Drizzle is a weather forecast app built using Java, allowing users to check current and future weather conditions for their location and selected locations.

- Intuitive NavigationUI for seamless navigation (Current Weather, Forecast, Settings).
- Visually appealing Material Design layouts.
- Fragment-based architecture for modularity.
- Uses TextView, ImageView, RecyclerView, and MaterialCardView for effective weather display.
- Uses FusedLocationProviderClient for location retrieval.
- Requests location permissions (Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) and handles them smoothly.
- Fetches real-time weather data from Free Weather API.
- Displays temperature, humidity, wind speed, and weather icons.
- Provides hourly and daily forecasts.
- Supports both device location and custom locations.
- Light and dark mode support.
- Options to customize font sizes and color schemes.
- Responsive layouts using ConstraintLayout.
- Orientation support(landscape and portrait)
- Uses FragmentManager to manage different screens.
- Implements NavigationUI for smooth user experience.
- Includes a navigation drawer or bottom navigation bar.
- Programming Language: Java
- UI Design: XML, Material Design
- API Integration: Free Weather API (https://www.weatherapi.com/)
- Location Services: FusedLocationProviderClient
- Navigation: NavigationUI, FragmentManager
- Storage: SharedPreferences
- Networking: Retrofit
- DI : Hilt
- State management : ViewModel