Everything pertaining to the software craftsman guild
Date | Topic | Presenter |
5/18/2016 | Elixir Basics: A Functional Programming Journey | Sean Rodman |
6/1/2016 | The Worst Programming Language Ever | Mark Rendle |
6/15/2016 | Mongo see, Mongo do: A ridiculously fast database with a Javascript API | Napo Monasterio |
6/29/2016 | Git 101 | Matt D and others |
11/16/2016 | Elasticsearch for all your needs | Wally Shirey |
12/14/2016 | Build Software Like Sean Combs* - Part 1 | Nicholas Myers |
01/25/2017 | Build Software Like Sean Combs - Part 2 | Nicholas Myers |
02/08/2017 | Hop on the Pony Express — a new Daxko push-notification/email/communications API | Napo Monasterio |
03/08/2017 | Don't call us, we'll call you: Lessons from implementing scheduling services | Napo Monasterio |
04/05/2017 | Alexa, teach me something awesome: An introduction to the node.js Alexa SDK | Napo Monasterio |
05/10/2017 | Monkey C and the Garmin Connect API: How to interact with wearables data | Napo Monasterio |
06/14/2017 | Have Your Cake and Eat It Too! | Nicholas Myers |
07/26/2017 | Conference Review | Maria Abreu |
06/14/2018 | Servers? We don't need no stinkin' servers! How the partnerships team turned to Serverless for its infrastructure needs | Napo Monasterio |
07/10/2018 | Move over, Jenkins! Introducing CodeBuild and Parameter Store, a cleaner way to build and deploy apps, and a safer way to manage and serve environment variables | Napo Monasterio |
Have a talk you're interested in watching? Add it below.
- The Performance and Usability of Font Loading - Zach Leatherman
- Native Code on the Web? - Nick Bray
- Making Apps That Don’t Suck - Mike Lee
- Finding Service Boundaries - Udi Dahan
- NDC 2015: Making Hacking Child's Play - Troy Hunt
- NDC 2015: To NoSQL or Not to NoSQL, That Is the Question - David Ostrovsky
- NDC 2015: CQRS - but different - Udi Dahan
- NDC 2015: Web Development in 2020 - Steve Sanderson
- NDC 2015: Loosely coupled applications with MassTransit and RabbitMq - Roland Guijt
Missed a guild session? Want to go back and reference a video? Everything we've watched in the past is listed out below.
- Turning the database inside out with apache samza (Aug 2015)
- NDC 2015: SOLID Architecture in Slices not Layers - Jimmy Bogard(Aug 2015)
- NDC 2015: Business Logic, a different perspective - Udi Dahan (7/29/2015)
- Move Fast and Break Nothing (7/1/2015)
- React.js Beyond the DOM (6/10/2015)
- Madam Sandi Tells Your Future (5/27/2015)
- Wat (5/13/2015)
- Hack Yourself First (5/6/2015)
- The Facebook Release Process (4/15/2015)
- 8 Lines of Code (3/25/2015)
- Programming is terrible—Lessons learned from a life wasted. EMF2012 (3/11/2015)
- The Old New Old New Things (3/4/2015)
- Myth of the Genius Programmer (2/11/2015)