This application is completly unuseful as an executable application.
Therefore, the exe was erased. this application is no longer of any use altogether. However, for recording, review, validation, sample and any other purposes, you are free to use it. However, please handle it appropriately at your own risk.
This application and this source code once existed for a limited number of old Twitter users.
The following content remains unchanged from the previous
This app run Terminal and write with C#. ".jpg-large" and ".png-lage" files in selected directories rename to .jpg , .png.
1. Please make 'JpgPng-Large_Renamer_path.txt' at same Directory of exe.
2. Write your Directory Full Path of exist .jpg-large & .png-large files,
One path by one row.
Reccomend writing your default download directory Path.
3. Run this app. All jpg,png-lage files in these directory rename.
.jpg-largeと.png-largeがデータ同じなのにダウンロードしてきたとき面倒なので(主にtwit*er) 'JpgPng-Large_Renamer_path.txt' にディレクトリのフルパスを書いてexeと同じ場所におき、 実行するとディレクトリ内部の拡張子のlargeを全部消し去って普通のjpgとpngにしてくれます。 デフォルトの画像ダウンロードフォルダとかを書いておくと楽です。