Rust Study Management:
Project Description: This is a study timer designed to help people to study for some time, take a short break and study or do work again. After a chosen number of sessions the user can take a long break. This will alert the user that the break or study time is over.
Project Goals: Learn Rust syntax and how it interacts with memory. Create something that I will personally use to improve study habits and quality of time spent.
Steps to build and/or run the software:
- Ensure rust is downloaded
- Have visual studio code and get the rust-analyzer extension
- in the console: cargo run --bin Study_Timer this will run the program.
Instructions for using the software:
- Run the program in the command prompt
- Respond to questions for study time and breaks.
To recreate the development environment, you need the following software and/or libraries with the specified versions:
- make sure cargo.toml has rodio = ".17" to ensure it plays mp3 file correctly.
- make sure cargo is updated and current. run... cargo update command prompt
I found these websites useful in developing this software and learning new things for rust:
- []
- chatgpt
The following items I plan to fix, improve, and/or add to this project in the future:
- [Data collection for users to see what is optimal for study time vs break time for individual users and potentially all users in future]
- [Using Threads to allow users to pause, play and stop timer.]
- [Have a better visual for the timer outside of the command prompt so this can be used more as a desktop app than just command prompt usage.]