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parlough committed Jan 30, 2024
1 parent 5ac42d8 commit 2b9a010
Showing 1 changed file with 176 additions and 24 deletions.
200 changes: 176 additions & 24 deletions src/tools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,51 +4,203 @@ description: API reference generation tool.
toc: false

The `dart doc` command (previously called `dartdoc`)
creates API reference documentation
from Dart source code.
You can add descriptions to the generated documentation
The `dart doc` command generates HTML reference documentation
for Dart source code.

## Write documentation {#write}

You can add reference text and examples to the generated documentation
by using [documentation comments][],
which can contain [Markdown][] formatting.
For guidance on writing doc comments,
see the [documentation part of Effective Dart][effective doc].
check out the [Effective Dart: Documentation][] guide.

[documentation comments]: /language/comments#documentation-comments
[Markdown]: {{}}/markdown
[Effective Dart: Documentation]: /effective-dart/documentation

## Generate API docs {#generate}

To generate documentation,
To generate documentation,
you must first run [`dart pub get`](/tools/pub/cmd/pub-get)
and your package must pass [`dart analyze`](/tools/dart-analyze)
without errors.

Run `dart doc` from the root directory of your package.
For example:
To generate the documentation for your package,
run `dart doc .` from the package's root directory.
For example, generating the API docs for a `my_package` package
could look like the following:

$ cd my_app
$ cd my_package
$ dart pub get
$ dart doc .
Documenting my_app...
Documenting my_package...
Success! Docs generated into /Users/me/projects/my_app/doc/api
Success! Docs generated into /Users/me/projects/my_package/doc/api

By default,
the documentation files are static HTML files,
placed in the `doc/api` directory.
You can create the files in a different directory
with the `--output` flag.
By default, the generated documentation and supporting files are
placed in the `doc/api` directory.
To configure the output directory, specify
a path with the `--output` flag:

$ dart doc --output=api_docs .

For information on command-line options,
use the `help` command:
If there are any issues with your package setup or documentation comments,
`dart doc` outputs them as errors or warnings.
If you just want to test for issues without saving the generated documentation,
add the `--dry-run` flag:

$ dart help doc
$ dart doc --dry-run .

[documentation comments]: /language/comments#documentation-comments
[effective doc]: /effective-dart/documentation#doc-comments
[Markdown]: {{}}/markdown
### Configure generation {#configure}

To configure how `dart doc` generates documentation, create
a file named `dartdoc_options.yaml` in the root directory of your package.

To learn more about the file's format and supported configuration options,
check out [][dartdoc-options].

{% comment %}
[PENDING: Add more help, info on commonly used options, links to examples of use.]
{% endcomment %}
TODO: Document the long-term supported options here.
{% endcomment -%}


## View generated docs {#view}

You can view docs generated with `dart doc` in a variety of ways.

### Locally {#view-local}

To view API docs you generated with `dart doc` or downloaded from online,
you must load them with an HTTP server.

You can use any HTTP server to serve the files.
A common option is to use [`package:dhttpd`][] from
to quickly serve the files.

To use `package:dhttpd`, activate it globally, then run it
and specify the path of your generated docs.
The following commands activate the package,
then runs it to serve the API docs located at `doc/api`:

$ dart pub global activate dhttpd
$ dart pub global run dhttpd --path doc/api

To then read the generated docs in your browser,
open the link that `dhttpd` outputs, usually `http://localhost:8080`.


### Hosted {#view-hosted}

You can also host your generated API docs online
using any hosting service that supports static web content.
Two common options are [Firebase hosting][] and [GitHub pages][].

[Firebase hosting]:
[GitHub pages]:

### Pub packages {#view-pub}

The [ site]({{}}) automatically generates and hosts
documentation for a package's public libraries.

To view a package's generation docs,
navigate to its page and open the **API reference** link
in the info box on the right side of the page.
For example, you can find the API docs for `package:http`
at []({{}}/http).

### Dart SDK documentation {#view-sdk}

`dart doc` is also used to generate the API reference documentation for
the Dart core libraries.

To view the Dart SDK reference docs, visit the link
that corresponds to the Dart release channel you are developing with.

: []({{site.dart-api}})

: []({{site.dart-api}}/beta)

: []({{site.dart-api}}/dev)

: []({{site.dart-api}}/main)

## Troubleshoot

The following are some common issues experienced with
generated documentation, as well as suggestions to resolve them:

### Search bar failed to load {#troubleshoot-search}

If the generated documentation's search bars aren't functional or
include text similar to "Failed to initialize search",
one of the following scenarios is possible:

1. You are accessing the docs from your own file system,
but they aren't being served and loaded with an HTTP server.
To learn how to serve local API docs,
check out [how to view generated docs locally](#locally).
2. The `index.json` file generated by `dart doc` is missing or inaccessible
from the documentation directory or your hosted web server.
Try regenerating the docs and validating your hosting configuration.

### Sidebar failed to load {#troubleshoot-sidebar}

If the generated documentation's sidebars are missing or
include text similar to "Failed to load sidebar",
one of the following scenarios is possible:

1. You are accessing the docs from your own file system,
but they aren't being served and loaded with an HTTP server.
To learn how to serve local API docs,
check out [how to view docs locally](#locally).
2. You configured the generated docs' base-href behavior.
This configuration option is deprecated and set for removal.
Try removing the option and using the default behavior of `dart doc`.
If the default behavior breaks links in your generated docs,
please [file an issue][].

[file an issue]:

### Missing API documentation {#troubleshoot-missing}

If you can't find or access the generated documentation
for an API you expect to have docs,
one of the following scenarios is possible:

1. The API you are looking for is not exposed as a public API from the package.
`dart doc` only generates documentation for public libraries and members
that are exposed for other packages to import and use.
To learn more about configuring a package's public libraries,
check out the package layout guide on [public libraries][].
2. The URL you are trying to access has incorrect capitalization.
The filenames generated by `dart doc` are case-sensitive,
match the source declarations, and by default have a `.html` extension.

[public libraries]: /tools/pub/package-layout#public-libraries

### Text where icons should be {#troubleshoot-icons}

If you see text instead of icons like the menu and theme buttons,
it likely means that the Material Symbols font failed to load.
To resolve this, you can:

- Update the generated pages to use a local version of the font.
- Use a proxy that enables access to the Google Fonts servers.

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