download Couchbase Sync Gateway: http://www.couchbase.com/nosql-databases/downloads
move sync_gateway bin file to a directory that is included in your $PATH environment variable. For example: usr/local/bin
Prepare Sync Gateway Config:
{ "log": ["CRUD", "CRUD+", "HTTP", "HTTP+", "Access", "Cache", "Changes", "Changes+"], "interface":":4984", "adminInterface":":14985", "facebook":{ "register":true }, "databases":{ "gw":{ "server":"walrus:/Users/danil/Documents/temp", "bucket":"default", "sync": ` function(doc, oldDoc) { channel("all_docs"); if (doc.type === "salesperson") { var userID = doc.user_id; //if user logged as admin we add him access to all_docs channel and role if (doc.isAdmin) { access(userID, "all_docs") role(userID, "role:admin") } if (oldDoc) { //salespeople can only be approved by admin. when we approve sales person we grant him access to all_docs channel if(doc.approved && !oldDoc.approved){ access(userID, "all_docs") requireRole("admin") } else{ //salespeople can only be edited by themselves requireUser(userID) } } else{ //salespeople can only be created by themselves requireUser(userID) } } } ` } } }
Start sync_gateway with current config file:
sync_gateway syncgateway_walrus_config.json
- data base name specified insyncgateway_walrus_config.json
- you can find your ip by usingifconfig
Run application on your device and simulator
Turn on logging as admin to add modification in data base
See how data is synchronized between simulator and device
You can find how to setup your env with real server here: http://www.atkit.com/dev/couchbase-sync-gateway-setup-in-5-minutes-4-couchbase-lite/
Use these Commandline Arguments to see verbose logs of syncronization process:
-LogSync YES -LogSyncVerbose YES -LogRemoteRequest YES -Log YES
curl http://USERNAME:PASWORD@syncadm.couchbasecloud.com:8083/DB_NAME/_changes
curl http://USERNAME:PASWORD@syncadm.couchbasecloud.com:8083/DB_NAME/_user/
curl http://USERNAME:PASWORD@syncadm.couchbasecloud.com:8083/DB_NAME/_user/USER_NAME {"name":"USERNAME","all_channels":["all_docs"],"email":"email@gmail.com","roles":["admin"]}
curl -v -XPUT http://USERNAME:PASWORD@syncadm.couchbasecloud.com:8083/DB_NAME/_user/USER_NAME -d '{"all_channels":["all_docs"],"roles":["admin"]}'