The Tarot Reading App is an interactive AI-powered fortune-telling experience built with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. It allows users to ask a question, pick tarot cards, and receive insightful interpretations.

Basic Features:
- Users input a question (text-based).
- A shuffled deck of 78 tarot cards is displayed.
- Users select 3 cards by tapping.
- Card flip animation reveal the card
Tech Stack:
- Kotlin for Android development
- Jetpack Compose for UI
- LazyVerticalGrid for deck display
- Room DB for storing past readings
- Retrofit for fetching network requests
- Dagger-Hilt for dependency injection
- Tarot Api for predefined results
- ViewModel for state management
Enhanced Visual Experience:
- Card Flip Animation → Tarot cards flip when selected.
- Mystical Background Effects → Background music effect
Tech Stack:
- Jetpack animation
- MediaPlayer Library for playing background music
AI-Enhanced Features:
- AI Tarot Interpretation → Sends selected cards & user question to Gemini API.
- Receive & Display AI Response → AI generates a custom fortune reading.
- Dynamic Text Styling → AI responses feature formatted text result.
- Multi-Turn Chat → Users can ask follow-up questions to continue the conversation.
Tech Stack:
- Gemini API for AI-generated interpretations
- ViewModel for real-time UI updates
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd taroo-app
- Open in Android Studio (koala feature drop or above) & Build Project.
- Set up the API key (Level 3 Feature):
- Get an API key from Gemini api.
- Add it to
- Run the app on an emulator or device!