💱 A curated list of data valuation (DV) to design your next data marketplace. DV aims to understand the value of a data point for a given machine learning task and is an essential primitive in the design of data marketplaces and explainable AI.
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🎥 Talk / Slides
Towards Efficient Data Valuation Based on the Shapley Value | Ruoxi Jia & David Dao, Boxin Wang, Frances Ann Hubis, Nick Hynes, Nezihe Merve Gürel, Bo Li, Ce Zhang, Dawn Song, Costas J. Spanos | 2019 | SummaryJia et al. (2019) contribute theoretical and practical results for efficient methods for approximating the Shapley value (SV). They show that methods with a sublinear amount of model evaluations are possible and further reductions can be made for sparse SVs. Lastly, they introduce two practical SV estimation methods for ML tasks, one for uniformly stable learning algorithms and one for smooth loss functions. |
Bibtex@inproceedings{jia2019towards, |
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Data Shapley: Equitable Valuation of Data for Machine Learning | Amirata Ghorbani, James Zou | 2019 | SummaryGhorbani & Zou (2019) introduce (data) Shapley value to equitably measure the value of each training point to a supervised learners performance. They further outline several benefits of the Shapley value, e.g. being able to capture outliers or inform what new data to acquire, as well as develop Monte Carlo and gradient-based methods for its efficient estimation. |
Bibtex@inproceedings{ghorbani2019data, |
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A Distributional Framework for Data Valuation | Amirata Ghorbani, Michael P. Kim, James Zou | 2020 | SummaryGhorbani et al. (2020) formulate the Shapley value as a distributional quantity in the context of an underlying data distribution instead of a fixed dataset. They further introduce a novel sampling-based algorithm for the distributional Shapley value with strong approximation guarantees. |
Bibtex@inproceedings{ghorbani2020distributional, |
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Asymmetric Shapley values: incorporating causal knowledge into model-agnostic explainability | Christopher Frye, Colin Rowat, Ilya Feige | 2020 | SummaryFrye et al. (2020) incorporate causality into the Shapley value framework. Importantly, their framework can handle any amount of causal knowledge and does not require the complete causal graph underlying the data. |
Bibtex@article{frye2020asymmetric, |
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Collaborative Machine Learning with Incentive-Aware Model Rewards | Rachael Hwee Ling Sim, Yehong Zhang, Mun Choon Chan, Bryan Kian Hsiang Low | 2020 | SummarySim et al. (2020) introduce a data valuation method with separate ML models as rewards based on the Shapley value and information gain on model parameters given its data. They further define several conditions for incentives such as Shapley fairness, stability, individual rationality, and group welfare, that are suitable for the freely replicable nature of their model reward scheme. |
Bibtex@inproceedings{sim2020collaborative, |
Validation free and replication robust volume-based data valuation | Xinyi Xu, Zhaoxuan Wu, Chuan Sheng Foo, Bryan Kian Hsiang Low | 2021 | SummaryXu et al. (2021) propose using data diversity via robust volume for measuring the value of data. This removes the need for a validation set and allows for guarantees on replication robustness but suffers from the curse of dimensionality and may ignore useful information in the validation set. |
Bibtex@article{xu2021validation, |
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Beta Shapley: a Unified and Noise-reduced Data Valuation Framework for Machine Learning | Yongchan Kwon, James Zou | 2021 | SummaryKwon & Zou (2022) introduce Beta Shapley, a generalization of Data Shapley by relaxing the efficiency axiom. |
Bibtex@article{kwon2021beta, |
Gradient-Driven Rewards to Guarantee Fairness in Collaborative Machine Learning | Xinyi Xu, Lingjuan Lyu, Xingjun Ma, Chenglin Miao, Chuan Sheng Foo, Bryan Kian Hsiang Low | 2021 | SummaryXu et al. (2021) propose cosine gradient Shapley value to fairly evaluate the expected contribution of each agent's update in the federated learning setting removing the need for an auxiliary validation dataset. They further introduce a novel training-time gradient reward mechanism with a fairness guarantee. |
