the apple watch to an mobile APP in order to easier check data for users. In this testing, the interaction of features becomes more important. Tracking time in seconds and Record of error will be use in this testing.


  1. Site: classroom
  2. participation:3-5 people
  3. Materials:
  • A laptop and a tasks paper
  • A pen, a notebook and a timer
  1. Every team member as tester to test users one to one

3. Instruction

Tester will give a brief description of the application and tell users to complete tasks. Afterwards, participation will use this mobile app to complete these tasks. Testers will record the number of times the testers has made an error and the time of completion.


Testers will ask users to complete tasks which are related the function of the application. Instruction for participants is as follow.


  • Task 1: Record your data
  • Task 2: View your analytics data
  • Task 3: Open the fitness forum
  • Task 4: View your profile

6. Testing

Interview Questions

  1. Can you describe what this APP is about?

  2. Do you think it helps you?

  3. Do you have any doubts?

  4. Is the factor listed above affecting the quality of your sleep?

  5. Do you think this analytical data is accurate?

  6. Will you share your privacy in the forum?

  7. Will you download this APP in the app store?

  8. Would you recommend your friend to use it?

7. Analysis result

Compared to the previous test process, the user is more aware of what our app is about in this test, and generally can complete the task smoothly. And they also think that some of the factors we set can affect their sleep, but they seem to have doubts about the final analysis because they feel that the design of the page makes people feel that the data is not credible. We didn't add data sharing to this prototype because we are not sure if users are willing to share their privacy. But a user suggested to us that if you mind privacy, you can set yourself to be anonymous. In addition, some users think that our interface design is too cartoon and looks unprofessional. In the next prototype, we will improve based on these feedbacks.