- python 3
to install the python requirements run
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
For a simpler and cleaner Ansible install use a python virtual-env. In order to do so create a directory:
$ mkdir Ansible
$ python3 -m venv Ansible
So enable the virtual environment using :
$ source Ansible/bin/activate
now that you have the venv enabled, it's time to install Ansible (Note: Ansible will be available only in the virtual environment):
$ pip3 install -r venv-requirements.txt
Now that everything is ready you can run the playbook create-vm.yml
$ ansible-playbook -i Inventory/localVars.inv create-vm.yml --ask-become-pass
Check the IPs taken by the VMs and put them in /etc/ansible/hosts
virsh net-dhcp-leases default
<YOUR_IP_ADDRESS> ansible_user=docker
run the check-vm.yml
to check the VMs status and install docker
$ ansible-playbook -i Inventory/localVars.inv check-vm.yml --ask-become-pass