Bibtex@article{xu2021gradient, |
Improving Cooperative Game Theory-based Data Valuation via Data Utility Learning | Tianhao Wang, Yu Yang, Ruoxi Jia | 2022 | SummaryWang et al. (2022) propose a general framework to improve effectiveness of sampling-based Shapley value (SV) or Least core (LC) estimation heuristics. They propose learning to predict the performance of a learning algorithm (denoted data utility learning) and using this predictor to estimate learning performance without retraining for cheaper SV and LC estimation. |
Bibtex@article{wang2021improving, |
Data Banzhaf: A Robust Data Valuation Framework for Machine Learning | Jiachen T. Wang, Ruoxi Jia | 2023 | SummaryWang et al. (2023) propose using the Banzhaf value for data valuation, providing better robustness against noisy performance scores and an efficient estimate using Maximum Sample Reuse (MSR) principle |
Bibtex@InProceedings{pmlr-v206-wang23e, title={Data Banzhaf: A Robust Data Valuation Framework for Machine Learning}, |
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A Multilinear Sampling Algorithm to Estimate Shapley Values | Ramin Okhrati, Aldo Lipani | 2021 | SummaryOkhrati and Lipani (2021) propose a new sampling method for Shapley values based on a multilinear extension technique as applied in game theory. It provides more accurate estimations of the Shapley values by reducing the variance of the sampling statistics. |
Bibtex@INPROCEEDINGS{9412511, |
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If You Like Shapley Then You’ll Love the Core | Yan, T., and Procaccia, A. D. | 2021 | SummaryYan and Procaccia (2021) propose an alternative method for credit assignment in data valuation. They use the least core, which can be computed efficiently. |
Bibtex@article{Yan_Procaccia_2021, |
CS-Shapley: Class-wise Shapley Values for Data Valuation in Classification | Schoch, Stephanie, Haifeng Xu, and Yangfeng Ji | 2022 | SummarySchoch et al. (2022) propose a new Shapley value that discriminates between training instances' in-class and out-of-class contributions. |
Bibtex@inproceedings{schoch2022csshapley, |
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Precedence-Constrained Winter Value for Effective Graph Data Valuation | Hongliang Chi, Wei Jin, Charu Aggarwal, and Yao Ma | 2022 | SummaryIntroduces a new data valuation concept similar to Data Shapley but based on the Winter value. |
Bibtex@misc{chi2024wintervalue, |
Efficient Task-Specific Data Valuation for Nearest Neighbor Algorithms | Ruoxi Jia, David Dao, Boxin Wang, Frances Ann Hubis, Nezihe Merve Gurel, Bo Li, Ce Zhang, Costas J. Spanos, Dawn Song | 2019 | SummaryJia et al. (2019) present algorithms to compute the Shapley value exactly in quasi-linear time and approximations in sublinear time for k-nearest-neighbor models. They empirically evaluate their algorithms at scale and extend them to several other settings. |
Bibtex@article{jia12efficient, |
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Efficient computation and analysis of distributional Shapley values | Yongchan Kwon, Manuel A. Rivas, James Zou | 2021 | SummaryKwon et al. (2021) develop tractable analytic expressions for the distributional data Shapley value for linear regression, binary classification, and non-parametric density estimation as well as new efficient methods for its estimation. |
Bibtex@inproceedings{kwon2021efficient, |
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Scalability vs. Utility: Do We Have to Sacrifice One for the Other in Data Importance Quantification? | Ruoxi Jia, Fan Wu, Xuehui Sun, Jiacen Xu, David Dao, Bhavya Kailkhura, Ce Zhang, Bo Li, Dawn Song | 2021 | SummaryJia et al. (2021) perform a theoretical analysis on the differences between leave-one-out-based and Shapley value-based methods as well as an empirical study across several ML tasks investigating the two aforementioned methods as well as exact Shapley value-based methods and Shapley over KNN Surrogates. |
Bibtex@misc{jia2021scalability, |
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Shapley values for feature selection: The good, the bad, and the axioms | Daniel Fryer, Inga Strümke, Hien Nguyen | 2021 | SummaryFryer et al. (2021) calls into question the appropriateness of using the Shapley value for feature selection and advise caution against the magical thinking that presenting its abstract general axioms as "favourable and fair" may introduce. They further point out that the four axioms of "efficiency", "null player", "symmetry", and "additivity" do not guarantee that the Shapley value is suited to feature selection and may sometimes even imply the opposite. |
