Virtual Area dax-signature Validation
First, you will need a form submission similar to below. You may customize as you please, but ensure the following:
- The form submission is a POST
- The form action URL is the area integration URL that is attempting to be checked in to (Note: this is different for every area)
- The request must contain:
- "mode" = "custom"
- "barcode" = { entered barcode }
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="custom" />
Enter Barcode: <input type="text" name="barcode" />
<button type="submit">Check In</button>
When we redirect to the given Redirect URL for the provided area, we will include the following parameters in the query string for your validation:
- status
- "success": member assigned to barcode was found, unique, and passed any possible area restrictions
- "not_found": member assigned to barcode was NOT found
- "access_denied": member assigned to barcode was found, unique, but did NOT pass area restrictions
- "duplicate_barcode": multiple members were found assigned to barcode
- "invalid": custom integration set for area, but did not get "mode"="custom" in the request OR custom integration NOT set for area and did get "mode"="custom" in the request
- daxExpiration
- When the redirect link expires in UTC milliseconds since unix epoc (10 minutes from when the check in is submitted)
- area_id
- The Area ID where the member is checking in
- daxSignature
- HMAC SHA256 digest of:
- input: [daxExpiration]+[status]+[area_id] (in that order) converted to an ASCII byte array
- key: Your Validation Secret above converted from a Hexadecimal string to a byte array
- HMAC SHA256 digest of:
After we redirect to the given redirect_url with the above parameters, you must validate the daxExpiration and daxSignature to ensure it has not expired or been tampered with.
- daxExpiration
- Ensure that the current time converted to UTC Milliseconds Unix epoc is less than the daxExpiration in the result.
- daxSignature
- First, from the check-in result, concatenate the daxExpiration, status, & area_id - in that order. Then, get the ASCII Bytes of that string.
- Next, get the bytes from your Validation Secret, which is a Hex-String of a random 32 byte array.
- Lastly, generate an HMAC SHA256 digest with the ASCII bytes of the concatenated results as the input and your Validation Secret byte array as the key. The Hex-String of this output should equal the daxSignature from check-in result.
Use the code example in this repository for more information on Server Side Validation