Tech Cards are 2-column .csv files following the flashcards model. It's possible to use simple answer, fill-in-the-blank, yes/no and image questions. They can be used by any tool but were designed, in the first place, to work on StudyBlue.
Go to your StudyBlue account and create a new folder. Next, got o the option "Add Study Materials" and then "Make Cards". On the next screen, click on "Import..." and select any .csv file from this repository. After that, click on "Done", give it a name and as destination, select the folder previously created. Start studying!
Question: It maintains a conversational state.
Answer: Stateful
Question: In JMS, there are two types of destinations: _______ and ______.
Answer: queues, topics
Question: Y/N - The window object is visible in node.
Answer: N