Bibtex@misc{fryer2021shapley, |
Understanding Black-box Predictions via Influence Functions | Pang Wei Koh, Percy Liang | 2017 | SummaryKoh & Liang (2017) introduce the use of influence functions, a technique borrowed from robust statistics, to identify training points most responsible for a model's given prediction without needing to retrain. They further develop a simple and efficient implementation of influence functions that scales to large ML settings. |
Bibtex@inproceedings{koh2017understanding, |
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On the accuracy of influence functions for measuring group effects | Pang Wei Koh*, Kai-Siang Ang*, Hubert H. K. Teo*, and Percy Liang | 2019 | SummaryKoh et al. (2019) study influence functions to measure effects of large groups of training points instead of individual points. They empirically find a correlation and often underestimation between predicted and actual effects and theoretically show that this need not hold in general, realistic settings. |
Bibtex@article{koh2019accuracy, |
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Scaling Up Influence Functions | Schioppa, Andrea, Polina Zablotskaia, David Vilar, and Artem Sokolov | 2022 | SummarySchioppa et al. (2022) propose a new method to scale the computation of influence functions for large neural networks using the Arnoldi iteration. With this, they achieve successful implementation of influence functions on full-size Transformer models with hundreds of millions of parameters. |
Bibtex@inproceedings{schioppa2022scaling, |
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Studying large language model generalization with influence functions | Grosse, Roger and Bae, Juhan and Anil, Cem and Elhage, Nelson and Tamkin, Alex and Tajdini, Amirhossein and Steiner, Benoit and Li, Dustin and Durmus, Esin and Perez, Ethan and others | 2023 | SummaryGrosse et al. (2023) use a method known as EK-FAC to approximate the Hessian of the loss of large language models. They apply this technique to study influence functions on large language models, up to 50 billion parameters. |
Bibtex@article{grosse2023studying, |
Data Valuation using Reinforcement Learning | Jinsung Yoon, Sercan Ö Arık, Tomas Pfister | 2020 | SummaryYoon et al. (2020) propose using reinforcement learning for data valuation to learn data values jointly with the predictor model. |
Bibtex@inproceedings{49189, |
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DAVINZ: Data Valuation using Deep Neural Networks at Initialization | Zhaoxuan Wu, Yao Shu, Bryan Kian Hsiang Low | 2022 | SummaryWu et al. (2022) introduce a validation-based and training-free method for efficient data valuation with large and complex deep neural networks (DNNs). They derive and exploit a domain-aware generalization bound for DNNs to characterize their performance without training and uses this bound as the scoring function while keeping conventional techniques such as Shapley values as the valuation function. |
Bibtex@inproceedings{wu2022davinz, |
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LossVal: Efficient Data Valuation for Neural Networks | Tim Wibiral, Mohamed Karim Belaid, Maximilian Rabus, and Ansgar Scherp | 2024 | SummaryWibiral et al. (2024) introduce a efficient method for deep neural networks that learns the importance scores of the data valuation as weights of the loss function during the first training run. |
Bibtex@misc{wibiral2024lossvalefficientdatavaluation, |
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Data-OOB: Out-of-bag Estimate as a Simple and Efficient Data Value | Yongchan Kwon, James Zou | 2023 | SummaryKwon et al. (2023) propose using the out-of-bag estimate of a bagging estimator for computationally efficient data valuation. |
Bibtex@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icml/Kwon023, |
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An evolutionary approach to data valuation | Natalia Khuri, Sapan Bhandari, Esteban Murillo Burford, Nathan P. Whitener, and Konghao Zhao | 2022 | SummaryKhuri et al. (2022) propose using an evolutionary algorithm for data valuation. |
Bibtex@inproceedings{10.1145/3535508.3545522, |
Fundamentals of Task-Agnostic Data Valuation | Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri, Frederic Berdoz, Ramesh Raskar | 2023 | SummaryThis paper addresses the challenge of valuing data without specific task assumptions, focusing on task-agnostic data valuation. It discusses valuing a data seller's dataset from a buyer's perspective without validation requirements. The approach involves estimating statistical differences through diversity and relevance measures without needing the raw data, and designing queries that maintain the seller's blindness to the buyer's raw data. The work is significant for practical scenarios where utility metrics like test accuracy on a validation set are not feasible. |
Bibtex@article{Amiri2023FundamentalsOT, |
OpenDataVal: a Unified Benchmark for Data Valuations | Kevin Jiang, Weixin Liang, James Zou, Yongchan Kwon | 2023 | SummaryJiang et al. (2023) provides a Python library to build and test data evaluators across different datasets, data evaluators, models, and new benchmarks. |
Bibtex@article{jiang2023opendataval, |
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influenciae | Deel-AI | 2023 | SummaryA stable implementation of influence functions in tensorflow. |
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pyDVL | appliedAI Institute | 2023 | SummaryA library of stable and efficient implementations of algorithms for computing Shapley values and influence functions in pytorch. |
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datascope | Bojan Karlaš | 2024 | SummaryA tool for repairing datasets using Shapley value as a measure of data importance. |
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Data Valuation in Machine Learning: “Ingredients”, Strategies, and Open Challenges | Rachael Hwee Ling Sim*, Xinyi Xu*, Bryan Kian Hsiang Low | 2022 | SummarySim et al. (2022) present a technical survey of data valuation and its "ingredients" and properties. The paper outlines common desiderata as well as some open research challenges. |
Bibtex@inproceedings{sim2022data, |
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Training data influence analysis and estimation: a survey | Zayd Hammoudeh and Daniel Lowd | 2022 | SummaryHammoudeh and Lowd (2022) present a technical survey of data valuation, including taxonomy and runtime complexity. |
Bibtex@article{hammoudeh2024training, |
A demonstration of sterling: a privacy-preserving data marketplace | Nick Hynes, David Dao, David Yan, Raymond Cheng, Dawn Song | 2018 | Bibtex@article{hynes2018demonstration, |
DataBright: Towards a Global Exchange for Decentralized Data Ownership and Trusted Computation | David Dao, Dan Alistarh, Claudiu Musat, Ce Zhang | 2018 | Bibtex@article{dao2018databright, |
A Marketplace for Data: An Algorithmic Solution | Anish Agarwal, Munther Dahleh, Tuhin Sarkar | 2019 | Bibtex@inproceedings{agarwal2019marketplace, |
Computing a Data Dividend | Eric Bax | 2019 | Bibtex@misc{bax2019computing, |
Incentivizing Collaboration in Machine Learning via Synthetic Data Rewards | Sebastian Shenghong Tay, Xinyi Xu, Chuan Sheng Foo, Bryan Kian Hsiang Low | 2021 | Bibtex@article{tay2021incentivizing, |
Data Capsule: A New Paradigm for Automatic Compliance with Data Privacy Regulations | Lun Wang, Joseph P. Near, Neel Somani, Peng Gao, Andrew Low, David Dao, Dawn Song | 2019 | Bibtex@misc{wang2019data, |
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A Principled Approach to Data Valuation for Federated Learning | Tianhao Wang, Johannes Rausch, Ce Zhang, Ruoxi Jia, Dawn Song | 2020 | Bibtex@misc{wang2020principled, |
Data valuation for medical imaging using Shapley value and application to a large-scale chest X-ray dataset | Siyi Tang, Amirata Ghorbani, Rikiya Yamashita, Sameer Rehman, Jared A Dunnmon, James Zou, Daniel L Rubin | 2021 | Bibtex@article{tang2021data, |
Efficient and Fair Data Valuation for Horizontal Federated Learning | Shuyue Wei, Yongxin Tong, Zimu Zhou, Tianshu Song | 2020 | SummaryAvailability of big data is crucial for modern machine learning applications and services. Federated learning is an emerging paradigm to unite different data owners for machine learning on massive data sets without worrying about data privacy. Yet data owners may still be reluctant to contribute unless their data sets are fairly valuated and paid. In this work, the authors adapt Shapley value, a widely used data valuation metric to valuating data providers in federated learning. Prior data valuation schemes for machine learning incur high computation cost because they require training of extra models on all data set combinations. For efficient data valuation, the authors approximately construct all the models necessary for data valuation using the gradients in training a single model, rather than train an exponential number of models from scratch. On this basis, they devise three methods for efficient contribution index estimation. Evaluations show that their methods accurately approximate the contribution index while notably accelerating its calculation. |
Bibtex@inbook{wei2020efficient, |
Improving Fairness for Data Valuation in Horizontal Federated Learning | Zhenan Fan, Huang Fang, Zirui Zhou, Jian Pei, Michael P. Friedlander, Changxin Liu, Yong Zhang | 2020 | SummaryFederated learning is an emerging decentralized machine learning scheme that allows multiple data owners to work collaboratively while ensuring data privacy. This paper focuses on fairness in data valuation within federated learning. The authors propose a new measure called completed federated Shapley value to improve the fairness of federated Shapley value. This approach leverages the concepts and tools from optimization and provides both theoretical analysis and empirical evaluation to verify the improvement in fairness. |
Bibtex@misc{fan2020improving, |
Data Valuation for Vertical Federated Learning: An Information-Theoretic Approach | Xiao Han, Leye Wang, Junjie Wu | 2021 | SummaryFederated learning (FL) is a machine learning paradigm that enables privacy-preserving cross-party data collaboration. This work introduces "FedValue," the first privacy-preserving, task-specific, model-free data valuation method for vertical FL tasks. It incorporates Shapley-CMI, an information-theoretic metric, for assessing data values from a game-theoretic perspective. The paper also proposes a novel server-aided federated computation mechanism and techniques to accelerate Shapley-CMI computation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of FedValue. |
Bibtex@misc{han2021datavaluation, |
Towards More Efficient Data Valuation in Healthcare Federated Learning Using Ensembling | Sourav Kumar, A. Lakshminarayanan, Ken Chang, Feri Guretno, Ivan Ho Mien, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Pavitra Krishnaswamy, Praveer Singh | 2021 | SummaryThis paper addresses the challenge of data valuation in federated learning within healthcare. The authors propose a method called SaFE (Shapley Value for Federated Learning using Ensembling), which is designed to be efficient in settings where the number of contributing institutions is manageable. SaFE approximates the Shapley value using gradients from training a single model and develops methods for efficient contribution index estimation. This approach is particularly relevant in medical imaging where data heterogeneity is common and fast, accurate data valuation is necessary for multi-institutional collaborations. |
Bibtex@article{Kumar2021TowardsME, |
Data Debugging with Shapley Importance over Machine Learning Pipelines | Bojan Karlaš, David Dao, Matteo Interlandi, Sebastian Schelter, Wentao Wu, Ce Zhang | 2024 | SummaryThis paper focuses on repairing datasets with the goal of improving the quality of end-to-end machine learning pipelines. Data repairs are prioritized by Shapley value. The authors propose methods for efficiently computing the Shapley value for different types of pipelines and empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach. |
Bibtex@inproceedings{ |
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Nonrivalry and the Economics of Data | Charles I. Jones, Christopher Tonetti | 2019 | Bibtex@article{10.1257/aer.20191330, |
Chapter 5: Data as Labor, Radical Markets | Eric A. Posner and E Glen Weyl | 2019 | Bibtex@book{posner2019radical, |
Should We Treat Data as Labor? Moving beyond "Free" | Imanol Arrieta-Ibarra, Leonard Goff, Diego Jiménez-Hernández, Jaron Lanier, E. Glen Weyl | 2018 | Bibtex@article{10.1257/pandp.20181003, |
Performative Prediction | Juan Perdomo, Tijana Zrnic, Celestine Mendler-Dünner, Moritz Hardt | 2020 | SummaryPerdomo et al. (2020) introduce the concept of "performative prediction" dealing with predictions that influence the target they aim to predict, e.g. through taking actions based on the predictions, causing a distribution shift. The authors develop a risk minimization framework for performative prediction and introduce the equilibrium notion of performative stability where predictions are calibrated against future outcomes that manifest from acting on the prediction. |
Bibtex@inproceedings{perdomo2020performative, |
Stochastic Optimization for Performative Prediction | Celestine Mendler-Dünner, Juan Perdomo, Tijana Zrnic, Moritz Hardt | 2020 | SummaryMendler-Dünner et al. (2020) look at stochastic optimization for performative prediction and prove convergence rates for greedily deploying models after each stochastic update (which may cause distribution shift affecting convergence to a stability point) or lazily deploying the model after several updates. |
Bibtex@article{mendler2020stochastic, |
Strategic Classification is Causal Modeling in Disguise | John Miller, Smitha Milli, Moritz Hardt | 2020 | SummaryMiller et al. (2020) argue that strategic classication involves causal modelling and designing incentives for improvement requires solving a non-trivial causal inference problem. The authors provide a distinction between gaming and improvement as well as provide a causal framework for strategic adaptation. |
Bibtex@inproceedings{miller2020strategic, |
Alternative Microfoundations for Strategic Classification | Meena Jagadeesan, Celestine Mendler-Dünner, Moritz Hardt | 2021 | SummaryJagadeesan et al. (2021) show that standard microfoundations in strategic classification, that typically uses individual-level behaviour to deduce aggregate-level responses, can lead to degenerate behaviour in aggregate: discontinuities in the aggregate response, stable points ceasing to exist, and maximizing social burden. The authors introduce a noisy response model inspired by performative prediction that mitigates these limitations for binary classification. |
Bibtex@inproceedings{jagadeesan2021alternative, |
Name | Institute | h-index |
Costas Spanos | University of California, Berkeley | 61 |
Jinsung Yoon | Google Cloud AI | 33 |
Tomas Pfister | Google Cloud AI | 39 |
Amirata Ghorbani | Stanford | 18 |
James Zou | Stanford | 64 |
Nektaria Tryfona | Virginia Tech | 27 |
Rachael Hwee Ling Sim | National University of Singapore | 4 |
Bryan Kian Hsiang Low | National University of Singapore | 38 |
Dawn Song | University of California, Berkeley | 142 |
Zhaoxuan Wu | National University of Singapore | 4 |
Xinyi Xu | National University of Singapore | 8 |
Tianhao Wang | University of Virginia | 18 |
José González Cabañas | UC3M-Santander Big Data Institute | 7 |
Ruben Cuevas Rumin | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | 26 |
Jiachen T. Wang | Princeton University | 9 |
Bohong Wang | Tsinghua University | 6 |
Yongchan Kwon | Columbia University | 10 |
Siyi Tang | Artera | 8 |
Li Xiong | Emory University | 52 |
Jessica Vitak | University of Maryland | 49 |
Katie Chamberlain Kritikos | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 6 |
Zhenan Fan | Huawei Technologies Canada | 6 |
Shuyue Wei | Beihang University | 4 |
Hannah Stein | Saarland University | 3 |
Wolfgang Maass | Saarland University | 26 |
Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | 18 |
Ramesh Raskar | MIT | 103 |
Konstantin D. Pandl | Karlsruhe Institute of Technolgoy | 6 |
Ali Sunyaev | Karlsruhe Institute of Technolgoy | 43 |
Ludovico Boratto | University of Cagliari | 25 |
han xiao | 70 | |
Junjie Wu | Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research | 55 |
Xiao Tian | National University of Singapore | 1 |
Kean Birch | Institute for Technoscience & Society | 40 |
Callum Ward | Uppsala University | 10 |
Praveer Singh | University of Colorado School of Medicine | 19 |
Anran Xu | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | 2 |
Guihai Chen | 67 | |
Andre Esteva | Co-Founder & CEO, Artera | 23 |
Prateek Mittal | Princeton University | 55 |
Hyeontaek Oh | Institute for IT Convergence | 9 |
Lingjiao Chen | Stanford | 13 |
Xiangyu Chang | Xi'an Jiaotong University | 17 |
Hoang Anh Just | Virginia Tech | 3 |
David Dao | ETH | 13 |
Mark Mazumder | Harvard | 12 |
Vijay Janapa Reddi | Harvard | 46 |
Sabri Eyuboglu | Stanford | 6 |
Wenqian Li | National University of Singapore | 2 |
Bojan Karlaš | Harvard | 14 |